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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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since 03/09/06 installation

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
My life, as I know it, has landed me in Brandon, Manitoba.
I short while ago I remembered an incident from my childhood.
Kids club. Grade 6.
Our teacher asked us where we thought we'd end up. (Trying to make the point that we really didn't know where we'd end up). Most of the kids said they'd either move to Alberta, or stay in Saskatchewan. I was the only one who, oddly enough, said I was going to move to Manitoba. My friend then said, what about if she ended up in jail. I said I'd come keep her company. I've lost touch with that friend, but I don't think she's ended up in jail yet. So I don't have to keep her company.

In the month that that I've been here, I've learned things that I somehow missed before. Most importantly about loving God and loving people. Being out on my own, being myself, choosing for myself, what is going to have importance and what isn't, has taught me so much about myself and what my priorities are; what was lacking before, and what is still lacking. I know it's a very odd thing.

I love what I'm doing here. I love the people I've met. And I love the things I'm learning.
But my next learning experience is about my limitations. Physical and otherwise. Struggling through exams makes me wonder what I was really meant for. I worked hard to get here. I worked my butt off for 2 years to earn enough to make it this far. There's no way I can let myself fail. And learning not to do so, is the next experience. Pre-mid-term tests were a wake-up. And life gets even busier.

My typing doesn't make as much sense as it used to, although I was never really certain if I ever came to any conclusions. But I missed my blog. For at least one moment. And that's why this came out.

Seanna spake at 5:02 PM

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Facebook and real life have taken over. I guess that's why I hardly update this. No, I'm not a seriously hopeless facebook addict. But that may depend on your definition of hopeless and serious. I digress.

Plans are underway for fall. But I'm not going to comment on them for now, until it's a bit more etched in stone.

Starting next week hours are changing at job 1. Instead of being open 9-9 Mon-Fri, 8-6, Sat and 10-6 Sun, we will now be open 8-10 Mon-Fri, 8-10 Sat, and 10-6 Sunday. I'm not overly impressed because this means I'll be working til 11:30 instead of 10:30 most nights, and until midnight on Saturday instead of 8. And when you have to be at work at 7 a.m. at job 2, it makes a difference. I would be having a count-down to my next day off, except I don't know when it'll be yet. I think this stretch 'll be 22 days straight, bah.

It's hot and muggy, I got bright pink legs from spending a rare afternoon (half-day shift, yay!) in the sun, I'm addicted to excel Winterfresh gum, and that's about all that's new and possibly even half newsworthy. Adieu.

Seanna spake at 6:03 PM

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Once a year I'm supposed to have an appointment with my rheumatologist. To check up on whether or not my arthritis is progressing naturally or not. Really, I don't know how else to put it I suppose. Frankly, how is the doctor supposed to remember what I was like last year? At last year's appointment, she was sure I was doing a lot better than the year before. Maybe that's because it was a nice warm, sunny day, not a cold, rainy one like the year before? If you multiply 209 days (a maximum number of days I would suppose they'd work) times 16 patients a day (1/2 hr appointments on average, for I'm being generous), that's 3344 patients a year. I admit, that's probably high.. let's suppose 60% of the people have more than one appointment a year... that leaves 1338 that are only once a year. Maybe I was memorable. I know, I'm just so charming, I stand out in the crowd, for sure. Whatever, I digress. That's not the point. Not at all.

So that you don't have to get a referral every year, as you leave, they make a new appointment for you for a year minus a day or 2 away. Then that's it. No appointment card for you to put on your calendar (if you are indeed organized enough to already have a calendar for the next year, and remember to put it on it), no letter or phone call a few days in advance to remind you that you're yearly arthritis checkup is almost upon you, and that you'll be once again doomed to sit in the boring cubicle wearing a thin cotton robe that doesn't do up properly at the back, making you feel nude, (but I guess that would be a logical feeling seeing that you are, in fact, almost nude) waiting and waiting for the few precious moments when the doctor will come in to inspect the specimen...

Last year, as I recall, my physiotherapist for some reason, had been flipping through my folder and saw that, hey, don't you have an appointment in a couple of weeks? And I think I had to drop a shift at work to get there. However, I believe my old folder at physio got garbaged when that therapist left... and in the busyness of working and working, and working some more, and maybe even sleeping, some things, like an appointment scheduled a year ago, doesn't exactly pop into your head. I would appreciate a phone call or such, even if it were the day before, as a reminder.

Some of this is still not my point. I can take all that crap. I don't diss all doctor's offices. I've been to some pretty good ones, though I've often thought about becoming a doctor, and changing the things that as a patient I've often, I repeat, often (for I've never had much luck with being super healthy) experienced, for the better in my clinic. But I guess I just don't really feel led that way after all.

What gets me is the fact that, after apparently missing my yearly appointment on Tuesday, I promptly get a letter today, no, pardon me, an invoice, billing me for $50 bucks for not showing up. Apparently that's their policy. No shows get dinged fifty dollars, for what? Forgetting one day in a year scheduled a year ago? If the place it too cheap to spend 50 cents and mail me a reminder , I'm certainly too cheap to hand over 100 times that much. I don't have any intention of paying it, to be sure.

Seanna spake at 12:02 AM

Friday, June 22, 2007

I wasn't supposed to be thinking. Well I was, but not about what I was thinking about. I should have been and should be studying, but was also in the process of trying to decide which is more beneficial: sleeping when one is overworked and overtired, or studying, when one has her final on Monday and with only 2 days off work so far this month, hasn't had time to study much? With not too much time left, I don't know the answer to that long, unintelligible question, but I hope I get the right answer. And as for the rest of my thoughts, I'm not so certain they'll ever make sense.

Seanna spake at 12:18 AM

Sunday, June 03, 2007

I can't take the smell of beer at 5:30 in the morning.

It's not that I'm drinking it myself that early. I'm not. I'm hardly functioning at that point. I'm cleaning it up.

I find respect is hard to come by at a golf and country club. You're probably not as well to do as the players, so you get some, but not that much. And I find it hard to respect those I serve when you come upon a pig pen left by them, like I did in the wee hours this morning; chicken bones, popcorn, chip bags, enough grass to mulch a garden, covering the floor, bottles everywhere, poker chips strewn everywhere, enough plastic straws to build a straw bridge as they do in fairs, and the scantily clad cardboard cutout "chick caddy" seated on a chair on the deck: someone was desperate for a girl?

And 4 hours later, boss included, they're all back, still hung-over, to do it all again. How can you even shoot straight when you can't see straight? Summer, at the Golf & Country Club.

Seanna spake at 4:45 PM

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Another A & W Non-Adventure

So often lately, it seems, I end up at A & W on my coffee breaks at "Job A", with one or more of several of the guys I work with. Simply because, it's a 2 minute walk as opposed to a 5 minute walk to Dairy Queen. So when you're dealing with a), someone who eats as slow as me, and b) 15 minute breaks, walking time counts. And besides, I like the glass mugs of [root]beer. The "simply because" selection of people I go with, I haven't figured out the reasoning on that one out yet. Were I to stop and think about it (as I am about to do) the reasoning might go something like this...
Dude, did you know that we work at the same place?
No way....
Yes way....
I want something to eat.
Did you know I have a "coffee" or "munchie" break in a couple minutes?
No way. Dude, you want to like, go drink [root] beer together?
Way. Why didn't I think of that?
Because you're a loser. You have to be a loser to work here...

Wait, that's not exactly "simply because" reasoning. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist (why do they always get to be the smart ones in examples?) to figure out, after you've worked with people for up to 2 years, and you get along well, why the heck NOT drink [root]beer together?

OK, after all that crap, maybe I'll quickly say what my intended non-adventurous story was.

I put petrol in the truck today.
I stopped to buy some toiletries.
Most of my moola, I've already transferred to one of my savings accounts. My strategy for not spending money?
Tomorrow is one of 4 paydays a month.
Thus, I was low on money tonight.

But myself and one of the usuals went to the orange and brown place... And I was in better financial shape that him. He was broke broke broke. So I bought my Mama burger and [root]beer, and felt slightly bad that he'd have to sit there with nothing. (On this occasion, he couldn't talk his friend working there into giving him a free drink), and so I added a small [root]beer onto the bill for him. But I then realized I wouldn't be able to afford it. I would be 7 cents short on the debit card. So we went looking around and dug through our pockets, and looked around the counter and found 30 cents that someone had left behind. Perfect! We could afford it after all.

And the moral of the story is, folks, please always leave 30 cents behind on the counter at A&W. Because you might just make the day of the poor grocery store people who can't afford their [root]beer.

Seanna spake at 1:05 AM

Monday, May 21, 2007

It's not as easy as 1, 2 3.

It's a pet peeve of mine. Not about a pet. Just the peeve part, basically. So as not to confuse those funny people who think that pet peeves have to be about pets. I digress...

You know how sometimes you may purchase, or receive something (somehow, in some way, as long as it's not by shoplifting) and it'll have DIRECTIONS. And directions are pretty much always good; about 2/3's of the time, are helpful. But if you're not following this, you might as well quit reading now, as you are obviously directionally challenged. The alternative being that I'm directionally challenged, which I refuse to accept. Or I would refuse to accept it, if it were true. But it isn't the case, so we won't even worry about it anymore.

To the point, before I get sidetracked out of even remembering my point.

Beware of "It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!" advertisements. Because, each numeral most likely has 3 or more sub-points. So in all actuality, it's more like, "It's not as easy as 1, 2, 3.!" "We're trying to fool you, you loser. It's 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 ,6 7, 8 and even 9!"

But if at first glance, the non-shoplifted product has 5 or more steps, it's a gooder. For they're not trying to fool you. They're up-front and honest. You can trust them. That they know how to write instructions, and more importantly, the instructions will work.

And for those who don't need no darn instructions in the first place, easy, or otherwise, what did you bother reading that crap for?

I'm going to bed. I'm tired, and must be at work, at both jobs, yet again, tomorrow. My only consolation is the stat holiday pay for like, 12 hours. zzz....

Seanna spake at 1:45 AM

Friday, May 11, 2007

I have a painted, wooden dalmatian dog face stuck to the side of my monitor. I'm not sure why. Except for the fact that elly had it for some reason, gave it to me for some reason, and I put it there instead of throwing it out for some reason. I do not know what that reason is. It's tacky in any case, but I guess it can stay there for a while.

On a not quite so random of a topic, I'm now working 2 jobs. I suppose it was late last Monday night I sent an e-mail w/ attached resume to the manager of the golf course. I stumbled out of bed all 2 feet to my computer early the next morning and found a response from the said guy, asking if I'd like to come in for an interview. So in between work and another appointment, I went in that morning and got hired the next day. An average day now may be working from 7 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. with 2 or 3 hours off in the afternoon.

Right now it's a very boring job. I cook. It's not that busy. I clean tables. It's kind of "canteen" style. You try to keep straight which clone golfer guy with a polo shirt and cap wanted which kind of soup, and which golfer guys all dressed in polo shirts and caps paid, and which didn't. The maintenance guys tell me it will get more exciting when I work during tournaments. More exciting than, woo, we got a new stove- one that ALL works, and when was the last time this deep-frying oil was changed?, anyway. But I get paid more there than I do at old said grocery store, after 2 whole years and 4 raises later. Three cheers for boredom.

Anyway, if I had more healthy/ strawberry/ banana/ orange juice left, I'd make a slushy, but I think I'm out. What the hey..

Seanna spake at 9:19 PM

Saturday, May 05, 2007

My career on eBay will be beginning shortly. I want these sandals.

Seanna spake at 3:22 PM