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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Ye haw. Three hours and I'm in a stuffy van on the way to a stuffy province. I don't know why but I've never liked Manitoba. Don't suppose this trip will help my impressions of it any.

Well yesterday I finished up at the music festival. This is the earliest I've ever had to play and also the most pieces I've entered before. (I'm not sure if that's saying anything or not. Whatever.). On my first piece, "A Little Song" I did pretty good.. got an A. My Sonatina (to which I can't recall all the opus variation numbers and such) I got a 87 (my first and last first place of the year.) "Little Forest Bird" (lame name, but nice enough song) I got an A on. "Dance" I was really dissapointed in, but since there was only 2 in that class, I got a second with a mark of 84. Ouch. The other guy was playing a grade 10 piece. I took 2 years out, so I'm just doing grade 6, but I want to keep on with it, so I am. And my last piece, "Fantasia", I was supposed to play today (but for obvious reasons, couldn't) so they let me play it yesterday. However, since I wasn't with the rest of my class, they couldn't give me a mark. It's comforting to know that they have to compare you to everyone else before they give a mark of any sort. But I feel I did quite well on it- beter than I expected, so I'm cool. So yeah... I'll be back Saturday....

Seanna spake at 5:42 AM

Monday, March 29, 2004

I'm really trying to have a good attitude about this retreat thing, but the fact is, I have no desire to go, but I'm being forced to.  Anyhow, here are my reasons for not wanting to go.
1. I don't wear skirts. A shock, I know, but on this trip it's skirts only for 4 days. The pastor has decreed even on the van ride it's a skirt, and a skirt only shalt thou wear. Of course, I'll humor them.
2. Big groups of giggle pre-teens and ditzy, flirty blondes (pant and skirt wearers alike) annoy the heck out of me. I'm a very cool blooded, calm, non-excitable person. There's sure to be some there. I'll take a bottle of Advil. (Also because I've had alot of back pain lately.)
3. I can't take my CD player. Ok, I can live without it, but haven't gone on a trip for several years without it. Still, they all want me to bring it and my car adapter so we can listen to Adventures in Odessey on the way. Oh, fun! But I'm not. I'd then take my other music which they wouldn't appreciate. And remember, I'm obeying the RULES!
4. I have alot of school to do and other things planned, but those get the back burner.
But I'm going. That's that. I leave at 8 a.m. on Wednesday and get back spmetime on Saturday. But I'll try to get something out of it, and I'm taking plenty of snacks.

I got 3 new CD's the other day. Actually, I didn't buy them. A lady I know gave them to me. Delerious, godeep and Sandy somethingorother. Possibly South African, since she is. I haven't listened to them all yet But, they're still in their jewel cases. I opened my CD wallet Friday night to find that "Thrive", my favorite CD, was cracked. ouch. Most CD's I wouldn't bother re-paying for, but this one I will.

Also, the other night I found a page in my Bible I had forgotten about. A prayer list I had done about 2 years ago. Whether God answered them the way I wanted or not is no the point. You accept things, grow from them and move on. But 80% of the requests I've seen answers to.

Seanna spake at 6:19 AM

Thursday, March 25, 2004

I survived the shopping trip somehow. I stopped at a book sale though, and got "She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall", and "The Seduction of Christianity" as well as the next 2 theory books that I need. I don't really like reading, but, right now I'm reading "Let's Roll" by Lisa Beamer and "The Scottich Chiefs", which is rather lame, because they kill off Lady Marian, the fair maiden in Chapter 2.

Also, I sprained my toe on Monday. How, pray tell? I was running somthing out to the garage (and it's easier to get at it from outside than inside) and I kicked a 2x4 that some idiot left laying on the driveway. In socked feet mind you. So yeah, now it's swollen.

And I'm being forced to go to the retreat in MB. But I don't have time to rant about that now. Later.

Seanna spake at 6:20 AM

Saturday, March 20, 2004

I have to go shopping today. Seriously, I'm so un-domestic (you'd never guess) that I despise shopping. I really should get some new summer clothes since I detest looking frumpy (a contradiction?) but I really don't feel like looking through racks of things I don't like, trying on a dozen things that don't fit and then paying through the nose for the one thing that does. At least nose sizes don't matter for clothes or I'd really be in trouble. Maybe I'll find a $20 on the floor in the housewares isle in Wally World like I did once. But back to the topic at hand... I'm being forced to go shopping. Oh the trials of life. The only thing I want to get is the new Jeremy Camp CD (which, come next paycheck, I'll have faster than you can say "essy needs a nose job." Maybe.) The other thing about shopping is you get the nasty choices of what colour? (Cnd sp. ) Blue-black, brown-black, brown, light brown, soft black, jet black, or pink mascara. And which out of three different styles by the same company for the same price? I think it might be good to go back to an old-fashioned mercantile. It would save alot of headaches (which means not as many brands of acetaminophen and ibuprophen) because you'd only have one choice. No wonder they didn't need psychologists back then. Not as much stressful shopping. (but we won't get into any conspiracy theories here.) Everything was the soothing colour of blue, or if you're lucky, 2 choices. Green too! Not, Tylenol. But which kind? Extra-strength (which never helps anymore unless you overdose I guess), so then you have to go for the double extra strength, but never regular. But then there's Advil, or Wally brand, or some Fancydoctoryou'veneverheardof Brand.

In 9 days I'm playing 5 piano pieces in the music festival. Needless to say I'm practicing alot, and when I'm half through, my wrists hurt. But yipee. Anyhow, all that means is that I'm going to be forced to buy a new skirt for it when I go shopping. I need to find something unrelated to shopping, but it appears to have alot of distant cousins. *sigh*...

Speaking of Tylenol... yesterday I had the worst headache I've had for quite some time. But inspite of it I watched the Conservative Party leadership hopeful's speeches on T.V. Not the Belinda's suit helped my headache. She's the one who could use some help shopping. However, when Harper was giving his speech, his cheerleaders (or rah rah group in the back- whatever) kept cracking me up. The one guy kept doing the weirdest facial expressions (it's hard to explain) and laughing, one lady was so short you couldn't see below her bangs, another lady kept a straight face the whole time, and this other guy kept trying to peek past the weird face guy. No offense to Harper ( I do hope he wins.) but they were more interesting than him.

Seanna spake at 5:48 AM

Friday, March 19, 2004

Yeah, better re-publish this thing, lest my changes not show up.

Seanna spake at 6:39 AM

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Here's the much awaited (or dreaded, as the case may be) picture. L-R would be, Dave, moi (seated @ the computer), friendly people Ryan, Larissa, Pete (floor), elly & Keri. 6/7 wearing glasses and there isn't much glare. Not bad.
EDIT: Another picture a friend sent me. (never mind me needing a nose jobish.)Man, I'm going to miss them when they move.

Pardon me ifI sound slightly drunk. I was eating fermented cherries. mmmfizzycherries. Really, it was sick.

When I was getting dad to scan the picture, I was expecting another floopy for me to get the file off and then promptly wipe out, as I usually do, but instead he gave me a CD-R, and I was thinking, "a Cd-R dad, for onepicture?" But, he had also burned a bunch of funny movie clips that he likes to show around, on it. (They are, heh, now, in my care) The best ones are, of course, too long to upload on my hsconnex account, however, gaze some more at an idiot person.

In the near future, this page may fall into boredom (not that it was exciting in the first place) but I'm working on a new one- one that requires a bit more creativity. See y'all.

Seanna spake at 6:07 AM

Monday, March 08, 2004

This week is an anniversary. Something awesome I'm thanking God for. I'll try to explain. I was born with what we've always called a "condition". What it was, was every 2 months I would get hit with dizziness & afew other somplications, and for a whole week I couldn't do much. I would pretty much have to stay in bed for 5 days, then I was ok and back to normal. When you add it all up I spent over a year in my bed like that. We went to alot of doctors and specialists but not only could they not fix me, they had no clue as to what it was. I know it sounds a tad weird, but seriously, it's true. Meanwhile, I know alot of people were praying. The point is, at this time last year was that last time I had it. I've now not had any problems with it for a year. That's what's really awesome. I really had no idea how I was going to get a job with it, a paper route ever. In some ways this past year hasn't been the smoothest, but in other ways, it's been the best so far. I wouldn't try to change it. I'm so thankful God chose to heal me.

In other news, sometimes these uber conservatives take this "not being of the world" thing a bit too far. One family in particular had an experience on their way to church. #1, they were pulled over for speeding, #2, there was 10 of them squished in their 7 seated minivan (that's not unusual, and also, not the worst stunt they've done), and #3. their registration on their van had expirend several months ago. I hope they learned their lesson, but I doubt it; they came to the later service with all 10 of them shoved in their 6 seater Dodge RAM. My word...

Pics'll be along in a bit: dad hasn't had time to scan them at work this week. His scanning jobs are stacking up, heh. I told several people I would do some "stuff" to some of their studio pics on Photoshop. (stuff that normally costs $15 extra/sheet) Anyhow, I'm vamoosin'.

Seanna spake at 6:33 AM

Monday, March 01, 2004

My weekend at the homeschool convention

Friday: It sure started with a bang. We got to the hotel by 9:30 to help set up and by 11 I was registering walk-ups. Why, pray tell? I can type fast, (and can do 3 things at once?) and know my way around the computer system, since I was doing parts of it all along. I did that till 1:30 when I was relieved of my duties. So I went to say "yo" to Dave and then caught the last 5 minutes of the teen session where I met up with Jilli who I met several years ago. That day we (the teens) also went to the Western Devlopment Museum. I thought it would be boring but it was actually pretty cool. There were 5 in each tour group and each group got a guide, so I was with Jillian, my brother, Caleb, and Nick. Caleb and Pete insulted eachother the whole time (the whole weekend even) and Nick was only there for the Friday, but he was cool, though shy. But somehow I got eating supper with Caleb in the staff room (yes, we're staff) and happened to be in his way when he was dunking people in the pool that night, so I ended up avoiding him the next day. Anyhow, moving on... Jillain and I escaped from the pool and worked out in the gym until 10:30, where we met Rebecca. The thing was, the one wall was all mirrors, and the other one, windows towards the pool, so everyone could see les derrieres while we were working out. Not cool.
Saturday: I lost my watch so I missed half of the sessions I wanted to go to- even the "video editing 101", which, from the vids we saw that they did, would have been awesome. Basically, I played on the internet hookup in the lobby, talked to J.'s dad who is an RCMP officer (figures that I would do that, eh?), bugged Dave some more in there (he looked really bored) and worked on a contest. For it we had to get a signature from every post-secondary insititution there. So, I talked to the guy from Briercrest about how the guy from "downhere" should get rid of his mowhawk, and for some reason the guy from Millar thought I needed a new name, and so dubbed my, "Macedonia". Hm, ok. Also the guy from Nipawin tried to talk me into going to Probe there. I wish... It would be cool though. Then I hung out with Rebecca 1, Rebecca 2, and Liz, and my friends Amy and Larry, who came by. Oh, and we worked out in the gym some more.
Sunday: We got the glamorous job of taking the speakers out for breakfast and then taking them to the airport. Then we got back around 2and I got everything organized for the new route in the morning. It won't be a big deal.
I also got a new CD. It's R St. J., the live worship album. It's pretty good.

I let several people use my camera, so all 24 pics got used up. Most likely sme of them will show up here in afew days.

Seanna spake at 6:15 AM