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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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since 03/09/06 installation

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Tuesday, September 30, 2003
It's a cold mornng here in the North. Now lets see.... This Sunday there was this missionary dude from Ukraine at church (now you have to understand that this church is not exactly what I'm used to- it's Independant Baptist.) but it was sort of interesting. I would like to go on a missions trip to somewhere in Europish sometime.

Anyways, this weekend, we're hopefully going to Winnipeg (if everything works out) for the Winnipeg Prophecy Conference. But because of everyone's schedules, we can only go for Friday, which means we have to leave sometime around 3 am the "night" before. I guess we'll see how it works.

Seanna spake at 8:57 AM

Monday, September 29, 2003

Dearest Juliet and Daniel: It distreseth me that I might of grievest thee withst mine our activities of two moons ago. (nevermind that someone had done it to me before) For thought I meanst it only in sport, I feareth that shouldst your anger have been kindled against me, hardened feelings may result. I bow humbly and apologize. essy

Translation: Sorry guys. Even it Doomed in London starring Meg Ryan, Ben Affleck, and Tom Hanks would have made a great movie, I hope you aren't too mad at me. It was fun while it lasted. But really, this is an apology.

Seanna spake at 4:21 PM


EDIT: blogspot annoys me. :\

Seanna spake at 8:54 AM

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Well, I'm up early. No headache this morning. woo. Anyways... I hate "Password", but unfortunately, it's game that I'm good at, so I had to play Password lst night, and guess who's team won. Nevermind, I'm not saying.

Seanna spake at 6:15 AM

Friday, September 26, 2003

Yesterday someting horrible happened. I ran out of makeup!!! Like, yikes. Anyways... so I ride down to the drug store to buy some more (after I used up leftovers of three other shades- I'm so piebald) but I had forgotten that to look like a million bucks, you have to spend a million bucks. But this tme I was in luck. Only $5.97 for Maybelline True Illusion True Golden.... WOW! What a sale! So I'm happy now. Or, I was untill I had to do this Chemistry experiment today that wouldn't work. Sheesh... Anyways, must go reply to some e-mails and do Social Studies.

Seanna spake at 4:41 PM


This is the blogger (if I figure out how to do this) of essy aka Nadja. Yup... lets see if this works. :D

Seanna spake at 4:33 PM