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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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since 03/09/06 installation

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Saturday, October 25, 2003
Gosh, I'm tired. (And I have to get outside and do papers yet. *yawn*) On the agenda this past week: Homework, homework, headaches, fights, and oh. Did I forget to mention homework? But, at least the new glasses seem to be making the headaches come around less frequently. Wow. I didn't realize how much I couldn't see.

Well lets see... I guess it was last Satursay that dad taught me how to drive his work truck. (a standard. Size is no problem for me.) Heh. I love that thing. Big, diesel, front grill, standard. I guess big vehicles grow on ya. (Ohnygoodness. There's a bumper sprouting out of my toe. :p) Ok, er...

Yesterday I got a new CD. It's Have I Ever Told You by FFH. Awesome sale. Only 7 bucks!

The other night I had this dream that I was walking through a mall and I met a friend that I hadn't seen for ages. (Oh man, I wish it were true.) But hey, I came pretty close yesterday. Wrong mall, wrong friend, but still cool. I was just walking back from the bank, and I was like, "Ohmygosh! Jenni!" Hm, don't think I'd seen her for like, 2 years. So that was sweet.

Flash: Only 3 weeks... no wait. 2 weeks 'till Rachel's here. (woo for visiting online friends. Do I hear an amen?) It'll be cool. Anyways, I'd better git now...

Seanna spake at 6:33 AM

Saturday, October 18, 2003

Another morning of being up early. If I do this much more I'm going to keel over. But the reason this time is, we're filling in for my driver instructor and his daughter on their paper route. Actually, 3 of them. The whole area is like, 15 blocks but 5 blocks, and goes clear to the other end of town. It took us 3 hours yesterday. Man, with the weekend edition papers this morning, it'll be heavy. Ah well, I'd better get at it, and we'd better have tea for when I'm back.

Seanna spake at 6:01 AM

Thursday, October 16, 2003

The other day I had to go driving with my driver instructor for Driver Ed. I don't think I'm an uber bad driver, but neither do I think I'm very good. But I was like, ohmygosh... he gave me 9 out of 10 on how well I did. :0 Other than that, I'm still a book worm in my school books and downin' the ibuprophen.

Seanna spake at 12:59 PM

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Well, yesterday I picked out my new glasses. I just couldn't decide between these really thin brown plastic ones that were shimmery or copper wire ones that didn't have frames around the bottom of the lense. I finally decided on the copper ones.

The other day we also decided to wash the cat. Hey, any animal that sleeps in a litter box can get stinky. The only thing I will recommed about the experience is to wear rubber gloves. But now our dear Polly is very silky soft.

And today we have a Thanksgiving dinner at church. We went to the church last night to help decorate, and I am thoroughly fed up with crep (sp?) paper streamers. We (all girls under 18) also got the job of putting paper on the tables and randomly spreading confetti leaves around. The whole time I really could have used some extra strength ibuprophen. But hey, now it looks very fally-festive.

Seanna spake at 8:02 AM

Monday, October 06, 2003

Ah. It's nice to be back at my computer. I was at my Gramma's house this weekend, and I had my second experience with MSN. (The first was when I un-successfully tried to download it and spontaniously ran out of room on drives G, J, K, and L. Maybe it was because I had too many chat windows open. Whatever.) Me and MSN did not hit it off. This time I just signed on and this little 2"x3" bow with a red x came up and said it performed an illegal operation. That was that. Anyways, while we were visiting Gramma, we watched some lame 50 year old guy with greased back hair singing something and his singing something and his mouthing the words didn't match what was on music. and then we stopped by my Aunt and cousin's house on the way back and the whole trip I had a headache. Fun. Fun. But I drove 5 of the 7 hours and was over the speed limit the whole way. However, the cruise isn't working on the van right now, so needless to say, my leg is sore. That was my weekend.

The other day I bought the Jeremy Camp CD. mmmmm It rocks so hard. And on Saturday we're going to go glasses shopping, so hopefully the new prescription will help these headaches.

Seanna spake at 8:29 PM