Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover
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+ + +
I have an extremely hard decision to make. East or west? Who to choose? Which team to cheer for at the Grey Cup: (when I'm such a loyal green and white fan.) the Montreal Aluettes or the Edmonton Eskimos to be exact. Sheesh, going east would be being kind to the easterners, but cheering west would be being kind to those horrid Albertans. *chuckles* I'm leaning towards the Esks, because I mean, it's not their fault they kicked the Riders butts, (and banjos?) it's the NDP's! *ignores all the weird looks* The Riders have never won the Grey Cup under an NDP government, so we can't blame the team. Blame the dumb politicians! Anyways, I just had to blab about that for a bit because I know you care so much about the CFL. :D
So I didn't have an extremely busy week or anything. I had several big tests in school (I think I got, well, average on them :\), and had several headaches, and started piano theory. I really should have started it ages ago, but never got around to it.
It's weird. I have such a hard time dragging myself out of bed at 6:00a.m. most mornings (I'm a very heavy sleeper.) but yet I never do getting up at say, weird hours. Like this morning I've been up since 5. I actually do some of my best work at the hours of 2a.m. to 5a.m. Go figure... Anyways. Forget it, eh?
Now for my expose on politics. And if you don't like my political views, too bad. You can't skip this to the end to find out about my rockin' ri togetherness weekend. I forbid it!
So, for the provincial election. The socialist NDP'ers (who in the whole bunch, a decent hair cut cannot be found.) got 30 seats and the more refined Saskatchewan Party got 28 seats. I do feel a small amount of sympathy for the Liberals though. Federal Liberals suck, but the provincial leader wasn't that bad. It would have made my day if the SK Party had won the seat that was so close (or all the close seats for that matter. Yeah, that would have been a way too much to hope for.) and if the Libs had gotten at least Karwacki in instead of the NDP guy that did. That would have given the SK Party 30, and the NDP 28. :D Even Better that all of this of course, would have been if the SK Party had gotten all 58 seats! Er, right. Just kidding! Saskatchewan was the first place in North America to have a socialist government, so obviously, SK politics suck.
In federal politics... I'm not trying to dis Bono, but really, will him attending the coronation of King Paul Martin (who is 4 years Chretien's junior) give the Libs a younger generation look? Dude, the guy is almost as ancient! (Shall we buy Martin some bug eye glasses? Uh.. NO WAY! I wouldn't give 'em a penny!)
So for the ri togetherness. *bg* It rocked. Need I say more? Yes? Well, ok. Elly went and picked up Rachel Thursday night after her class and got back in the middle of my piano practicing. So we went shopping after supper and stuff. (There's this sweet Garfield ride car at the mall so, being the Garfield nuts that we are, we got one of the ladies selling crafts at the craft show that was going on to take a picture of us piled on top of it.) And when we got back (After having alot of fun, heh, trying to get the oh-so-new-car-door open) we sat around and talked alot. But the morning, being Friday, I had to do school. So they went to tour the town. (I commanded elly to buy me some chocolate marshmallow pumpkins.) And, they bought flip mitts! Ack! Where's mine!?!? I'm still looking for them. So, I get online at break, and they're at the library, so I'm being warned online from across town to not trip going up stairs to go find my flip mitts, or whip elly for eating my chocolate marshmallow pumpkins. (Really!? You idiot!) Did you make sense of that? No? Ok. Suffice it to say I'm eating my last chocolate marshmallow pumpkin right now. I'll cry when it's gone. Nevermind. >_< After lunch Rachel had to go to the venue to set up for the supper. (You know... the reason she was here!) and I did such fun things as getting 100% on my French quiz, and driving people around town. Then elly and I went to the Wycliffe drama theater supper. The play was really cool, and Rachel did not burn any of the meal. It was really cool. Then we picked Rachel up at the early hour of 11 p.m. and sat around eating chocolate marshmallow pumpkins and playing with flip mitts. We also took picture of us eating chocolate marshmallow pumpkins and playing with flip mitts. Oh, and bunnies.. :p Alas, we did not do this all night; she had to leave early, so we got up at 7 and listened to Newsboys on the way down to Macs, got some stuff for her lunch, and then went to the pick-up, where we group hugged and sniffed and stuff... Anyways, she's off. But it was really neat to meet her. You're never sure how things are going to go when it's someone you've only met online or only in writing. (which I've gotten to do 2 times. No wait, 3 times. :D) But this one was definately best. It rocked. No offense anyone! You rock too!
So, I finally finished Driver Ed. Saturday morning, and for the first time in my life, I half messed up one of my parallel parks, but he still gave me a 9. Wow. I hope I can do as well on my road test.
I've now finished eating my last chocolate marshmallow pumpkin. Now I need to go find my flip mitts. :D