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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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since 03/09/06 installation

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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
This is my Christmas edition of, uh, whatever I ramble about on here.
What I got. (From extended family. Immediate family hasn't opened any yet)
1. Socks. (I have no more room in my drawer! Not that I'm trying to be ungrateful)
2. Body Shop lotion and shower foam.
3. A glass figuring of a humming bird. (the delicate type of thing done by glass blowers)
4. A purse.
5. $60
6. $10 Blessings Gift Certificate.
7. Chocolates
We left our fine northern community on Christmas Eve after elly got off work, and had Christmas Eve with Gramma (mom's mom), and Christmas Day with Gramps and Granny (dad's parents) and my Aunt and Uncle on that side of the family and their little foster girl. (I have a number of Aunts, Uncles and cousins on mom's side, but they were elsewhere on the Eve.)

On Boxing Day we got up early and went out for breakfast with an Aunt, Uncle and some cousins. First we went to one restaurant. However there was only one server on there with quite a full house already, and the cook in the back was yelling about if the gass was on yet. Plan B. We tried Smitty's, but it was closed. So for Plan C, we ended up at Tim Hortons. Good ol' Tim's. Then we did some shopping, and ran into some people we know from where we used to live, and I got some sweaters on an excellent sale. Then back at Gramma's house we visited with an Aunt and Uncle who had just got back and heard about their trip... On Saturday we did more shopping, then off to Gramps and Granny's house for supper. Then, back at Gramma's house we watched "The Sound of Music". This may sound weird, but that's got to be one of my favorites- I've probably watched it 100 times. Anyhow, Sunday dawned bright and clear, but the powers that be declared that we infidels go to some lame church. That was a bore, which I shan't go into anymore. Then we went back to Gramma's house for lunch with an Aunt and Uncle. Then we packed the buggy and started North again. Throughout the trip though, the cat was was not on her best behavior. She strangled Joseph with her leash, and felt the nativity scene was a good place to sleep, and pulled apart 2 floral arrangements at Gramps and Granny's house, and then broke a large branch off Gramma's prized 50 year old Christmas cactus in full bloom. Curiosity killed the cat ye know. Anyway, that was my Christmas.

Yesterday I was working on html stuff. I had to take all these awesome books back to the library by 6 o clock, so I spent all day typing, editing, experimenting, etc.. We'll see if a website actually finds its way out of my brain anytime soon. I do have afew ideas.

Today we're having some friends over for supper, so I still got more cleaning to do. (Like, to dine and commune with, not to eat them for supper. Just thought I'd clarify.)

Seanna spake at 6:48 AM

Friday, December 19, 2003

I was just thinking that I should actually post something on here. The problem is, what to post?

For starters, I gave the cat a bath. I can't prove it because I have no scratches, but indeed, I did.

The paper route is going swell. Actually, it's swelling too. (Oh, that was corny) But anyways, at this time of year, everyone is in a generous mood, so while delivering I got packages and such. Three cards with $5, $10, and $10 respectively, two $5 gift certificates to the movie rental store, and a tin or Swiss Milka Chocolates. I love my route. :D

Yesterday was my birthday. Yes, I'm now 16 and such. Whatever. I suppose I could list everything I received... Uh... no. But my sister gave me these big stuffed dog slippers and the cat is certain that dogs have taken over her territory. She's been chaing my feet all day.

I've got a major biggy Algebra test coming too. I'm studying, but I don't know how I'm going to pass it. But it won't be 'till after holidays, which gives me more time.

Speaking of holidays. The word is musick to my ears. (What? You've never seen music spelled like that? Read a KJV 1611 version already.) I've got pretty much all of my Christmas shopping done. It's early for me. I'm usually the type who saves it all for the 24th or the Saturday before; but actually, on our shopping trip, I found so many good sales, I finished most of it that day.


Seanna spake at 4:48 PM

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Yesterday was our great Christmas shopping trip with most of the girls from church. It was tones (or tonnes? hmmm) of fun. First, we started out at Mall No 1, and went to lots of shoppes there (Laura, who we lost for a bit, came back holding her nose when we experimented with the awesome Tommy Girl perfume) , and then to Mall No 2. (and of course, I found lots of good Christmas presents!) Then we went to Tim Horton's for lunch. It was weird, the guy behind the counter- this older guy- he's like. "what is this?", and Mrs, uh, I'll call her Mrs. Mom, said "a Christmas shopping trip." And he kept looking at us weird. So then he's like where are you from? Well, we were in P.A., but I shant say where we're all from, but anyways, we just thought that was a tad strange, just they way he was looking at us weirdly. Then we were driving to Wally World, and Mrs. Mom starts waving at the person in the police car beside us, then Liz (who was driving) looks in the rearview mirror, and says, "She's pulling us over!" So yeah, we got pulled over, but, it was a lady I'll call Constable Lady, who they all know, and she wanted to just say hi. But meanwhile, all these people are driving by really slow, looking and thinking like... "They got pulled over. Hmm, wonder what for. And they're laughing with the police officer!" Double confusion. Anyways, that was terribly funny. So then, we couldn't find Mrs. Mom in Wally World, so we got her paged. (supposedly they do that alot in their family.) After that we went to SAAN and Mark's Work Wearhouse. So yeah, it was cool.
Oh, and, the paper businesss is also going good. 2 new starts this week. I'll take that anytime!
Guess that's it for now.

Seanna spake at 7:31 AM

Monday, December 01, 2003

Well.... yesterday we went to the pastors family's house after church. Mary and Liz, the two I usually hang with were singing at a church a ways away in the morning, so Elly and I taught their younger sisters how to knit and discussed the dumb comics from the ACE PACES with the boys. Hm, I've never spent an afternoon like thatbefore! And then after the evening service there was the Christmas play practice. My part is well... a grumpy lady who complains about the census. Of course, that's better then 2 years ago when I was a goody two shoes who went on and on about how cool it was to be caroling with a cold nose. I had a major weirdo for a "brother". No wait. That was 3 years ago! Wow, I haven't been in a Christams program for 3 years. Ain't I too old for this yet? Anyways... I'm going to hmm... do something....

Seanna spake at 7:56 PM