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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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since 03/09/06 installation

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Thursday, January 15, 2004
Lately, I am purging my room of all unneccessary evils. I think the garbage people will be charging us extra for picking up our garbage this week. I can't believe how much stuff I threw out. I also can't believe I still had that much junk sitting around after that many moves.

I also had a major Algebra test on Tuesday. I was really worried about that one and thought I would flunk it, but it turned out to be not too hard and I got a pretty good mark on it. I guess all that studying paid off.

On Yesday I think it was, on the front of the newspaper, there was a picture of a sumo wrestler, who retired in 1997, and just got married. I got in a discussion with a elderly gent. while I was delivering them, about it, and he thought the little lady should watch out or he'll just bak up one day and squish her. Anyhow, since the sumo guy is now a T.V. celebrity, we figured she probably married him for money since she was a former health care worker. (I wonder if she's going to help him lose wight, or if that's what makes him famous. Yeah, probably. ) And it's also kinda funny, there's a cook lady in the seniors condos where I deliver papers, and I have no idea where she found out what my name is, but every morning now she walks by and says "Morning, Seanna!". She also plays a wide assortment of music very loud in the mornings. Everything from praise and worship to rock to southern gospel. Speaking of praise and worship, I just got WOW Worship Yellow last week. I really like it. But man, the song Delirous does, heh, is so country. Anyhow, that's about it.

Seanna spake at 6:48 AM

Monday, January 05, 2004

Monday morning, and it's back to the old routine. yay. ? Anyhow, how I spent my New Years and such. New Years Eve we opened presents. (as a family, thats what we do because we're always elsewhere for Christmas) Then I sat around eating shrimp and drinking pop 'till about 1 o clock when I wandered off to bed. On New Years I did not an awful lot. Just bummed around and such, but it was uber nice to be able to sleep in.

Right now I'm reading Prophet by Peretti. Actually, on NYE mom was reading us this book called the THOR Conspiracy by this dude named Burkette, so she finished reading it the other night, but I was so tired I fell asleep during the "exciting part" where they blow everything up and such, so whatever.

Anyhow, I've got to go deliver all those great Star Phoenix's now, but I'm not looking forward to it- it's (might as well quote it from the ever-present weather page) Extreme wind chill minus 49 this morning and minus 39 this afternoon. Mhm, I'll call that extreme. So, off I go....

Seanna spake at 6:44 AM