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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Well, I found out when I start the new route. On Monday, which is sort of what I figured; beginning of the month. I was out delivering an afternoon paper this Monday though, and I fell quite badly on a really slippery driveway, so I'm limping around... I almost passed out, but my brother was across the street so he helped me back to the house. Then we found that mom and our little sister had gone somewhere and had locked the house, and neither of us had keys, so we're sitting there, and I'm trying to clear my head, so bro boy goes over to one of our neighbour's houses (one of the ones that know a little bit) to use the phone and call dad. So dad comes back from work to unlock the house and make sure I'm ok and such. So I finally get sitting down in the house (where else but in front of the computer) and The Boss calls to see when he can come over so I can sign the papers. I think he said Thursday, but I can't recall I was so out of it. Normally a fall wouldn't hurt (I've had way worse) but I just happened to land on my knee that I injured 5 years ago that never quite healed. That's why it's so painful. Hopefully it'll be better by Monday for the new route. Friday even, because I don't feel like hobbling around the convention like an old man. The thing is, the teens get the pool Friday night, and I'll have this majorly big bruise all over my left knee. Eww. Anyhow, I guess that's about all that I've been up to. (besides the usual French homework and Algebra, and piano, and Chemistry, etc, etc.)

Seanna spake at 7:04 AM

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Well, I decided I'm not going to that retreat. It sounds too strict. and if you think I'm kidding, I'm not.

Yesterday we were at a Creation Science thing. There's verse memorization, quizzing and public speaking, etc. Past years I've done alot more, but this year I just did a speech and quizzes. I wasn't sure if we were going or not, then at the beginning of the week, we decided we were, so I didn't have an awful lot of time to prepare, but it (my speech) went alot better than I expected. This year I actually found time to talk to alot of people in between stuff. Also, I got a book called Buried Alive by Jack Cuozzo, about Neanderthal Man. Apparently in the first half there's a chase through Paris, and the second half is very scientific. We'll see when I get around to reading it...

Next weekend is the homeschool convention, and the weekend after that is the anniversary of a major milestone in my life, but I don't have time to get into that now.

Seanna spake at 7:20 AM

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Quite soon I'm going to be starting a new paper route. I'm not sure when exactly, yet because the Boss hasn't called me back yet. However, getting one is a good thing because then my brother will have "his" route and I'll no longer be doing 2/3 of it.

I aslo have a big decision to make before Sunday and I just can't decide. Should I go to this retreat of not? The only thing hindering me is the dress code, which I won't go into detail about, but I've never in my life had such a strict dress code. Anyhow, I can't decide if it's woth the uncomfort.

Last night we went curling. I guess it wasn't too bad considering I haven't curled since grade 7. I can sweep, ok, but my aim and such need work.

An amusing incident from the other day: I was walking downtown and had just mailed some stuff and was waiting to cross the street. There's no lights at this crossing and the next 2 lights are programmed weird, so there's always traffic, so I'm standing there, waiting. Then this lady (late 40's I'm guessing) comes up beside me and says, "They aren't going to stop for us, we'll just have to make them!" So she takes my arm and we're running across the street, and half way across she's like "Look at that guy!" (someone slamming his brakes to avoid us), "He's skidding!" So anyways, that was kinda nuts.

Seanna spake at 6:20 AM

Saturday, February 07, 2004

I really think there's a conspiracy going on. For the 4th Sunday in a row, we've gotten invited over to someone's house for dinner after church. It's a ploy to get me to go to the evening service. I'm sure of it. Not that I'm rude or anything, just wacked out tired because I miss my afternoon snooze.

Lately my mom has been taking an html, web design course but doesn't seem to be catching on so quick because the instructor doesn't explain things so well. So I've been trying to help her out with in because, isn't it so lukcy, I'm the only one around here who knows beans about PSP, Photoshop or about html? So last night I was helping her with a fruitbowl picture editing assignment and at the end I was like, "Isn't that a great picture?", (as good as fuitbowl editing gets). And mom shrugs and says "I wouldn't have gotten this, this. this, and this figured out if you hadn't shown me. I'd still be sitting here." Some things like that just come naturally to me. Whatever.

Speaking of which, I'm also helping my dad with stuff for the homeschool convention coming up pretty soon. I shan't say what exactly, but I'm doing data bases, mailing, etc...

On Thursday I got my entry stuff in for the Music Festival. I'm doing 5 piano pieces that I have to get practiced up for an exam anyhow. It's at the end of March, beginning of April, and there's a youth retreat in Manitoba April 1st & 2nd that I wanted to go to. I wasn't going to mention it, but then dad was saying that he thinks I should go to it, so he asked the organizers to schedule me on others days. It's a small festival, and they value our patronidge, etc., so they said sure.

   Assorted other stuff from this week:
There was a blanket in the dryer and I thought it was done, so I opened the door. A while later mom came along and thought it needed longer, so she started the dryer up again and we hear this "ka-thunk, ka-thunk", so we investigate and the poor cat crawls out looking rather dazed.

I don't really enjoy documentaries, but I was watching one the other night on CBC about the Underground Railroad, and isn't it interesting that they went on and on about a deacon who beat his slaves and supposedly "justified" it from the Bible, and then only passably mentioned that it was alot of Christians (and Quakers) helping slaves escape. I guess it wasn't that bad, as far as CBC documentaries go.

And remember: "Don Cherry speaks the truth." Right.

Seanna spake at 6:38 AM

Monday, February 02, 2004

So I'm finally getting around to posting again. I usually do it early in the morning, but I've been so tired lately, I can't seem to pull myself out of bed unless it's something important, like my site. More on that later.

Anyhow, on Saturday, I did something very un-essy-ish. I spent more than 5 minutes on my hair. Shocking, I know. I always just half pull it back with a clip of some sort. back to what I was going to say. I was at my friend Laura's house, and she gave me this gel that is supposed to make your hair curly, but it didn't work on her hair. (btw, Laura is very obsessed with her ahir.) Ages ago at a salon, a lady used a similar thing on my hair and it worked, so I was like, "Sure, I'll try it." Well, it sort of worked. It wasn't curly, but crimpy so then... I just half pulled it back with a clip. What else? I'm so predictable. It really did look like a rats nest. Enough about hair, though, before you think I'm obsessed with it when that's hardly the case.

I also stayed up late on Saturday chatting (uh, duh) and coding, and singing. (as my brother puts it.) In other words, html coding and listening to CD's. My sis, elly and I are working on a website. Attempting to in our spare time anyhow. It's called Free's Peach loves free speech. I'm doing the majority of it because I supposedly have more spare time. Which is true, barely. I'm hoping we can have it up in a week or two.

Also, on Sunday after church a lady and her son invited us and the pastor's family over for dinner, which was nice. The immature 13 year old redneck boys who skin cats went outside and locked each other in the cow pens, the little girls giggled hysterically about who-knows-what, (and then when the boys came in and went downstairs... I could have used an Advil) and we girls did a Norman Rockwell puzzel while my mom and the lady talked in French. (Uh, why pray tell, is my CD skipping?? They just don't put anti-shock in CD-ROM drives. Whatever.) The only thing about going to people's houses for dinner is that I don't get my afternoon nap by the fire and we are then obliged to go to the 3 hour evening service and the fellowship afterwards, which does get late. And the evening services... I'm debating how much to say, but I'm really not enjoying this church very much. I don't feel comfortable with their style of service and such. And evenings are worst. They get off on little bunny trails that uber conservative Baptists hold so dear. i.e. music, the KJV, etc. Bleh.

Anyhow, I finally got my film developed. The following are some of the pics.

L-R: me, Rachel (when she was here from B.C.) and elly.

Elly and Rachel's bunnies.

Us at the mall.

A recent pic, obviously. So is the next one. In it, elly says I look like a hippie. Hmm.

That's all for now folks. Now off for some more coding...

Seanna spake at 8:36 PM