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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
I'm hyped. Something unusual. I'm going to Saskatoon in 3 days. Not quite as unusual. I'm saying goodbye to friends. It seems there's way too much of that in life. My good ol' pals Amy n' Larry are betaking themselves off to Toronto, where I shall never see them again, untill one of us gets the revolutionary idea to get married. (only as an excuse to get back together of course) So while I'm sad about their leaving, I'm happy because I'll actually get to say goodbye this time. The last 2 times I didn't. Only, it was me moving, not my friends. The first time, we planned for months, but I was too busy shoveling grain and cleaning crap, we never did. The second time it was such short notice, I stopped by to say goodbye, and they weren't home. It's a weird feeling, this mix of happiness and sadness. So we'll hang out for the day, and take some pictures, and then............

Seanna spake at 6:23 AM

Saturday, May 22, 2004

"Make getting home safely your goal today" the sign said. One of many signs on the drive up to the Weyerhaeuser pulp mill which I toured. It pictured a stick figure family holding hands. That made me wonder what are they planning to do to us? To start our tour, we watched a lovely safety movie about the safety procedures at the mill, and then got outfitted in our regulation dorky hard hats, respirators (for emergencies), earplugs, and safety goggles. We looked like aliens. Though we didn't get to tour the cooking room (for obvious reasons) we saw where the cooked pulp gets bleached, washed, dried, pressed, rolled, sliced and packaged. The whole thing. This particular day they were packaging for Xerox. It was interesting, but hard to hear what out tour guide was shouting. The noise, it said on signs gets to 95 decibels (thus the ear plugs). That, the hot temperatures (reaching up to 65 C on some days), the pressure in your head from the plugs, and climbing long flights of stairs up to high walk ways, was enough to make some lightheaded, myself included. But it was cool, er, hot.

Then, of course, since we were in "town", we had to go shopping. I hate shopping. Well, ok. I got a new shoulder rest for my violin, which I had been wanting for a while. Recently, we've been asked to play for the church folk. It's like a freak show. "Wow. 5 of them play. Isn't it cute?" And we pile on stage, play, bow, and bump each off other in our hurry to be over with it. It's been too long.

Seanna spake at 6:30 AM

Sunday, May 16, 2004

This past week a little ways away from here, 2 sisters were in a car crash on their way into town. A truck ran a stop sign and hit their Sunfire and both were killed. I didn't know them and am not sure how old they were, though I think I heard one was 17. Incidents like this bring several things to mind.
1.How short life is. I have no guarantee I'll even make it to 17. I could get mugged even tomorrow. What have I accomplished?
2. I'd rather drive the 12 passenger van than a little car any day.
3. How crazy other drivers are. Today even, when driving on the highway on the way home from church, I came close to hitting a truck coming around a corner. Number 1 rule of the road. Don't pass on sharp corners at high speeds, especially when it's a double yellow line. Duh. Like anyone would (hopefully) in that situation, I hit the brakes and yanked to the right shoulder and probably would have swore if I was the type. That's the second time someone has done that to me right in that little area.
Since all this, mom is certain she doesn't want me to get my license. What elly, dad and I told her is that she could just as easily get hit. If an idiot wants to run a stop sign, he'll dang well run a stop sign.

Seanna spake at 11:19 PM

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Wow. Not bad at all. Only 4 dogs to annoy me on the paper route this morning. Or, I guess, yesterday morning, since it's early hours. One even took time out from "being by its favorite tree" to come growl at me. I'm getting to muchly dislike dogs.

Also, "yesterday", we finished a study on Baalam. I thought it was really interesting. I just finished painting some beetles; one red and blue metallic, and one olive green with hippie flower power designs on it. I love painting cars. Other than that, I'm practicing alot for my grade 6 piano exam, on June 9th. Guess I shall head off to bed...

Seanna spake at 12:14 AM

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I think I should have been alive in the 70's. I just love 70's clothes, 70's music. I was listening to some of my parent's old 70's recoreds the other night. I wonder how I could transfer them to CD. hmm. Actually, me latest thing is jazz. Not for rockin' around headbanging, of course. Newsboys still rule for that. But just for easy listening homework stuff.

We were down south this weekend for Mother's Day, visiting relatives. I saw all of them except 3, which was nice since we see them only 2 or 3 times a year. I was even a lazy butt and slept in 'till 8 after subconciously turning off Gramma's alarm that was beeping some sort of bagpipe music. Now it's back to the usual getting up at 6 and going to bed at 12...

I don't know how I do it. I'm so stressed out right now it isn't funny.

Seanna spake at 6:21 AM

Thursday, May 06, 2004

In Literature, my textbook was raving about what an influential writer Ernest Hemingway was. Thus, so I could be an enlightened individual, I got some of his books out of the library. I finished reading "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber" last night. Great literature indeed. Anyhow, I've been attempting to stay off the Tylenol (it's downright scary how drowsy it makes me. But then that could just be from lack of sleep. Whatever.), but the most bothersome thing is that it (my pathetic back) bugs me alot when I'm driving. And I was hoping to go for my road test soon, seeing that I've had my learners for a year already.... Wow. A year today. How... lame. Well, I'm off to get my pearlies checked. I would kill for straight teeth.

Seanna spake at 5:56 AM