Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover
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+ + +
Am I disappointed in the outcome? Yeah. But in the last results I saw last night a 11:45, there were no NDPs elected in SK. I actually watched the live national coverage from 5 till almost 12 (and they didn't mention SK once. Not once. MB once, and AB several but oooh no, not SK. We seriously don't matter.) and drank a bit too much pop while I was at it. I feel rather ill. But I digress... It is odd though. SK is the birthplace of Canuk NDPism, and medicare and we didn't vote a one. heh. But the Libs are still in, so wo still have gun control, still have Flinstone army equipment and still cater to 1% of the population- the homos, who perceive that one of them should count as 10 straights. But there's still 2 things I'm wondering about all this. 1. How does the Bloc appeal to youth voters when their leader wears suspenders? (must be great French fashion....) and 2. Was that gun the Liberals were always shoving up our noses on the ads, registered?
*Note: Way to go CBC. You confirmed you actually are clueless.
Last night I was watching the French channel, (after watching the 1 1/2 hour Harper interview) and have a major question. Why do the Frenchies get fuzzy wuzzy, comforting, Liberal commercials while we Englishers get guns pointes up our noses? Talk about favouritism to Frencherners......
Tonight is the Back to the 50's streest party downtown. They park lots of spiffy new and classic cars on main street; you can dance, tow a truck, etc. and all the stores are open till 11 and put on sales. (a shopper's paradise? ....If you're into shopping.) So, as I always do, I'll go hang out for a while and then watch the fireworks.
Scariness. My dad, whom all his life (or rather, my life) I've never seen in sunglasses, came home with a pair of young-guy-in-a-sporty-car sunglasses. My word.
Last Wednesday was my piano exam. The examiner was very grouchy. Very grouchy, and kept clicking his pen to boot. "Any time now" he says. Well gee, if you hadn't taken 10 minutes out for a nicotine fix, you wouldn't be behind schedule, and I'll wait to play the dang piece if I dang want to. pft. I did quite well and expect to get a mark (compared to the last 2 I've done) in the mid-high 70's, unless the examiner really didn't like me, and then I'll sue him.
On Friday we drove 3 hours to my cousin's grad event put on be her church, and then we went to Granny's house for goodies, and then I slep in till 9 on Saturday, and would have slept till 10, had I not been awakened to be informed then we were to vamoose over to my aunt's house to look at... stuff. Not that it wasn't cool stuff. I was just tired. Then we went shopping (ugh. But when it's with my granny, I don't mind.), then it took 25 minutes before I finally got the van started so we could leave.... and on the way bak we stopped at a mineral spa. One of several in SK, but my first time at one nonetheless. It was neat as long as you could get used to the colour of the water- a dark yellow that reminded me of.... nevermind. Unfortunately, there were alot of old men mith hairy bellies in it, and they kept looking at my legs. Not because they're nice legs, but simply I stood our from the rest of the crowd. I don't have vericose veins. Makes you want ti get vericose veins. Almost. Not quite. Eh, no. No.
And then elly mistook an stupid NDP election sign in the ditch for a deer. Hey, they're both animals. Her point was?
Story 2: I dropped my mom off at the mall and parked. Rather than boring myself watching Huderites zoom around in goldfinch yellow Dodges with grills, windows down, somehow thinking themselves "with it", I turned on the radio. Instantly I had a sparrow on my rear view mirror boogien'. The dog in the van next to me twitched its rear in front of the window in time to "Dude Looks Like a Lady" and howled at the clouds. Two more sparrows formed a conga line, one in front of the other, hopping in perfect rythm. And the parking lot rocked on. Excluding the elderly couple who stopped, and pointed, at me, amazed that I'm old enough to drive such a big thing. Indeed, I handle it quite well too.