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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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Saturday, July 24, 2004
Oh the county fair is a very fair fair, it's the fairest fair in the world! Oh we'll have some fun at the county fair....
Yeah. Spent 4 hours at it yesterday. It was your typical, but well run, small town fair with more contestants in the horsemanship classes than spectators, food booths by the local do-gooders (all 462 of them), temporary tattoo stands, a midway with rides that are usually set up in a big mall parking lot somewhere, and a petting zoo that includes all of afew donkeys and some chickens. Really, you can't beat the feeling. Basically, I watched the tin can, er, chariot races, the minature horse show, the llama show and drank some watered down soda.

Anyhow, I'm off to camp 'till Friday.
Ye haw!

Seanna spake at 6:53 AM

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Much of the last 2 weeks I've spent at the pool. My little sister was taking swimming lessons, and since out of everyone in our family, I went the farthest in lessons, I was helping her practice. I don't really like swimming though...
The rest of my days, I've spent finishing up school work that I didn't manage to get done during the year. It is, of course, not fun, but has to be done, so whatever.
I also found out my mark for my piano exam that I did in June. I got 77. Not bad, I guess. Mom was pleased enough. And what else could I expect from that grouchy examiner?
And I finished knitting another pair of socks. Ye haw. Oh, and I started another pair today.
And this concludes another boring update by yours truly. Tune in here next time instead of taking sleeping pills, for some much-needed sleep. (Hey, why can't I get any of that??)

Seanna spake at 7:15 PM

Friday, July 02, 2004

Spent my Canada Day bumming around and relaxing, and SLEEPING IN!! A good way to spend Canada Day. There was one thing missing, though. Fireworks. Our two horse town decided not to do fireworks. How absolutely lame eh?

The following are some pics I took when we got together with our good friends before they move. My whole role of film kinda bombed. I appologize, but whatever...

Boys acting odd.

Boys again acting odd. We gals playing Dutch Blitz in the background.



Aimeee. Er, Amy.

How come half of us have our eyes closed? L-R. Larry, Me, Amy, Elly.

All of us. Were we supposed to look happy?.

Seanna spake at 6:26 AM