Thursday, October 28, 2004
Part I
Linx 02:
Ed's First Speach (Not my MP, but a man we know. A Conservative!)
Linx 03:
Parliament Hill Web Cam (I like watching people walk in.)
Linx 04:
Aaron Spiro A different sound. I think I'll be buying this CD.
Part II
Picked up at the Library sale so far this week...
From Sea Unto Sea, by W. G. Hardy
The Hiding Place, by Corrie Ten Boom
Studies in the Making of the English Protestant Tradition, by E. G. Rupp
The Crossroad, by Beverly Lewis
A Bride for Donnigan, by Janette Oke
The Elements of Style, by William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White
The English Revolution 1688-1689, by G. M. Trevelyan
Garfield Goes Hollywood, by Jim Davis
*Note: A quote from Elly: "You're the only one I know who reads grammar books for fun."
Part III
The joy of the Lord is my strength.
I can't explain it. My life sucks. It's boring. It's dreary. If most of my friends actually knew what it is like, they'd wonder how I make it. I wonder the same thing. If I had any sanity, I'd be down. But I'm able to concentrate. Keep going. And hold any scrap of sanity to be found. I thank God for helping me to keep focused in the middle of everything.
Part IV
Lub ya W. Go Bush!
Part V
On the agenda for this weekend...
A. Touring the synchrotron.
B. Creation Science of Saskatchewan Annual Supper
C. Whatever else I feel like doing...
Part VI
Would I make a good lawyer?
Seanna spake at
4:42 PM
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

My latest artwork. Please, if anyone knows what it is, tell me. I don't know.
Seanna spake at
5:05 PM
Monday, October 18, 2004
Ok, so this layout is just as boring, but not as lame, and so therefore, a ok in my opinion. I think it shall stay this way for a while. (Though I will make some changes yet. What the heck happened to my spacing!?)
I do suppose I should mention briefly, my Thanksgiving (a week after the fact).
October 9, 2004, 10:42 p.m. As far as I know, tomorrow's plans include going to church, staying for the turkey dinner, and most likely the whole afternoon, and then the evening service, and the evening fellowship...
October 10, 2004, 8:03 a.m. Rumors afoot. (A foot, not thee feet.)
8:29 a.m. Pack yer saddle bags. After the lunsheon we will travers 4 hours to Granny's house.
9:32 a.m. Go get petrol.
9:47 a.m. Hoof it to church.
10:53 a.m. Arrive.
11:00 a.m. Sharp! (But didn't most of the songs have flats?) Service begins... Must I say more?
12:08 p.m. Service ends.
12:11 p.m. I arrise off my pew, stiffly. (Them killer pews!)
12:13 p.m. Our hero hobbles to the parking lot, grabs her bags, (Oh, and then heads back indoors) and much to the dismay of the well dressed church folk, changes into more comfortable travelling attire, namely, robe and straw sandals, er, jeans.
12:27 p.m. Stands in line for bannok.
12:41 p.m. Eats some pickles.
1:11 p.m. Takes her place in the driver's seat.
2:11 p.m. Une (one) hour on the road. Trois (three) to go.
3:11 p.m. Troint- cinq (tirty-five) road kills later, deux (two) hours on the road.
4:11 p.m. And the trois heur (third hour) was like unto the second.
5:11 p.m. And the quatre heur (fourth hour) was like unto... wait, we've arrived.
5:25 p.m. Hugs and kisses all around.
6:10 p.m. Other guests, namely cousin une (one), and cousin deux (two) arrive.
6:13 p.m. More guests, namely Aunt une (one) and Uncle un (one) arrive. (They had to stop and pick up the all important whipped cream, or rather oil product, but we won't go there, in a can.)
6:20 p.m. The turkey arrives. (Oh, along with Aunt deux (two) and Uncle deux (two).)
6:30 p.m. Turkey dinner of the day nombre duew (number two). (But le deux (the second) was better than le un (the first).)
6:57 p.m. Aunt deux (two) gets a brainstorm. All present must say what they're thankful for. I think I said friends (ONLINE FRIENDS!), family, and no longer having previous health problems.
7:02 p.m. Pumpkin pie.
7:08 p.m. Our star of this episode and cousin nombre une (number one) sneak off to the kitchen to raid le frigidaire (the refrigerator) for more whipped oil product, er, cream.
7:16 p.m. Aunt trois (three) arrives.
7:23 p.m. People split into smaller groups to fellowship.
7:48 p.m. Cousins une (one) and deux (two) depart.
7:56 p.m. Uncle deux (two) and Aunt deux (two) depart.
8:03 p.m. Uncle un (one) and Aunt une (one) depart.
8:07 p.m. Essy and Granny work on dishes.
8:08:14 p.m. Brother walks into kitchen.
8:08:16 p.m. Brother deposits deux (two) complete turkey dinners (Le deux (the second) was better than le un (the first).) on the kitchen floor, in a more digested state.
8:08:20 p.m. Carries on his way to the W.C., dinner-laying all the way.
8:09 p.m. Essy herd Granny (looking ill) out of the kitchen.
8:10 p.m. Aunt trois (three) heads to the other room.
8:16 p.m. Brave mother attempts to clean up mess.
8:17 p.m. Granny goes to garage to get shovel to aid with cleanup.
8:20 p.m. Eh, to the wasing machine!
8:23 p.m. Aunt trois (three) sprays around some air freshner.
8:28 p.m. Wet cleanup complete.
8:48 p.m. Aunt trois (three) departs.
9:00 p.m. I think I've had enough for one day- off to bed. (Hey, the once in a while I don't have to do papers the next morning, I'm going to get a head start on my sleep!)
October 11, 2004, 8:38 a.m. Pulls self out of bed.
8:57 a.m. Breakfast. (I'm late, as usual. Granny doesn't sleep in!)
9:48 a.m. Pack up, give more hugs and kisses, and get into the van, and drive...
10:00 a.m. Anut nombre une (number one's) house. (To pick up a paper cart. Yes, I'm back at my route, but the pain hasn't lessened, which means I can't really handle the weight, which means I now use a cart for the 30 lb. days.)
10:27 a.m. Oh schedule (for elly must work at deux (two) p.m.)- leaving the city.
*All times are exact within 59 minutes, 19 times out of 20.
On a side note, isn't it nice to now that one of the drugs I was on (VIOXX- also not supposed to be taken by those under 18) has been pulled from shelves?
Seanna spake at
4:22 PM
Friday, October 15, 2004
So this layout is lame and boring, I know. But I was sick of seeing my mug on the last one. What do you think of this one? Candidly, please.
Seanna spake at
5:03 PM
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Ah, Sundays. The most humorous yet sadly boring day of the week. Humorous because, though I try to get something out of the sermon (and I sometimes do) they usually crack me up. Sadly boring because, church isn't supposed to be boring, yet this one is. Now to the past week's hilarious statement that sent me into a fit of surpressed giggles.
"Stay away from 'Christian rock' too! Don't you know? Those groups travel around in groupies- with their harlots! They told us that in Bible school!"
Please, never let me be so naive that I'll believe everything I learn at Bible school. (Which I hope to do next year, but that a whole different post...) In my humble opinion, just as there are Chrisitans of many different stripes, with different values (it is also not in the scope of this post to get into that...), so it is with Christian musicians. They're all different. And no, I don't go for any old thing that proclaims itself as "Christian". But if you use the same reasoning as the pastor, shouldn't we also stay away from ministers? Some of them have been caught with prostitutes before too.
Seanna spake at
3:31 PM
Saturday, October 09, 2004
I can't make myself take "Who We Are Instead" (Jars of Clay) out of my CD player. So it has been there, for over a month. And I listen, and listen. Yes, I'm in one of my intellectual moods.
This week I got my first snail mail letter from an only-met-online friend. It's awesome. (And so you know, Kris, I already sent one back.) :D
Seanna spake at
10:08 PM
Monday, October 04, 2004
12 a.m. Wednesday found me in shotgun attempting to keep elly awake after only one hour of sleep. After a 4 way shouting match the night before, I decided I would keep everyone happy, and stick it out, i.e. no painkillers found their way into my bag. (Side note 1: I felt great the whole time there, and while there only. Go figure... Enough on that topic.) So yeah... we were eating munchies and counting cars, sparse though they were. (The cars that is, not the munchies.) That's the way it is with our family. You simply must be able to eat while you're driving. 2 reasons: to stay awake at weird hours. And because,
we don't stop for nothing. So we have the trunk full of coolers, and gadgets for cooking food, and off we go. However, I drew the line at trying to eat re-hydrated mashed potatoes while behind the wheel. Until, of course, some bright person figured out
"Hey, mom can spoon feed her!" So I'm passing all these really slow semi while eating this cheesy potato mush... yum.
What we went to was the
Winnipeg Prophecy Conference. You get all types at this thing. From the mennonitishes to those with dreadlocks; all ages. Except, there's a lack of senior high to college aged females. Many males though, eh. My reasoning is that, sadly, most girls would rather shop than study- seriously study (There is, in my opinion, a big difference.) God's Word. It must be too difficult for their bleached blonde brains. (Side note 2: I will admit I went shopping at the Polo Park Mall while there, but that was strictly to find a present for elly's b-day. And I couldn't find anything anyways. What I did find was that in jeans, a tee, and loafers, I don't really fit in there. Not that it bugs me; I can't wear high-heels, and I detest hot pink pursese... you know the new style... that.... whatever. They're stupid. But I digress.)
Anyhow, I really enjoyed the conference. After having heard so many fluffy, trivial, non-sensical, and irrelivant sermons, it was great to get some solid meaty food rather than the usual diluted Iced Cap. I'm still trying to digest everything because of such an information overload, but you'll probably hear some sermons out of me at a later date.
Seanna spake at
4:38 PM