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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
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Friday, November 26, 2004
This whole ridiculous, annoying, STUPID thing is getting me down. Really down. What business, BUSINESS, I say, did that guy have starting all this? Giving me all this trouble? Heck, I don't know what to do about it... I'm a lonely bum in the middle of the great white north, with no friends to talk to and no one cares. But I have a bad back and lots of schoolwork, and that keeps me busy.

Seanna spake at 8:37 PM


Randomness... Last night elly and I dropped our parents off at their necessary meeting and then went shopping. Once again I was reminded of how I truly hate shopping.
*Walk into store one* "Heck, they're playing crappy Christmas music here, and thet clerk has her pants half down. Let's go."

*Walk into store two* "Heck, they're also playing crappy Christmas music here, and thet clerk has her pants half down. Let's go."

*Walk into store three* "Heck, they're playing crappy Christmas music here too, and thet clerk has her pants half down! Let's go!"

Thus goes the night. At first I was sad. J & J didn't get my e-mails in time... Oh well.. some other time. Then behold, J no 1 is working tonight. Well let's stop and say hi.

Then at Wally World, they had the new Newsboys CD. Of course, we bought it.

So the shopping didn't turn out so dreadful after all. Except, there's one problem: I still can't walk normal.

Seanna spake at 6:45 AM

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

The Explanation:
It's rather nuts. Absurd even. But it's true. Every word. And I feel the link change was necessary. The best way to handle it.

Three posts ago was one of my occasional ranting posts covering such topics as church. Do not get me wrong. Jesus is my Saviour and by His grace I will never speak against Him. He is my only hope and strength. But church is a different matter altogether. While I go willingly so as not to cause divisions, my opinions on the place are widely known. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but should be careful as to where they express them. I choose to tell about them here, to my friends. If you don't like them, too bad. It's my blog.

By a freak chance, I absentmindedly put my url in when commenting on my brother's blog (something I'm not in the habit of doing). I either forgot or was not aware that he had given his link to a man from church with whom he blabs about computers every Sunday. I generally ignore them, or else they try to get an oath out of me to try Linux. Spare me. This man is also the man I mentioned who did the church site that I also mentioned.

This man clicked on my link. Why, I have no clue. He would not know my online nickname since I go by my given one at church. I 'spose he had time to kill. So he read and figured out who it probably was, and commented on it as "John". His name.

I assumed it was the usual (heh) John kidding around. Thus the neon green socks. (If this is making no sense thus far, go check out that post.) I replied to the comment early Sunday morning.

So I'm putting on my coat after church, ignoring their computer centered covo going on nearby, when this John (who has never spoken to me before) asks me, "Did you see my comment on your blog?"
*Still ignoring them* Me: "Hm?"
Him: "Studio e at blogspot, right?"
Me: "Yeah." *Pauses* (I should mention here the two reactions. As usual, when confronted in an odd situation, I lean against the wall acting calm and collected. Never mind I was like OMB. On the other hand, he's shaking. Seriously. Must be nervous about approaching girls.)
I continue "Oh, I thought that was my friend John. So I said something random about neon green socks. Would you like some neon green socks?"
He looks confused, so I excuse myself. It's time to go.

I'm not overly worried about it. I'll just delete the link off my brother's account. No biggy. I'm napping that afternoon when my bro wakes me up. "Come read John's blog!" I kid not. He had put that a "young" *cough*, "immature" *cough, cough* (where does he get this stuff?) teenage girl who does not know him has made accusations that he dresses up nicely on Sundays and lives a worldly life the rest of the week. He has confronted her on the matter and she has not replied to his comment as of yet. Later he updates it to insert my comment about the neon green socks. (He obviously forgets the part about me thinking it was a different John.) Furthermore, it says, she was distrespectful to her pastor, a man of God. Children have no right! My brother checks back later and at the end (either I missed it the first time, or he changed it- I don't know) says, "I wish he no harm, but wish she would be more respectful."

I could have done many things I suppose. Nasty, scorningly polite or otherwise. I decided to let it go. If he truly feels I'm such a child, though he knows nothing about me at all, he will certainly ignore it. I have no idea really why this blog would interest him (except if he wanted to try to figure out about my weird family, maybe. Wouldn't that be a sensational story to get started?), but since he's been here atleast 3 times, I wouldn't put it past him to come back for kicks. With these Baptists, if someone were to start stories about "rebellious teenage girls in our midst", (what I would be considereed to them, simply because I believe some things differently than them) it could be messy. The whole thing will probably die, but the change is simply a security measure. And trust me, I'll never again let the link out to anyone associated with the church.

I know this is not my usual writing style. It needs more work or suspense for it to be truly interesting, but seriously, I want to know what you think about this. I said nothing untrue in that post, and stated opinions as such. And, I don't think I want a strange man snooping around on here. Was I right in all this? (However, if you don't know much of about this church, don't naively say "no.") But say so. Even if it's just to say the whole thing is nuts.

It is.

Seanna spake at 6:27 AM

Monday, November 22, 2004

I got a letter in the mail today. I love letters. Usually. It informed me I am registered for "Back Class" for Nov 30th from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and a physiotherapy assessment on the 29th. It thanked me for bringing the enclosed questionnaire with me when I come. It included such questions as "Can you get in and out of the bathtub by yourself?", "Are you able to bend over?" ,"Have you tried accupuncture?" and "Are you pregnant?", as well as circling the phrase that best accurately describes the length of time you've experienced pain. 3 weeks? 3 weeks to a month? Over a month? Heh. Try... 9? It also tells me to graph on the drawing, with the appropriate symbols, where I experience pain, numbness, and tingling. The thing about their little medical drawings is that they are neither male nor female. I simply cannot relate to them without damaging my phsycic well-being. (Or however you spell that. Pardon me.) So, I'm going to "Back Class" with a bunch of old men who oggle younger gals. I can just imagine this old guy walking up.. "So... what'd a purty gal like you do?" *waggles tongue* So wish me luck eh....

I appologize about having to change my link. I feel it was the best way to get out of the latest set-back in my blogging career interrupted by busy bodies. I will try to explain the whole sensational story soon. Stay tuned.

Seanna spake at 4:50 PM

Friday, November 19, 2004

I was having a hard time getting going, as has often been the case lately. Some mornings walking helps work the morning stiffness out. Other times it makes it worse. Lately it's been worse. But that's not the point.

So I'm walking down the sidewalk under the glow of the streetlights with my paper bag slung over me. Ahead of me a man is starting his truck to go to work. As I continue on, I notice he's waiting for me at the edge of the curb. (Most people hurry away to avoid us paper people as if we're a lower species.) He says "Good morning." He has an accent, and his skin is several shades darker than most people in these parts. He looks about 25. I say "Good morning!" back in my usual cheery, but early morning growl. He then says "Do you do this every morning?"
"You don't get cold?"
"Well, sort of, but it's not that bad right now."
"So you keep moving to keep warm?"
"Oh yeah."
"So you do this even in December and January when there's snow out?"
"Mhm. Of course if it's really cold, like 40 below, I'll drive."
*Eyes widen.* "Wow."
We chatted for a bit longer. Elly has met this guy at her job. Apparently he's in town for 2 months, and he really does not like the cold. In his country, it never goes below zero.

I don't really like the cold either, quite frankly. But hot all year 'round would bore me.

The one thing I like about this time of year is the chocolate flyers. I drool over all them chocolates. Russell Stover, Lindors, Laura Secord, to mention a couple of delicious varieties. Indeed, Elly and I drooled over the chocolate aisle at the grocery store the other night. Chocolate liquores, anyone? Of course, I needn't bother buying any; my kind customers often leave me big boxes of Russell Stover Cherry Blimps, Pot of Gold chocolates and Alpen Milks, come mid December. And that, makes up for the cold.
But not the back pain.

Seanna spake at 4:10 PM

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

For three years now I've lived in this town. Go me. Only 9 more months to go.


Had a power outtage for 2 hours the other night. Now I don't feel stupid for having so many candles kicking around.

I didn't realize until yesterday that the current church of attendance has a website. Gah, I could do 10 times better than that. *sigh* We're such an up to date church. The pastor finally invested in a computer a couple of months ago. (Progress! When considering that a former member threatened to leave if anyone so much as bought a PC, it is.) I don't know why it needs one though. We don't use bulletins. There are always only 2 announcements. "Oh, George had a birthday! Let's sing happy birthday!", and "We've got 2 new prayer letters for everyone to read." The evening social and midweek Bible study are so etched into everyone's brains, they needn't be mentioned. I think I figured out who did the site. And it weren't the pastor. (Heck, he's questioned me on such things. Furthermore, his son of 15, who acts 11, runs around saying "The internet is 80% porn! Brother Drummond says so!" "So?" "Well he's older than you, so he's right and you're wrong! Besides, he's probably been on the internet more than you!" *snicker* Actually... we've had it since before most people knew what it was, but I digress....) I think it's a single man who did it just so he would have something to link to from his website and blog- which my brother stumbled across. We suspect he lives a double life. But don't we all? At such conservative places, everyone tries to out-conservative the others, lest they be condemned! "Yeah? Well we don't have a T.V.!" Blah...

I also found out that a girl whose family used to attend this church (I think we scared them away. Too modern, or immodest pant-wearers or something...) is now engaged. She's 20. And immature. But you can't blame her for that. She's been so sheltered and isolated. Some (who know her better than I) say she's not certain about it and is only doing it to get away from home. This could well be the case. But what else is she to do? I can only wish her the best and hope she'll be happy. Thus is what one is forced to do when brought up so strictly conservative.

Y'know, sometimes I do wonder how I keep my sanity amongst all this.

Seanna spake at 7:56 PM

Monday, November 08, 2004

Saskatchewan is my home province. I've never really had a home place that I've felt I've belonged in, but in this province, is my heart. But for how much longer will that be?

There is no future here. The socialists have taken care of that. There are two main job classes. Those with government related jobs and those with farm related jobs. After 5 years with no good crops, worthless cows, the snow again ending this year's harvest pre-maturely, and no effort for assistance from any governments, some just have to call it quits. I'm a product of that. This is also good socialism. Big enterprises, and no small ones left. They can't make it.

The effects of the thousands that have to leave are clearly seen. You drive down a highway, that was once a good highway. It has now been through 3 "fix it" jobs. The first being two ashphalt tracks where the tires mainly run, then next, width wise, like rail road ties. The third, gravel and tar used to fill up the cracking shoulders- if there are any. It wears out vehicles quickly. But afford a new one? Few can. But when they can, the governemnt gets alot more taxes from it. Mostly when you see flashy new vehicles, it's from out of province, or a city person out for a drive to get in touch with the rural life and see how the late harvest is progessing.

My dad recently had to go on business to the community where we used to live. I can only thank God we don't live there anymore. Don't missunderstand me. I loved it. However, all the farmers still there are barely making it. It's poor. Rundown. It reminds me of how it was for us. We couldn't afford Christmas presents one year. Not that that really bugged me. I understood. But not enough. You always think it'll happen to someone else. Never you. That's why it bugs me when people laugh about wasting money. 20 bucks? At one time, I could only wish for that much to spend on myself. If you really don't value it that much, give it to someone who will. I'm afraid that after 3 years though, I've forgotten what it was like. To value even the little bits.

I live in a retirement city. We call it a city, but it has no life. When all the retired farmers die off, it'll be a town again. The only time there's more than 20 cars downtown is on long weekends when all the kids and grandkids come home. We have no future here. Our claim to faim is a hockey team- the worst in the league, and all the grocery stores having large ice cream isles. Plenty of ice cream. Great for celebrating Tommy Douglas Day. The moron we have to thank for this mess.

Seanna spake at 7:08 PM

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Confirming all the things you never knew but always suspected:
I don't, haven't, and never will celebrate Halloween.
That important fact out of the way...

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, is home to Canada's only synchrotron; one of the most powerful ones in the world at that. It was open to the public on Saturday, so (as any good learned homeschoolers) we did the tour. I knew I was in trouble the moment I saw the first explanitory sign on the self guided tour. "Huh?" Just then 2 other ladies walked by. "There's the part about the vibrations!" Man, that almost sounds metaphysical! I have much to learn. What I did manage to get out of the tour was that the light is brighter than 2 million flashlight bulbs, the pressure in the vacuum chamber is 10 times 10 to the negative 10th power (low pressure indeed!), one area can be cooled to nearly 0.00 Kelvin, or, -269 degrees Celsius to be more exact (-273.25 degrees C is absolute zero), the overall temperature of the building can be controlled to within 0.1 degree C, and the entire structure is so solidly built on however many mounds of stuff that go however many feet down, that it will shift only a hair's width. (Obviously we don't get earthquakes.) For the rest.... I should have had James and Nathan there to explain it to me.

We then went to the CSSI supper. I recognized Mr. Sad Puppy Face man was at it, and although he came close, atleast Mr. F. did not do his famous "Thank you for our digestive system... [insert bodily functions mentioned here]" prayer.

Thus was my Saturday. (Unless you want to hear about the fabulous Fabricland sale, and my awesome shoes...)

After unhooking the doorbell, I slept most of the day on Sunday.

Monday, I was again in S'toon, for the "See Your Future" career fair. I now have 10.3 pounds of literature on assorted academic institutions and several pens that don't work. In this, there is great symbolism.

I got 2 Government of Canada pens; one blue, the other red. The red one does not work. The blue one does. The federal Liberal Party's colour is red. The federal Conservative Party's colour is blue. From this it is quite obvious which is the better choice. (But most Canadians just can't figure that out. Sheesh. Why do the Americans get the good governments?)

Of course, looking at all these brochures is easy. The hard part is choosing one, if any. Right now I'm having a great time learning. Heck, I even like Chemistry and Algebra! I want to go on and learn more. Should it be a Bible school, Bible college (If so, how conservative or liberal?; pens notwithstanding) or a secular college or university? And what? Accounting? Chemistry? Computer Science? There are headaches ahead!

In closing (Bear with me. I know this has been long, and isn't even half of what I wanted to post. I guess that's what happens when you don't get around to it much.)... I HEARD JARS OF CLAY IN VALLUE VILLIAGE!!! W00t, maaan!

Seanna spake at 4:56 PM