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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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Monday, January 31, 2005
So I'm home alone. It happens quite a bit nowdays it seems. Everyone has lives, I don't. I sit. Today everyone else is on the homeschooler's group ski trip. I don't mind skiing. I actually liked it the one time I tried it. (Heh, that was a fun trip. I was caught in the middle of a love triangle at the time, and I didn't even want to be, and so this girl was mad at me... It was great.) But alas, for obvious reasons, I couldn't go this time. I will go again someday. I just don't know when. When I get myself fixed I guess. After Friday though, I may not have anymore physio. They've given up on me there.

But I'm having a cool enough day. When else can you make up your own schedule? I got the majority of my schoolwork done from 8 - 11 a.m. and now can do pretty much anything I want as long as it doesn't include driving anywhere. And yo, James. Thanks for calling. It made my day.

Seanna spake at 2:32 PM

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The lastest buzz at church since essy was added to the Wednesday night prayer list, or so a girl told me: "You mean she has back problems? I never would have guessed. But she's so young!", and goes on to tell me, "But I can tell because of the way you walk!" Oh. Thanks. I'm sure she meant it kindly.

I was once again thankful for my comfy running shoes and loafers that I wear non-stop, even for dress-wear, after trying on elly's latest pair of "these make me taller!" shoes. Some people (I, for one) are not meant to wear such shoes. Not only do I not look good in them, they hurt.

Anyhow, I've been concentrating alot on my schoolwork. So much so that I've not had time to sit down and properly write out my latest intellectual thoughts on Eve and the talking snake, China and bees, Plato's utopia, and other such deep thoughts. It's a shame, but just as well. I have only 1 more Chmistry module to go until I'm DONE CHEMISTRY FOREVER! and have already finished the first part of my new Collectivism course. (I did Civics for the first half of the year, and then went on to this.) I'm finding it very interesting studying all these lame philosophers and their pathetic attempts at utopia. Have more success if you include God, eh?

So if I seem to have lost my touch for writing entertaining (if they ever were) posts, that's why. You'll have to forgive me. And now for my wisdom of the week.

It's the mundane things of life that are substantial. It's the bad things that allow for good things. The hard things that allow for easy things. Life is not a high, and looking for it to be one will get you nowhere.

Farewell untill next time.

Seanna spake at 6:48 AM

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I nearly got hit this morning. So I jumped into the snowbank and was missed by a foot. That's enough excitement for a day. Then I forgot about it untill just now.

Seanna spake at 5:22 PM

Monday, January 17, 2005

5:03 a.m. Heat wave! It's only -39 with the widchill this morning, and not -49 as it was a couple days ago. I hope this insanity ends soon. But anyhow, I'm to be in S'toon for an appointment with a back specialist by 9.... so adios.

Seanna spake at 5:00 AM

Saturday, January 15, 2005

My decision of my favourite Kodak moment of the year.

At late night snack at camp this summer, several of us decided to do "the chair thing." This is one of two pics I have of the event, but the other does not show James with his hand over his mouth, or my iron grip on Nathan's arm. Ah, good times.

Seanna spake at 3:27 PM

Friday, January 14, 2005

I spent a frusterating two hours, but it's finished.

My baby.

My masterpiece.

My SHBE Registration Database form.

I actually thought I wouldn't bother going to the convention this year, there being no workshops for teens. Then I realized. What the heck. I only went to 1 session last year, and hung around the rest of the weekend. So we'll see. In any case, since I'm the one who does the data base stuff it seems, I set it up how I want.
-Thee Registration Guru

Seanna spake at 4:55 PM

Monday, January 10, 2005

I am nothing;
Truth is everything.
-Abraham Lincolin

I woke up with a cold on Sunday, had a 10 minute nose bleed, and frost-bit my nose this morning. What a great start to the week.

Seanna spake at 4:49 PM

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

This past weekend I was in Regina. There was lots of snow. Then it snowed some more. Then there was even more snow. And did I mention it snowed? Well, again it snowed. And I've had enough snow. (And I don't even live there!)

New Year's Eve was at Granny's house. We had dinner and opened some presents. I proceeded to correct my aunt on her grammar. The possessive case is not needed on a gift tag. Alas. I am the nut who reads grammar books for fun. For some weird reason, I also find it amusing that the fruit spreads in one of the baskets given to us were made by monks in France. I can just imagine. Tee hee.

New Year's Day was at my Grampa and Gramma's house on the other side of the family. Our aunt and uncle's foster girl was quite taken with the cat and could say "puss, puss" by the end of the day. She's such a cutie at nearly two.

On the Sunday we were again at Granny's house. There we had another dinner with yet more relatives, including my giggly 10 year old cousin. And, I got way too many questions about my studies and my future, this being my senior year, and why I'm walking funny.

Thus was my weekend. I guess everything ended up turning out ok.

And now for the rest of this post I will bore your many pairs of Christmas socks off with adventures from my last several therapy sessions. I'm learning so much about muscles I had no idea I owned. I'd rather I had the option of being ignorant. Apparently, because of the pain I've unknowingly started using totally different muscles to walk, and the ones I should be using for that are unusually weak. Go me. I'm so wacked. And, all this is supposed to get worse before it gets better. Yay. But I digress...

The one day I was told to raise my leg as far as I could. With all my concentration I could only make it to about 30 degrees, which is pathetic for one who used to be able to thwap toes while walking like Opus and Bill. I expected her next statement for some reason. "Well, we expect that from like, 90 year olds, but at your age, you should be able to do 90 degrees."

And another great suggestion! I nearly snorted when she said this, but didn't. But since you aren't there, feel free to snort. Guffaw, even. To massage the deep buttocks muscles (The ones you SIT on! ^_^) she suggested to sit on a tennis ball. I jest not. I think that'll be a favourite line if mine from now on. GO SIT ON A TENNIS BALL!

Seanna spake at 3:34 PM