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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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since 03/09/06 installation

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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
This was my Saturday. I got up at 5, did my route, sat in a cramped van, unable to stretch, for several hours, and ended up in North Battleford. So we did our thing and I did my speech and all that, and even jumped a bit on the quizzing. And all my good buds from camp were there. Even the J's. Whee... view some pics at your own risk.

Nearly everyone, the first time.

Nearly everyone, the second time

And, everyone. The camp gang.

H. and M. lifting me. Then 12 year old E. came and picked me up... ack.

The J's doing their song. The pink coat hanger added so much... they really do need warning lables...

The skit

The tin can man.

The string thing.

Get a load of them cool light fixtures, eh?

Elly and I go so well together.

And thanks to shutterbug James for all the photos of decent quality. I think I put the scanner on the wrong setting for mine.... go me.

Seanna spake at 5:34 PM

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Seanna spake at 9:04 PM

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Pinch yourself awake,

You've been living in a daze.

How can you go on,

Making these mistakes?

Sooner they'll catch up.

The truth you don't want to face.

And all those tears you never cried,

Will be brought to your eyes.

Because of shame.

First time I've ever posted a poem. I think maybe I've posted enough for this week.

Seanna spake at 4:36 PM

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Yay for a stressed-out me. Too much to do and not enough time to get it done. So I've missed studying for several tests and thus failed them. (Or else studied and then in my dazed state, forgot everything.) I'm behind in nearly every subject. Then mom talked me into doing a speech at CC this weekend, and I can't seem to get anything written. I'm not that bad at speaking. I do quite well at it. But that's no help if you've not gotten anything written to say. Plus, I'm not completely finished memorizing the passages I need to study and know... And after 2 weeks of my back doing relatively well (i.e. the pain level at tolerable) I'm at the point again where I can hardly sit up.... Must be all them push-ups that were an attempt to get back into arm-wrestling order.

Anyone for playing in traffic?

Seanna spake at 4:11 PM

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Ignorance is bliss, and knowing makes you lose your lunch.

Seanna spake at 1:31 PM

Monday, February 14, 2005

It's Valentines Day. I don't have a sweetie. I'm no one's sweetie. And I got no Valentines. Life is good.

Seanna spake at 5:39 PM

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I finished reading Piercing the Darkness by Frank Peretti. Another couple of hours well spent. His books are amazing. They provoke alot of worthwhile thinking and while they're at it, poke at alot of things I love to poke at. The Visitation is really good for that. Maybe that's why I like them. Either that, or the fact that they're not just more fluffy Christian fiction. Fiction they are, but there's alot of truth to them.

But at this moment, I am going to go get a haircut. I don't suspect I'll do anything major this time, but it's hard to concentrate on anything, let alone anything deep, when you've always got a migrane. The root cause of which (pardon the pun) is long hair follicles.

Seanna spake at 1:04 PM

Monday, February 07, 2005

Sometimes I wonder why we crazy people put up with this even crazier weather. We got 2 ft. of snow over the weekend. This was good for me. The papers couldn't get through on Saturday (so I slept in), we didn't bother going to church on Sunday (so I slept in), and for obvious reasons, I didn't have to help shovel the driveway.

Papers after snow are always an adventure though. One customer, currently away, still wanted his paper delivered. In his absence, the snow had drifted 5 feet on his driveway. "It's either now or later" I thought. *boing*, *boing*, *boing*, through the drift.

I guess it's the thrill of the once a year hop through the snow that keeps us here. Where else can you run through waist-high snow?

Or maybe it's just that in high 30 degree summer weather we easily forget it all.

Seanna spake at 1:49 PM