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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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Thursday, March 31, 2005
I ran out of beef jerky just 5 minutes ago. Dang.

Seanna spake at 10:38 AM

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

So the church group left for the youth retreat early this morning. And I didn't go! Ha! Ha! Ha! Instead I'm bumming around here doing school, eating excess beef jerky and crocheting; but I'm in my comfy jeans and that's all that matter. It doesn't seem as though any of the church people are miffed at me for not going though, with the exception of the pastor's son who thought it would be good for me if I were forced to go... But see, I sent along beef jerky and cookies with my little brother and sister who went. And with Baptists, food covers almost all offenses.

So I'm an only child for the weekend with elly at work around the clock it seems. The cat is so bored she doesn't know what to do and keeps following me around the house.

Seanna spake at 1:31 PM

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

We live in a fallen world. We aren't perfect and bad things happen. No one wants to end up senile but it happens and it is not man's duty to decide when one's time to die is. Gad can handle it, thank you very much.

Terri Schiavo's case: From what I've read (and I've been trying to follow it very closely.) when her heart stopped and cut off oxygen to her brain, it caused brain damage. So, she is brain damaged, not brain dead. And neither means dead. The expert doctors say she can't think. But really, they don't know. There have been cases of people in comas who have later woken up and remembered what's gone on. We have no idea what's going on in her head.

She is not on life support, i.e. respiratory or heart machines. Thus, her heart beats on its own, she breathes on her own. She can swallow somewhat, but obviously such a way of feeding is impractical.

It seems what this whole case boils down to in money. Figures anywhere from $600,000 to 1 million. Settlement money is one I heard. Her husband refuses to divorce her. (which would be more honourable than what he's doing now) If he did, he wouldn't get the money when she dies eh.

Maybe he does think it's best: mercy killing. It's not easy at all to see people in rough shape, but it's not for us to decide when they've had enough.

Adam became a living soul when God gave him the breath of life. Were she not breathing on her own, I might have to reconsider my position. But as long as God gives her breath she should be fed.

If it's wrong to keep those who apparently can't think alive, then kill all the senile people. If it's wrong to feel people artificially, then never again put me on an IV.

I like the way Bush put it. "When uncertain it's best to err on the side of life."


Otherwise it's murder. And those responsible will be held accountable.

Now one and all, tell me in one of two words. In general, do you agree or disagree?

And no, Kris. I'm not mad at you, but the whole case does disgust me. Now my brother... I'm annoyed at him. It's taken me 45 mintues to get this stupid thing to post because he's busy donwloading some linux thing again and then went downtown, and if I end it he'll go crying to dad that essy wrecked his thing again....

Seanna spake at 2:18 PM

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Happy Friday after the first Sunday after the first full moon after the equinox... whatever. I admit, the day doesn't hold much significance for me besides getting to sleep for 14 hours. Not that I have a problem with setting aside a day to remember Christ's death, but it doesn't take a genius to figure, "Hey, it's a month earlier than it was last year, but it's still the day!" Not.

On another topic, Terri Schiavo isn't able to survive long if you take away her feeding tube in the same way the Pope isn't able to survive long if you take away his current breathing tube. Same difference. Where's his right to die? Must be a clause in the Important Person's Act... But, Terri will die, her "in sickness or in health" (isn't that what they say?) husband will get the wack of moola to spend with his lady of 8 years, the whole case will set a new standard in America of being allowed to kill of seriously ill relatives, and the public will forget the whole thing. We're programmed to forget. Stay current! There's so much more news to keep up on!

And if this isn't making any sense, maybe it will in the morning. I'm going to bed. Heck, it is morning....

Seanna spake at 12:34 AM

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Ok you losers who never like to oblige me with your comments, does my new layout smell like burnt yams? No really.... is it ok on everyone's screens?

And Ha! Ha! Ha! Don't you just love getting your mug in the local newspaper? This was Friday night. I can be found at (-1, 1) algebraically, in the crazy flowered shirt.

Seanna spake at 8:27 PM

Monday, March 21, 2005

However many weeks ago it was, I played 4 pieces at the music festival in spite of the stitches, received marks of A-, 85, 87 and 88 respectively (88 is the highest I've ever received in my festivalling career), got a 50 buck scholarship and thus went to the awards program on Friday night where I was surrounded by airheads complaining about being cold (you're wearing a mini-skirt and flip flops in March, duh.) stood forever waiting for the group photo and then stood around talking to Janny and Scot for a while, while munching on the last of the picked-over cookies. Enough said.

On Saturday I found I have no taste, which I already knew, but I digress... I couldn't find anything "nice" (by elly standards) for a grad dress. What's wrong with a cap and gown? *sigh* A frilly grad dress would just not suit boring old essy.

And I just about died at church yesterday morning.... I heard from the pastor's daughter about how her dad knows everything (ok, let's be reasonable here...) and how when it says wine in the Bible, some places it's wine, and other places it's grape juice, so when Jesus turned the water into wine, it was actually just grape juice, and Christians can drink grape juice but wine is a sin! .... she goes on to insult 3 of my good friends.... and "Why aren't you coming to the teen retreat? You'll have fun! Come on, you should!"

Heck, I'm not going. I don't want to and quit bugging me already. So yes, I was annoyed to put it mildly.

Seanna spake at 4:56 PM

Thursday, March 17, 2005

For me, homeschool conventions are all about the people. I love hanging with all types (exceptions are ditzes and jerks) and the diversity is so cool.

For the most part this year I chilled with Charla (an old friend from where I formerly lived), Keegan (her brother), Rebecca (I met her last year in the gym), Dave & Assorted Company (online friend of old. This was togetherness no. 3 eh?), Jillian (acquaintance from several years back), Brianne and Sara. (I met them this year.) Not all at the same time mind you. Not all them gals get along the greatest and none of them thought my pastime of hanging with hot bookselling guys was very interesting. Their loss. (May I mention though that it would be commendable if in the future, the younger Dycks stay off the coffee a tad bit?)

I signed up for the video editing workshop and that was cool. Once I get the DVD of all the groups' projects, I may post my goup's project and tell more about it then.

To end the weekend there was a staff supper but I skipped out because I wanted to relax. So I spent the evening with the tube and the laptop in the hotel room.

So it's all over and elly still can't believe I was talking to Mennonite guys. Anyhow, picture may be forthcoming but I still have half a roll of film to use up. Suggestions for using up film are welcome; you can only take so many of your pets.

Seanna spake at 8:52 AM

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I pulled out my own stitches today just to prove I'm macho. It didn't really hurt, but it was rather awkward because I am not at all left-handed, and the stitches were in my right hand. But I'm now rid of those ugly little black things. Go me.

I suppose I should post about my past weekend... but I'm too lazy right now. That can come later.

Seanna spake at 8:01 PM

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

A week after the fact my thumb doesn't look quite so bad.

Maybe I'm just turning into a crotchety old grouch. This weekend is the SHBE convention, and the thought of having to be around a bunch of young giggly teens makes me shiver. Hang out with pree-teens? Ack! Yup, I'm just getting old.

Seanna spake at 10:01 AM

Friday, March 04, 2005

As for my song I was going to tell about...

It goes like this; to the tune of "Oh Happy Day".

Oh happy day, (echo)
Oh happy day, (echo)
Oh when I got, (echo)
My Thrive CD to play. (echo)

Oh it was cracked, (echo)
Oh it was cracked,(echo)
But I fixed it up, (echo)
And put some tape on its back. (echo)

Maybe I should just replace it so I don't have to depend on its "moods". Eh nah,
I'm too cheap. It is a good CD though, so maybe I should...

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be diagnosed with arthritis
at age 17? Right now I'm looking that possibilty square in the face. But I won't
know anymore until late April. As for my thumb, it's green right now, but not
because of infection. No, it's green masking tape- I couldn't find any medical
tape. (And no green thumb/ gardener jokes, please. I'm quite sick of those.)
I'm also attempting to teach myself new fingering for my piano pieces
before Monday, so that I can still play. I'm not doing a piano exam this year,
so this is really all I was practicing for. And since I can't hold a pen, I'm
typing all my school work. Still, not the most comfortable, but it works.

Sheesh... I have a wacked life. But it's great to be me.

Seanna spake at 4:50 PM

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I was going to tell about the newest silly song I wrote, but I doubt I'll get that far. Instead, I'll attempt to tell about my latest simple fix-it job gone awry.

I bought a pair of Levi's a while back that could use a bit of adjustment. So this afternoon I was attempting to pull out one of the side studs in order to sew it in a bit. I was unable to find any pliers and so used what I thought was a dull and blunt pair of scissors. I nearly had it and gave one hard tug.

They slipped.

I thought I gave just gave myself a little poke, so I shoved my thumb in my mouth. Then I saw my skin on the scissor blade. A large piece of skin it was. So I then examined my thumb and the blood pouring out nearly ran onto the pants below.

For the next hour I sat in the bathroom putting as much pressure as I could on it, but the blood kept pouring out any time I took the pressure off.

So elly called dad. (Everyone else was out at curling, and we had no vehicles left.) He said he'd come take me to emergency. But mom got home just ahead of him and took me.

The nurse called up my doctor, and eventually he arrived; and I got two stitches; and I got rubber doctor gloves to wear in the shower so it doesn't get wet.

The freezing is nearly worn off now, and my hand throbs so bad it's hard to type. And all this just in time for the music festival next week. I was supposed to play 4 pieces. I think I may be able to manage 2 without my thumb. I get the stitches out in 10 days, but I'm supposed to be in S'toon for Thur-Sun, so we'll see how that works out.

I ask a pardon for not spicing it up and making it exciting, but it's not like I really want to dwell on it. The song can come next time.

Seanna spake at 9:05 PM