Friday, April 29, 2005
I just got back from the piano recital. FYI, I played Introduction and Fugato by C. Harris. It is way too fun to play.
Last week Hannah e-mailed me to say she was going to be gone till June, so I didn't expect to see her at it. However, she was there. She'll be back for a couple of weekends.
Most of the "camp group" was at it. So I talked with Tammy, Nathan, Hannah, and some others. Nathan gave us this useful tidbit of information. (Courtesy of another girl who everyone knows, except for me. "What?" they say "You haven't met her? You have to! So if you come to our church on such and such a day, you can meet her!" "Ok... I'll try.") As I was saying... In this city there is a particular bylaw that says you cannot drive down Central Ave. with a dead horse in the back of your truck, on a Monday. We went on to discuss how we
have to try it sometime. I'll take care of the truck. But we're not certain where we'll get the dead horse. Maybe we should even put a sign on the back of the truck that says "we're being illegal." Ah well, it's another one of those great things you talk about doing, and then never will do.
All this was brought on by me explaining that in SK, the way it is worded, it is not illegal to drive on the left side of the road. Unless, of course, there is another vehicle headed your way on that side of the road. This is to clear up confusion about whether or not it is illegal to drive on the left side even where there are double yellow lines, in order to miss the skunk, moose, or buffalo on the right side. Nathan liked this, since he likes driving on the left side of the road.....
Anyhow, I want another pickle sandwich. Later...
Seanna spake at
10:58 PM
What happened to him, I can't figure. I miss him, but I can't seem to bring him back. Maybe my loads of homework and lack of rest scared him away. I know I can be grouchy, but he was there for both the good times and the hard. He made it easier. My sweetie goes by Sense O. F. Humor. If you see him, tell him I wish he'd come back so we can laugh. For now, I'll just be boring.
Seanna spake at
1:33 PM
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
My first story en francaise using reflexive pronouns.
Ils se regardent. Ils se regardent l'un l'autre. Ils se parlent l'un a l'autre et regardent fixe profond dans les yeux des autres. La terre disparaite. La chose seule c'est importance est
Seanna spake at
3:40 PM
Saturday, April 23, 2005
So I walked up to this one mailbox this morning, while doing my paper thing, and there was this yellow post it note hanging from it, which read:
do you graduate in June?
It did surprise me because, number one, I've never met these people, thus they're never met me. They must spy on me out their window.
Seanna spake at
5:35 PM
Friday, April 22, 2005
[Edit] Fixed. I suspect the browser was the culprit the first time.
My lame quiz about me.Just do it, eh.
Seanna spake at
5:14 PM
Noteworthy happenings causing distress.
Volume Une (one)
The paper and forms are out of my hands. Thus, it is as good as confirmed I'm taking the GED. I can do it either in May or June. We'll see how long it takes me to get through my 934 page study guide.
Volume Deux (two)
I will have to wait atleast deux (two) more weeks to get the new Jars of Clay CD, Redemption Songs. Apparently that's how long it will take yet for the local Bible bookstore to get it in.
Volume Trois (three)
We ran out of Habinaro Hot Sauce.
Volume Quatre (four)
I'm seeing Tetris blocks floating across my Collectivism text. I gotta quit playing it so much.
And no, you don't want to see my latest poem. I said you don't. Do you? Gee, get a life...
Seanna spake at
4:16 PM
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Man, oh man, I am having an awesome time reading Silas Marner. I found the first 4 chapters dryer than burnt rye toast but alas, that sensation did not last long. I didn't realize old literature could be so amusing. Take these examples. (They really are worth your reading time.)
On Master Tookey's singing ability... (Or rather, the lack of it...)
"Master Tookey, you'd better stick to your 'Amens', your voice is well enough when you keep it up inside your nose. It's your inside as isn't right made for music: it's not better nor a hollow stalk." said Ben Winthrop.
"I see what is plain enough." said Mr. Tookey, unable to keep cool any longer. "There's a consperacy to turn me out o' the choir, as I shouldn't share the Christmas money..."
"Nay, nay, Tookey." said Ben Winthrop. "We'll pay you your share to keep out of it- that's what we'll do. There's things folk 'ud pay to be rid on, besides varmin."
"Come, come," said the landlord, who felt that paying people for their absence was a principle dangerous to society, "A joke's a joke. We're all good friends here, I hope. We must give and take. You're both right and you're both wrong, as I say..."
On the Warren's haunted barn...
"...Say? I say what a man
should say as doesn't shut his eyes to look at a finger post. I say as I'm ready to wager and man ten pound if he'll stand out wi' me any dry night in the pasture before the Warren's stables, as we shall neither see lights nor hear noises, if it isn't the blowing of our own noses. That's what I say, and I've said it many a time..."
"Why Dowlas, that's easy betting, that is, "said Ben Winthrop. "You might as well bet a man as he wouldn't catch rheumatise if he stood up to's neck in a the pool on a frosty night. It'ud be fine fun for a man to win his bet as he'd catch rhuematise..."
On who should fill in for the constable...
"And you're a doctor, I rekon, though you're only a cow doctor- for a fly's a fly, though it may be a hoss fly," concluded Mr. Macey, wondering at his own "'cuteness.'"
There was hot debate upon this, the farrier of course indisposed to renounce the quality of doctor, but contending that a doctor could be a constable if he liked- the law meant, he needn't be one if he didn't like. Mr. Macey thought this was nonsense, since the law was not likely to be fonder of doctors than of other folk...
A style I can only be in awe of.
Seanna spake at
6:54 PM
Monday, April 18, 2005
She's the strong silent type who waits outside the door. Were she to go in, she'd say something. And were she to say something, it would wreck the moment.
That's why she waits outside in her cowboy boots; to hand out tissues, give you a peck and spur you on your way.
Seanna spake at
8:23 PM
Saturday, April 16, 2005
I was just out with elly, surveying the damage that has befallen the town because of the nasty windstorm. (and
speeding through the school-zones because it wasn't 8 o clock yet. mwhahaha) Not too much happened except a couple of fences and basketball hoops blowing over. The community bullitin board blew over, a stop light downtown blew off, and Regular at the Co-op is at 4. right now, courtesy of the wind.
I wrote another poem the other night. I couldn't come up with a title this time.
I lay with my face,
hidden away from the world.
Hiding the tears,
that would knock the secure.
One for the pain.
One for the ache.
One for the dissappointment,
of making a mistake.
One for the shame.
One for the pride.
One for the world,
to whom I lied.
One for the hoplessness.
One for the void.
All these tears fell,
And I cried some more.
May I never reach out,
for the sake of pity.
But only for the sake,
of overcoming.
Seanna spake at
7:36 AM
Monday, April 11, 2005
Wish me luck. I'm going to try to stay off here this week and get some work done. I'm dreadfully behind. So unless something extraordinary happens, like getting my arm amputated or getting abducted by aliens, I won't be posting. (And if either of those were to happen, you still wouldn't know it because I'd be unable to post. But I'm sure elly would inform you.)
We'll see how long this actually lasts...
But before I leave, check out the new blog
Talk Canuck. Done by cor, kris, elly and moi: Four weirdos who met at
the RI several years back.
Seanna spake at
1:44 PM
Saturday, April 09, 2005
I didn't take too many, but here are a couple of pictures from the convention last month.

I spent today with my Grandparents. They came to visit and we all went to a trade show in a nearby town, where I then pigged out on way too much junk food, and then went to supper.
Also while there, we went to a crazy department store. But all that was cool because I picked up a Matchbox Honda Element for the favourite vehicles collection I am starting. It was even the right colour, as in the colour featured on my
website.While delivering papers today there was the Dodge truck from Manitoba in one driveway. It had a bumpersticker that said: "Gun control. Simple solution for simple minds." Right on.
Enough randomness for now eh.
Seanna spake at
7:11 PM
Friday, April 08, 2005
I had a dream last night.
I was at a store and they had lots of stuff on sale. So I stocked up on things I like: baseball caps, socks and shoes. And Coke. I got home and elly asked me why I bought beer. I bought Coke, I said. But no, I had mistaken beer for Coke. And I woke up. What does it
This morning I had to run down to Mac's to pick up some stuff. On the door of the computer store next door was a bright orange poster for a city pep rally with
live entertainment! Pep for what? Rah Rah! Our hockey team sucked its way through the season! One of the main roads through town is half gravel! And no one obeys the no dogs in the park signs!
Anyhow, I'm enjoying the flip-flop weather. (Over 20 C baybe!) I just don't wear my flips-flops in the park.
Seanna spake at
3:49 PM
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Today's topic: leg hair.
Leg hair that grows 1 mm/ day is bad.
Leg hair that gets ingrown because the elastic on your socks is too tight is nasty.
One lone leg hair resembling an eyelash is evil.
But atleast I don't have as much leg hair as my cat. That would be disturbing.
Seanna spake at
4:59 PM
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
This blog post is dedicated to
Fuzzy Yam and
Encaitar Yam in honour of their bravery on Sunday. Not just any Yams can survive a morning service at BLBC. You rule.
[Edit April 7th 3:51 p.m.]
I told myself I was not going to get bitter, twisted or complain on here, and this post came close to violating all three. Thus, it is being editing. I'll post something more enjoyable later on.
Seanna spake at
7:11 PM
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Ha! I'm a loser. I'm doing this too...
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
The book happens to be on Java, by Tim Ritchey.
"This error occurs when a class does not have a main () method defined. All applications must have a main () method defined in order to give the interpreter a place to start execution. You will learn the main declaration in more detail in Chapter 6."
Whee. The excitement.
Seanna spake at
5:52 PM
So I was reading a blog late last night on the K-Melon browser and this notice pops up: This page is not being transferred over a secure connection. Ok, thanks for telling me. Uh, so?
I then went on the read some e-mails and news sites. Ok ess, you know you need a life when you read news sites multiple times per day. But it's spring break. So I'm allowed not to have a life for the week.
This is a poem I wrote the other night when I was down. Not having a life will do that to you. It just hit me. Maybe I should write poetry when I'm in a good mood. It would turn out so much better. Actually it probably wouldn't, but I digress....
The Life I Never HadThe years fade away,
And I sit here all alone.
Trying to escape,
This reality I call my own.
It never was how I wanted.
I promised it would improve.
But it never did.
And the present is my proof.
For an instant now and then,
I'd see my dream come true.
The laughter didn't last long,
And back came the gloom.
I still sit all alone,
On the edge of something new.
I sit trying to forget,
But I never will.
So I try not to regret.
The life I never had.
If anyone actually read every word of all that blither, you need a life too.
Seanna spake at
12:02 PM