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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
To heck with the hit counter already. And everything else really. I'm in a bad mood. And it's only Tuesday!

Seanna spake at 7:50 PM

Sunday, May 29, 2005

I just had a dream that I drank too much ice water, so my teeth froze and fell out.


Seanna spake at 8:13 AM

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, accompanied by ice water, are delightful.

Seanna spake at 9:21 PM


For the second weekend in a row, I'm staying indoors. I thought last week was polkafest. I was mistaken. I went down to the post office to mail some letters (What is it, 5 in 1 1/2 weeks?) and saw the big sign: "PIG ROAST. 4-7 AT THE CURLING RINK". and all the old-folks trailers were filling up the leisure center parking lot... ack.

And heck, I forget what else I was going to say. How nasty....

Seanna spake at 3:27 PM

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

These days I just find myself wanting to give up. I can't find any motivation.

In my favour I have...
a) loads of schoolwork.
b) no job.
c) a bad back.
d) a guitar/theory condition hanging over my head.

Against me I have...
a) a guitar/theory condition hanging over my head.
b) a bad back.
c) no job.
d) loads of schoolwork.

As you can see, I have a win/win situation here. And it's getting me down.

Why finish grade 12 in a timely fashion so that I can work at a crappy 13 hr/wk job all of next year?

Why get a job when it'll just make my back that much worse?

Why keep my back when getting rid of it would get rid of alot of pain?

Why do grade 1 theory when I suck at it? After I finish it, there'll just be another reason why I shouldn't play the guitar... And here I finally thought I had found my instrument.

I'm so totally in a poetry mood.

The Cord
The cord,
Once tightly bound,
Was firm;
Pressure came,
Pulled on the cord.
It weakened;
And it unravelled and broke.
How to make it strong again?

I am the cord,
Pulled on by force.
Near breaking,
But fighting.
How to stay strong?

Seanna spake at 9:22 PM

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Since I'm not a pilgrim, I didn't expect to be in church with a dog this morning. But we're just starting in on the second song when the lady in front of me really starts laughing. Ok, the song was not going well. No one knew it. No one could follow along. The leader could not lead. The piano and the organ were not together. As I said, the song was not going well. But I didn't think the crazy-long-fake-nails lady would be quite that rude.

Then I spied out of the bottom of my eye what the disturbance was. (Besides the song, although it was disturbing too.) A dog was sniffing my toes. Quickly, Tim came and grabbed it. Our hero? *snorts*

The song leader didn't crack a smile through the whole thing.

An older couple that come to church take their little bratty dog with them everywhere. One Sunday it ran out to the highway and some of the men took off to catch it. Yup, it's a bratty dog.

There's a girl who got married three weeks ago. She's nice, in the sweet, conservative way. I really wondered if she was ready for it since she never hit me as the most mature. I did not attend the wedding, but I heard they even considered saving their first kiss for later, and both her and the groom were so nervous they didn't smile. Anyhow, she was there today, and seemed to be vedy happy and doing well. In fact, I think being on her own has made her more confidant. So I'm happy for her.

And, I get to sleep in tomorrow!

Seanna spake at 5:51 PM

Friday, May 20, 2005

Remind me to stay indoors this weekend- it's Polkafest here...

And 171 hits you guys? I only put it in Tuesday night!

Seanna spake at 4:28 PM

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

In a way, there's a comparison between Belinda Stronach and Paris Hilton. They're both blonde. They're both heiresses. They both have a way of making waves with their boyfriends.

On another topic: I wonder how much the Queen's plastic, transparent umbrella cost.

Seanna spake at 9:15 PM

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I like pleasant surprises. Not that I was too surprised. Just pleasantly, as I said. We arrived late at church to find that a certain friend who goes by such weird things as monk, and encaitar around here, had decided to come bug us weirdos at church again. And on top of that, brought a lovely CD for me to borrow. And that was all cool.

Again, I was pleasantly surprised when elly brought a yellow paper and Winnie the Pooh taped package over to the sink while I was washing dishes. A guess a certain person thought I needed some sweeteneing and sent me some "Winnie the Pooh fruit snacks". Thank ye kindly. You package will be on the way as soon as I get down to the post office, which I've already missed today.

Indeed, I don't have time to get into my thoughts on the sermon from Sunday and how it relates to funerals, right now. That will have to wait for another time since if I don't get supper started, the fam will starve. (Or act like they're starving anyhow.)

Seanna spake at 4:05 PM

Saturday, May 14, 2005

I guess that's the last time Pete lets me into Root. I maxed his HD, and mistook a 1 for an l. Not good. Now we gotta re-install.

And I feel 78% of my muscles tightening. Too much post pounding today. Icky back...

Coming soon: a great Weezer vid. I'll explain where I got it later.

Seanna spake at 7:42 PM


I couldn't find all the CD's I ripped in Linux and copied over to Windows, thus all my hard work was lost in the inner workings of no-man's-land. It ran out of room on utility 28.

Out of 77 folks, only 4 are insane enought to be out of bed and on IMs, but I don't feel like talking to them anyway.

The dog just "tooted".

Man, what a bad morning.

Seanna spake at 9:52 AM

Friday, May 13, 2005

Old and out-of-date news: Uchenna and Joyce won the Amazing Race.

Not that it really matters in day-to-day life. Not that it's very realistic "reality T.V.". But I was cheering for them. And it gives you two things: the warm fuzzies for a couple of hours. And the thought, "Dude, I need to be on one of those shows." When, in reality, me and my pardner would be the third ones eliminated and everyone would be glad to be rid of us, and would waggle their tongues at our backs because I'm such a grouch and my pardner would get annoyed and I'd tell 'em to shut up...

...and we'd go back to blissful anonymity. Oh joy.

And in case you happen to think I've really lost it with my random writing adventures lately, I'll just confirm something. They're strange stories. No more, no less. Always written after about 2 hours of homework. This is my latest one. By no means best in form, but I like it anyway.

Hold on Jesus.
Don't lose His gaze.
Your wanderings are over.
Be steadfast in faith.
If you stumble,
He'll catch you,
If you hold to his Hand.
For there's nothing,
That can break His grasp.

Can you believe this? It is so crazy. I'm posting under Linux. :0 What is my problem? Actually... I'm just ripping CDs. Have no worries.

Seanna spake at 6:46 PM

Thursday, May 12, 2005

"Oh Lord, deliver us from our sad, sweet, stinking selves."
- L. E. Maxwell

I was reading Through Gates of Splendor. Part of it anyway, and this was a quote from it. I find that book much more inspiring than Hemingway.

Seanna spake at 3:51 PM

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The Lady Going to the Distant Town

It was a cold, bone-chilling night, and she was scared. The sky flashed as the door at the other end of the room opened. It silhoutted a man. In his one hand he carried a bottle. In the other, a gun. She knew it was coming.

Slowly the man stepped forward. In her place she froze, not daring to move. She could feel the pain. One more step. Another. One more brought the man closer.

She had to move now or never. She caught her breath, refusing to heed the pain. And bolted. Rushed by the man. Out the door. Behind her he cursed as only he could.

Into the wind and darkness she ran. Gasping for every breath. The pain followed. And she remembered again what had happened.

The cruelty. The slamming. The iron. The fence. The fall. But she ran, trying to leave it all behind. Into the forest. She would not quit. It was life or death.

* * *

In the plush seated car, the lady gazed out the window. The car rumbled over the tracks underneath her. What a horrid night to be travelling, she thought to herself. When the sky lighted again, she saw it. The sight caused pity. The young mare. Dashing across a field, her gait uneven, her galloping, painful. Her shape, twisted. Badly beaten, nearly broken. Around the next curve the view was gone. And the lady went back to her reading.

* * *

She ran into a clearing. She could go on no longer. She stopped and the pain chorsed through her. It had started only this morning, and it would not end. Would it ever.

The longer she stood, the more it intensified. With one last cry, she fell. Into the grass. Deep, soft, comforting. Rest. No more pain.

In the distance, the train whistle blew, announcing the arrival of the unkown lady into the far away town. A pleasant place.

* * *

Maybe it came from reading Hemingway again....

Seanna spake at 3:18 PM

Saturday, May 07, 2005

I'm back. In case you couldn't tell. And I'm glad to be back. And I'm starting to feel a bit better after my experience with Iced Cap.

On the way, we stopped at Tim Horton's. On the way back, we stopped at Tim Horton's. On the way I got a strawberry tart. On the way back, I got a large chocolate Iced Cap. Now you know that while I've tried to drink coffee, it always makes me sick. But I thought I'd try a chocolate one and see if the chocolate would mask the Cap taste, or better yet, maybe it would be like a choclate milk smoothie. Needless to say, neither turned out to be true, and I got sick. Sick. Sick. Sick... and the bumpy ride didn't help.

So we travelled as far as Portage le Prairie the first night. On the way, Pete dug out his false teeth and we did different "old rocker" music impressions with our banjos and accordions. Untill mom got annoyed. Then I just listened to Jars. mmmmmmm.... And how lucky; the hotel was out on non-smoking rooms. Now most of my stuff smells like smoke.

The church the funeral was at, was this big old United Church, built in 1912; back in the days when there was no electricity, and you went to the bathroom before you left for church. This explains why the ladies washroom was what it was; the electrical closet (i.e. all the electrical breakers) with a toilet and a bit of wallpaper. I was seriously going to take a picture of it, but there were others in line for the restroom. Puts new meaning into water closet though...

Now you all know, I am not at all guy crazy. But I have to mention this one guy I saw. His hair, man! I mean, if Dave's is a 10, and Ben Mulroney's is a 0, this guy's was a 9.46832. Totally.

So on the way back we stopped at Wally World, where I stocked up on such things at PURPLE UNMENTIONABLES. No, that was not the point of this paragraph. It's point was to mention that I ran into half of the Conservative Baptist, i.e. skirt wearers group. So, of course, being my friendly self, I said hello. They weren't too hot on talking to me: I was wearing tight jeans (which I later got all chocolate and sticky, because while we were switching drivers, I sat on my sister's chocolate mallow...) and that type of thing always gives me a kick. Maybe I'm just weird. No wait. I think it's them that are weird. I digress...

So we got back to find out that the pot house across the back alley burned to the ground. Apparently it's only been busted 6 times... Anyhow, I'm going to quit boring you, and go get weady for anoder dayyyy. (I'm giddy from lack of sleep. How fun!)

Seanna spake at 9:23 AM

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Essy is going to Holland. When she does not know. But her grouchy travelling nature will make an exception.

It's something about what all ahs been going on over there and what Canadians did for the place. I want to see it.

It's hard to conceive how many soldiers actually died. Soldiers, close to my age. Probably over the number of people I've met in my life. Gone.

Canada's new "war museum" disgusts me though. "Don't make them into heros. That would glorify war," the historians say. Pig wash.

Ok, this is nuts though. I was just washing the dishes and all of a sudden I started singing an old camp song.

Mr. Postman, bring to me a,
Copy of the NIV.
I, can't stand to wait any longer.
I need the Bible to grow stronger.

Shooba deboo bop shoo bop woo!
Shooba deboo bop shoo bop woo!
Shooba deboo bop shoo bop woo!

Milk, milk, milk. Drink more milk, milk, milk.
Eat the word, word, word. To grow strong.

Shh! Don't tell the Baptists!

Anyhow, I'm off to the land of the big pumpkin in an hour. (Up on your MB geography?) I expect to be back at 1 a.m., Saturday. *sigh* Later...

Seanna spake at 12:39 PM

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Apparently I'm travelling to Manitoba this weekend to go to a funeral of a relative of a relative, to whom I am not related. I'd met the man a few times, all of which were atleast 10 years ago.

I try to be cool about it, but I don't like travelling. It makes me grouchy. This would makes sense since I am a grouch. (There are few exceptions.)

Also, there will be other relatives of the relative to whom I am actually a relative, there. And they will ask me such questions as, "You're graduating, right?", "Do you have a job?", "Are you going to get a job?", "What are you doing this fall?", and "Did you ever get your license?".

And while maybe they're well-meaning people, and they're well-meaning questions, I don't like them because I don't like coming up with more stupid excuses to cover the real reasons. So you nod and smile, and nod and smile, and say you don't know and act like you don't care, even though you do care, and do know what you want to do, but it seems there are barriers in every direction. And that is life.

So whatever. Maybe I'll just take pictures. I remember being at the big old United Church that it's going to be at; a fine architectural work, as I recall. Or maybe it just seemed like one at the time.

And in another fit of randomness last night, I wrote this. (not the first verse, mind you.)

Oh sugar.
Oh hunnie, hunnie.
You are my candy gal,
And you got me wanting you.

Oh poodle.
Oh mutant, mutant.
You are such brainless fluff.
And I wanna shoot you.

Oh picture.
Oh ugly, ugly.
Why did you wear that dress?
It is so early 90's.

Oh guitar.
Oh strummy, strummy.
You are so svelte!
And I want to plaay you!

Oh jammies.
Oh fuzzy, fuzzy.
You are so comfy.
And mis-matched, to boot!

Alas..... bed....

Seanna spake at 3:48 PM