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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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since 03/09/06 installation

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Friday, July 29, 2005
Off we go to pick up her for the weekend. Whee.

Seanna spake at 8:32 AM

Thursday, July 28, 2005

You know how when you were little, "collecting rocks" was a hobby? Or maybe you've always had more of a life than me. But I was part of the rock collecting cult.

You'd go outside on a sunny day. And the sun would be shimmering off the quartz in some of the many rocks on the gravel road. So you'd pick the ones you thought sparkled the most, and take your prized possessions indoors to add to your container of "pretty stones".

But the thing was, once they were yours, indoors, in out of the sun, they didn't sparkle so anymore. They now look pretty plain. So you'd go find some more sparkly ones, hoping they would keep their shine. But none of them did. They only looked like they shone outside. So after you had piled up so many non-shining stones, you'd throw them out. No use keeping them.

After a while my mom explained all the technicalities to me. "You stupid idiot, the lights inside aren't as bright as the sun". In different wording.

But a parallel hit me the other day.

We all have out jars of "pretty stones" that we've collected. When they weren't ours, they'd glimmer, and you'd want it. It will make you happy. But after you got them, they're no longer have the charm. And contentment was still as far away as ever. So you throw them out, just to get more.

And those are my profound thoughts of the day.

Seanna spake at 9:31 AM

Monday, July 25, 2005

So we had a lovely time with my Granny. Including eating pizza at midnight- as soon as we got there. And I scanned some pictures for her, and we helped her with stuff, and it was all nice.

This morning I happened to have coffee break at the same time as Justin 2. So we're in the staff room looking at old magazines, and he shoves one my way. It was a page of "Celebrities doing normal things, just like us!". One was this guy, carrying a big bag, and was labeled "buying dog food." The thing was, it wasn't dog food. It was potting soil. Stupid editor.

Seanna spake at 6:23 PM

Friday, July 22, 2005

Company newsletter! I get... a free regular flavour PC popcorn, (yay?) for being such a nice employee. Or a bad one. It doesn't really make a difference in that case.

Also, I picked up the form for the digital camera that I, as an employee can for 200 dollar instead of 300 dollar. It's a really spiffy 4.1 megapixel with video and all that. However, I found that since I don't have a credit card, I can't order one. And that, did not make my day.

And now I guess it's off to the queen city to see granny.

Seanna spake at 2:25 PM

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Mom thinks I should call in sick for work today. I've got impetigo, and my coworkers might catch it...

Hmm, right. A little infection never hurt essy.

Or did it?

Seanna spake at 1:28 PM

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Imagine that.

For better or worse, the person you probably trust the most... goes and kills you.

It's a pathetically sad world.

Seanna spake at 5:10 PM


Time for a post. I had a nice, or not so nice paragraph about Sunday's wonky sermon, but I don't even feel like posting that.

My summers are always lazy. Except for my job, this summer is no exception. In the summers of old, I usually half looked forward to and half dreaded September. This year it's 1/4 anticipation and 3/4 dread. I have no plans. I wish it weren't so. Long term goals, I have, to move out and further my education. But no plans for this year. It's not all my fault either. And it bugs me.

Seanna spake at 10:50 AM

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Yesterday I had my MRI done. Thus, like it or not, I had to be in frump mode. You can't wear metal, and certain cosmetics are taboo, lest the chemicals interfere. I never thought I'd actually say it, but man, I missed my bra.
Ha, nevermind... I had an MRI one other time, but last time they didn't need to use dye. This time they did. I'm really not comfortable with all this crazy dye stuff lately...

While we were at WalMart, the van took the opportunity to give up the ghost. The problem was actually the alternator (and yes, I do know what those are), but even with dad, the 3/4 mechanic under the hood, who didn't want to spend money, and 2 Wally World mechanics under the hood, who wanted him to spend much money, they figured it was just the battery gone bonkers. So we replaced that. And continued on our way, etc, etc.

About half way home we did figure out that the problem was not solved. The battery was totally not charging and we were not going to make it home. Thus, the last hour we had no air conditioning, the windows rolled down, we attempted not to use the brakes, and oh, no radio. But that was no loss. I was sick of hearing about hockey. But the air conditioning part was no fun, seeing that it was +42 with the humidity. Yeah, it was rather intense.

Really, there was no way we should have made it back, but we did. And it was nice to have a cool pool to jump into in the backyard after that sauna.

Seanna spake at 2:11 PM

Saturday, July 09, 2005

I managed to pick up an extra 8 1/2 hours yesterday and today. This is good for the bank account, but not for the back. I hope I don't keel over at lunch. Pardon my complaining. I've just never had to be on my feet for 8 hours in a day before. Whee. Later.

Seanna spake at 6:31 AM

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I was just thinking about how I could be in Uranium City right now; helping with a camp, wearing a jean skirt, and not listening to any rock music. And I told myself, I'm glad I didn't do that.

Yesterday was my bro's b-day, today is my parent's ann. and tomorrow is Friday. Yay! I got my bro a present, which he seems to like well enough. But my parents I just got a card. We've never made a big deal about anniversaries. Not even their 25th. I didn't get them a cheesy card about a harmonious home and all tha love... blah blah blah. Just simple and sweet. Like happy anniversary.

I'm running on 3 1/2 hours of sleep right now. I stayed up quite late last night, reading Monster by Frank Peretti. I finished it at about 3 a.m., looked at my clock, thought, "Hey, he is getting on a plane right now. How cool." Prayed and went to sleep.

Seanna spake at 10:10 PM

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Tuesday turned out to be an interesting day. I had to be in S'toon for more wonky blood tests for the usual.

However, I wasn't feeling so great on Monday, and thus ate pretty much nothing all day. (Yes, you needed to know that. It's part of the story. Now pay attention.) Tuesday morning I was running behind schedule, so I didn't have time to snarf any breakfast either. But this isn't that unusual, so it's no big deal.

So we get there, and they take my blood and that's all cool, so we get up to leave. I've had numerous blood samples and tests, so this is pretty much routine by now. By the time I got to the elevator, I knew I was feeling weird, so I just slumped into the corner.

"Come on ess. You're da big buff. Get ahold of yourself and you'll be cool." I told myself.

By the time we got outside I knew what had once again happened. Sure, I was walking- on autopilot. I couldn't see really, and only half heard myself say "mom, I gotta sit down" before I keeled over.

Even though such things aren't that serious, the brain can still think weird things. On the was forward, I was like "Hey, if I crack my head on the cement, I'll go to heaven! Wheeee!"

But anyhow, mom and this Hutterite lady who was standing nearby grabbed me and set me down. So the Hutterite lady watched over me (Like I was going to run away...) while mom went to find where dad had parked the van, etc.

And that was that. I'll not be skipping breakfast from now on.

Also, while we were there, we got a new kitten and stopped at the Fanny's Fabrics closing out sale. (80-90% off. Whee! I did get.... some stuff... only 17 bucks worth, which would have otherwise cost.... over 100, I think. Snort if you wish. I don't care. I purchase only the funkiest of the funky stuff to make the funkiest of the funky stuff.) I digress...

About the cat: This is not just any kitten mind you. It's the ragdoll breed. i.e. they cost moola. What pray tell is so great about them?
1. They're the largest of the domestic cat breeds.
2. They have long fur.
3. You can train them like a dog to do tricks.
4. They're very human-oriented i.e. they puuurr muchly.
5. They don't lose their kitten baby blue eye colour.
Ours is named Tuxford; Tux for short. And so far the other pets aren't impressed.

Seanna spake at 3:17 PM

Monday, July 04, 2005

Since working at a grocery store is not all that interesting of a job, I will not make a habit of talking incessantly about it. However, yesterday's shift was too amusing. I think God was having fun, and I was just the lucky recipient.

Before coffee break, it wasn't that interesting; I sliced myself open on a box and talked with my coworkers when there were no customers.

Later on, as I put my doctor, his wife and their little girl through, my register started acting up. At precisely that moment, 3 people walked into the store, but I didn't know that yet. So I called Sly over to fix my machine. As he came over, I looked up, and who did I spy (Hey, that rhymes with Sly!) standing there grinning, but James. And a couple of moments later, Luke and Liam. (I think I spelled that right... gah) That timing just cracks me up. Not only do I not usually work Sundays, but they usually are not travelling through my town either. And furthermore, if my machine hadn't broken right then, I wouldn't have been able to stop and talk as long because it was so busy. It was great. :D

From then on things got even better. After Sly finished fixing my till, I noticed that he was on the phone at customer service. Ok, whatever. About 1/2 hr later, I was blabbing with C.G. (My supervisor for the day) and Manda, a little further away. "It's a 'personal call' and he's been on there 35 minutes already." C.G. informed us. "So anytime he looks at me I scowl and shake my head." About then, we were getting tired and giddy, so we discussed whether or not it could be a g/f, or why else he would be smiling so big, etc. So we decided we were going to scowl and shake our heads at him. So that's what we did; C.G., also at customer service, and Manda and I at Lane 1. *scowl, shake head* And anytime he saw us doing it at him, he smiled even bigger. It was weird. This continued for an hour, untill he finally got off to go lock the doors. We even discussed all this with Josh- who never smiles or talks. And, he smiled, AND said, that he'd never seen Sly do such a thing before. How suspicious.

So with all that, oohing and ahhing over chickens, and helping guys with funny accents find the cornmeal, it was good, clean, wholesome fun: at work even. At least, I thought it was. Maybe I was just tired. Same difference I guess.

Seanna spake at 1:08 PM

Friday, July 01, 2005

I slept in till 10:30. Then I ate breakfast. Then I went back to bed untill 1:30. At which time I got up and had lunch. Then we went to the beach, where I snoozed in the sun till 6. Then we came home, I snoozed some more, ate some supper, played badminton and went to see the fireworks. Now I'm going to go to bed because I want more sleep, since I must work tomorrow.

Happy Canada Day 2005.

Seanna spake at 10:02 PM