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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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Monday, August 29, 2005
Church picnics are always such a gas. You stand around and make polite conversation with all church goers. You then have good, clean, wholesome fun, like playing round robin ping pong, volleyball, other hit the ball games, eat much food, and then you do it all over again, and tack a capture the flag on the end. And then you get the comment, "My word, you're doing well. Is your back doing better?" and you politely say no, but that though I may be decrepit I still keep myself in good shape, and not mention that, of course I can move since I'm not hindered by one wrap around piece of Baptist material, also known in these parts as a feminine skirt.

Don't get me wrong. Some of the Baptists, I don't mind. Others, drive me nuts. And I guess it wasn't that bad. It gives me something to post about anyway.

The other Sunday I got the question, "will I turn into a depressed monster after my big sis moves out?" I don't remember what I said. And I'll sure try not to. But I suspect either way, you'll know the right answer soon enough. It will be different though.

And what the heck is ess doing to keep busy this fall besides work part time? FYI, I'm taking more Physics, MathB and some computer stuff all by correspondence. The physics and math I need to get into the SIAST course I want, and the computer is part of the necessary courses. So that with that, next fall I may move to S'toon to take full time all necessary classes to be a x-ray technician, which will then take 2 years to complete. Whee. And that's that for an update. I'm going to go tan in the pool now...

Seanna spake at 2:43 PM

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Fun is...
- Staying up late chatting, and then getting up at 6.
- Walking around the block in the rain, in your pajamas.
- Landing on the hard basement stairs with a early 90's pc monitor with a Master Card sticker on it, on top of you.
- Having the cat jump around on top of the pc, and think the phonebook looks like it would be fun to deface.
- Getting everyone rapping to Amish Paradise.

Are you having fun yet?

Brought to you by the National Foundation to Have More Fun.

Seanna spake at 7:06 AM

Monday, August 22, 2005

+ It's a good thing I'm not a lab mouse, or else the evil scientists would be forever going back to the brew pot to find something that would work. [Editor's interpretation: 6 weeks later, pills still have not cleared up the author's impetago. Go figure.]

+ Forget about the earlier post about how I was sucking at work. Second week running, ess, the new girl, was the fastest. + 9, not the predicted -12. Geee....

+ One more day on my own with the in-a-bratty-mood siblings who just want to sit at the pc all day...

This has been another update on the life and times of the uninfamous ess. G'night.

Seanna spake at 11:24 PM

Sunday, August 21, 2005

One thing about chewing gum while driving is, big popping bubbles may hinder your view.

Seanna spake at 1:11 PM

Monday, August 15, 2005

All the things you find out: Not only did mom, in days past, play the guitar, but so did dad.

Seanna spake at 5:25 PM

Saturday, August 13, 2005

I finished typing out my transcript last night. 30 credits, I have. With averages ranging from 62 to 91. With alot of 70's and 80's in there.

On a sheet of paper, it really all looks insignificant and meaningless. But that's all of my life's work thus far. And now, I just feel kind of lost...

Seanna spake at 9:52 AM

Friday, August 12, 2005

Beginning of the week, I was in talking to my supervisor. I knew I was doing ok. She informed me and the sis about how the bosses in S'toon noticed that a new cashier at store 9034 who'd only been there 6 weeks was doing a fantastic speed of 36rpm. They sent a memo to all stores about it. i.e., wow. Some cashiers never hit that. I've maintained that for several weeks. But all good things must end. Thus, my back is acting up and I can't move worth beans. My time is going down the toilet. On next week's time sheets, everyone's'll be the usual +1, +2, or -1, or -2, employee ***** will have a big -12. Ever been frusterated? You might call me that right now. I can't help it, and I'm going down the tubes. Did I ever mention it's probably arthritis? Yeah, I'm frusterated. Kicking myself. Why I don't know. And on top of it I dropped a precious shift. Because after saying she wouldn't, she's scheduled me for a few too many Sundays in a row.

That's why being decrepit sucks. God help me.

So I'll take a break and try to get back on my feet again.

Pardon the rant. Get on with your lives. But before you do, check out my duct tape wallet; latest feature on the flickr.

Seanna spake at 10:16 PM

Saturday, August 06, 2005

I was making muffins last night. My favourite Baker's Best Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins. And mom asked me why I was making those again? I always make those. Why don't I try something new?

No, I'm not stuck in a rut. And no, I'm not against change.

But they're the muffins I grew up with. I like them. They're my good friends, and they never flop.

And so while some things are changing, I want some things to stay the same. There are two main constants for me. That life totally sucks, and that I want my Baker's Best Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins. So don't bug me about it.

Seanna spake at 7:51 PM

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Mmmm, duct tape. Get a load of that stuff. Guess who's going to be trying it soon? Or with packing tape and old comics...

Seanna spake at 9:36 PM


Behold, my latest collection is up.

Seanna spake at 12:01 PM

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Big puss has figured out that little puss is a boy; something that little puss himself has not yet figured out.

Seanna spake at 9:46 AM

Monday, August 01, 2005

Corrianne dear, I'm wondering if your foot is as swollen as my leg. It was so freaky. Sunday night after we dropped you off, it just wouldn't quit swelling. My foot looks like how I imagine it would look if I were to weigh 20 lb more. Gah.

We got bitten or stung on Saturday morning while picking raspberries, I presume. But that aside, we had a cool weekend. We made Wodehouse shirts and wore them to church and went swimming and they took me out for coffee on my coffee break at work. For which I was late. I was somehow certain I had to work at 2. Laurie called at 1. Eh, aren't you working today? Even though we had just gotten out of the pool, I was only 10 minutes late for my shift, and she forgave me and I swore I'd never do that again.

And now I guess it's my turn to go to B.C.

Seanna spake at 1:44 PM