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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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since 03/09/06 installation

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
About 7 years ago, I had an incident with an old man and his salad, that I've never forgotten. I was helping my mom deliver meals on wheels, and we went to this one house with this elderly man who had Regis and Kathy Lee LIVE on full blast, and who was putting laundry in his machine. While walking into his kitchen, I dumped his salad all over the floor. Yesterday, I had an old man come through with macaronie salad. The scanning bar is on the top of such things, so when I flipped it over to scan it, it popped open and I had macaronie salad all over my counter. So I had to call for a new one, which then got messed up... The man didn't realize anything had gone wrong throughout the whole incident. I'll be wary of old men and their salads in the future.

Anyhow, I like chewing gum or eating something while working on book work. But I ran out of gum today, so I had to chew day old stuff, which was slightly gross. But I stocked up after work, and I do mean stocked up, since it was on sale; and I also got 2 boxes of delicious Peak Freans cookies. I shall eat well for the next while.

Seanna spake at 4:59 PM

Monday, September 26, 2005

196 posts later, it's been two years. Happy birthday to me and my blog. I guess alot changes over 2; more than just writing styles. But life is just all about change.

Today, Parliament also opens again today, for those of you who are ill-informed about Canadian politics. How long till Harper, as much as I like him, is canned is anyone's guess and the media's decision. "He's so cold" the media says. "And the media has given him such a stone image, how can he change it? A makeover?" They'd rather a bubbly airhead type that people like to watch than someone who probably knows a bit more about current events. Alas, the saga continues.

And now I'm going to go find a dictionary. I woke up at 6:48 a.m., and thought "citadel"! And it disturbed me, "heck, I don't know what a citadel is. Or else I've forgotten. Or maybe there is no such word." So I'm going to find out. And if there actually is no such thing, forget I said anything...

And yes, this is quite possibly the lamest layout I've done yet. 5 minutes of changing a couple things from the last one. My laziness astounds me.

Seanna spake at 9:42 AM

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Get a life, ess.

I won the award of the week at work for you know, being a cashier and stuff. First one they've given out so far. I think that means I get a Dairy Queen somethingorother.

Pardon the braindead post. I've got a headache, and I've had enough Physics for a day, thankyou.

Seanna spake at 3:58 PM

Monday, September 19, 2005

Some days I hate stores. I hate people. I hate money. And I hate food. Well, no not really. But all mixed together I do. And, I hate being decrepit.

Anyhow, while I was driving to and from church yesterday, there was this pesky little spider that kept dropping down in front of me. It was rather unnerving. But I didn't end up squashing it because I couldn't take both hands off the wheel for long enough at 100andsome clicks to smash the brains out of it.

Seanna spake at 5:22 PM

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Get 'em now, while they last! Free 20 minute PC phone cards from Extra Foods. Free with any purchase. And if you don't want them, give them to me I say!

Seanna spake at 7:43 PM

Sunday, September 11, 2005

24 hours ago I said farewell to my best friend ever. It only really hit me the last couple of days how close it was and how much things would change. Ell, I'm happy for you, and hope you have your best year ever, but it'll just take me a while too, to adjust to being left behind. [I should mention here that on our relatively short stop at the school, I met "the Karina". I was taking stuff in from the van and saw this girl walking across the yard and thought, "that's Karina." How, I don't know, since I'd never met this friend of friends before. But indeed, it was her.]

In all, I've had a couple of draining last few days. As most of you don't know, I have ankyosing spondylitis- a type of arthritis that affect the muscles, besides the joints. And in the last day and a half, I've found out what else it affects- my immune system. This is why, though I've been on several antibiotics for over a month straight, they've not healed up a relatively minor skin bacteria, which instead, spread. And then I reacted to the drugs. But this is not all; it could affect the eyes too.

I admit, when I found all this out, I sat down and cried, which I never had before over it. Pain I can stand. But I don't feel ready for a life of this. Worrying about little infections I can't fight off. Worrying about staying fit or losing my mobility. I can't handle that.

And then I remembered "For when I am weak, then I am strong." [II Cor 12:10b] I'd never felt so weak as then. But I'm ok now. God mercifully doesn't let us see the unknown, forboding future. But gives us the strength we need as it comes. And this I hold on to.

Seanna spake at 1:43 PM

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The big white house on the corner, with purple trim and apple trees in the back, has many apples this year. All the little old ladies of the town know it. And all the little old ladies of the town are jealous. And all the little old ladies of the town want some. Because otherwise life wouldn't be fair. And all the little old ladies of the town used to pick apples in that very back yard! from the previous owners.

So all the little old ladies stop by, since of course, a family of 6 couldn't possibly use all those apples. And little essy gets little ladies in the grocery store, "you don't suppose you're mom would mind if I stopped to pick some, would she? Because just the other day I was driving down the back alley (ah, and why would she be driving (scary) down the back alley if not to look at those apple trees?) and saw all those apples (No, really? Who'd a guessed?) and I doubt you'll be using them all, and I'd love some. Those are really good trees..."

And then they all bring their friends.

What about if I happen to want apple pie?

On a side note, I got 2/3 of my texts I'll need for my corresondence stuff, so I should get started on that, and I've got my hands wrapped up in gauze because the crazy impetago, also known as a sure way to make ess go insane, while starting to clear up one place after 6 trips to the doctor, just spread to my hands.

Yup, in a very demented sort of way, I'm having fun.

Seanna spake at 3:51 PM

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Quote of the week;
Either I've been missing something, or nothing's been happening.

Anyhow, I'm off to see the Saskatchewan Centennial, province-wide, fireworks shortly.

Seanna spake at 7:38 PM

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Mom was cleaning up old school notebooks of mine and gave them to me to go through: keep what I want and throw out the rest.

My first impulse is to go what the heck, and throw out the whole stack without a second thought to it. But I think mom wanted me to look at them. I often think that mom put more work into my schooling than I ever did. And trashing such things is hard for her, so I glanced through some of them.

Those were the days when I was so picky about my writing. It had to be perfect. And it took me forever to do. All my page numbers, dates, and lesson numbers were carefully done up in marker or calligraphy. I wanted some colour, you see.

Then there were the fuzzy haired blob men stamps that said "keep trying", "improving", and "excellent". I think the "keep trying" ones far outnumbered the other two.

And in grade 7 (1999-2000) on all my notebooks, I had made a Y2K safe logo on the front. Just in case. Or rather, just another excuse for me to waste time.

The content itself could be amusing. My Home Ec. recipies, complete with descriptions on how I didn't have enough apple sauce for the muffins because I ate too much of it, and English essays on what an annoing little kid I was. Or science paragraphs going on about how x-rays are bad for you and how they don't make sense. How ironic that I now plan to become an x-ray technician.

All that took me hundreds of hours to do. And it's all in the trash pile. It doesn't hurt to look back fondly once in a while, I guess. But I don't stay there long. I move on. Live for the future.

Seanna spake at 9:14 PM