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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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Friday, October 28, 2005
Here's my doodle of last week that I spent way too long on. I didn't reach filling a whole page though.

Seanna spake at 7:45 AM

Monday, October 24, 2005

So I show up at work with a cold, and Maureen starts in.
"Seanna, you couldn't have gotten a cold if you weren't kissing guys again. You'll have to quit kissing all those guys."
Why yes, of course Maureen. That's my problem!

Seanna spake at 9:44 PM

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Um yes, I'm back.
The drive down was stressful. The whole 8 hours was tres foggy; 80 was pushing it.
The speakers at the conference were good.
I sat at the back most of the time doing work.
I bought Debating Calvanism by James White and Dave Hunt and got the latter to autograph it.
On Wednesday I saw him and on Friday I went for lunch with both him and him. It was cool to see them again.
The drive back was fine until one member of our party (not me) got sick.
We arrived home to find that our water pipes out front had burst.
I'm sick of pre-fab food.
It seems to me this is rather disjointed, but alas, it's my current I-need-sleep- mode. So live with it.
Oh, and I'm really digging Coldplay. Really.

Seanna spake at 9:28 PM

Monday, October 17, 2005

My Very Good Day
I got up, and was thrillled since it turns out I'll be abke to make it to Winnipeg after all. At 9:30 I went for my road test, passed, and was at work by 10:30, where I found out, not only have I improved in the voids area, but also hit 59 rings a minute, without trying to be fast.

My Very Bad Day
Leaving work, I got in a, not even a fender bender, but a fender scratcher. That shook me up so bad I totally forgot about my doctor's appointment at 4:30. I was 15 minutes late for that. Currently, I'm freaking out about how much repairs will be and if my license will get suspended.

So I've since heard about so many people's first accidents, in an attempt to make me feel better, and I'll have to take the van in later to get it assessed. But right now, I honestly don't feel like doing the all nighter to Winnipeg.

It's funny how your day can go from so good to so bad in less than 10 seconds. Heck, I was in such a good mood, even the lady who made a big stink about limiting her cans of tuna at the sale price (she couldn't have all 57), didn't bug me. I'm still curious though. Why would you want 57 cans of tuna?

Seanna spake at 5:50 PM

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Yeah, I'm getting into this Shaun Groves.

Feathered, tethered
Feels like all the world’s a cage
Worked up, run down
In this race to earn a wage
Something – inside
Tells me I was made to
Split the sky
Tell me why I’m

Living like a hummingbird
(hungry for the blue)
Getting nowhere fast from all my work
(stuck inside this view)
If you’ve got one eye on the sparrow, Lord
(I’m standing still for you)
Could you spare one for the hummingbird

Dead lines, this grind
Got me beating ‘gainst the wind
Want more from life
Than just spinning ‘round and getting by
Not satisfied just

Living like a hummingbird
(hungry for the blue)
Getting nowhere fast from all my work
(stuck inside this view)
If you’ve got one eye on the sparrow, Lord
(I’m standing still for you)
Could you spare one for the hummingbird

Save me from this discontenting
Never ending, spirit bending
Pattern, I go round and round and
Round and round and round again
Yea I’m stuck inside this circle I just
Know there’s better out there because
I can feel it in my wings, so I sing

Seanna spake at 10:18 AM

Friday, October 14, 2005

I vaguely recall thinking during the summer that I might get bored, come fall. Hah. I wouldn't call 23 hours at work and every spare minute studying excitement, but it isn't boring either.

We were putting away the candy order at work yesterday and one of my coworkers was going on about the funny commercial for this one type of gum. I was like, "Heck, I haven't had time to watch T.V. for atleast 4 weeks. Nothing. Zero. Nilch." Indeed, I never had breakfast or lunch that day and then spent an hour on the [edit]phone[/edit] after work with my teacher trying to figure some questions that for one reason or another I didn't quite get. So I then got off, thrilled that I knew what I was doing, taped my graph into my book and stared at it for half an hour. The equations and the graph did not match. So I puzzled over that for and then realized I had put the wrong graph with the wrong question. Yay. So I changed that around, thrilled that I was once again on track, and then realized that by this time I had forgotten what I was looking for. So I'm still puzzling over it, and can't call the teacher again till this afternoon, I being at work all morning, and him being at a funeral. I am getting very far very fast, as you can tell. My one consolation is that all my marks thus far have been over 95. Which is surprising since I've always been such a lousy student.

So while I was hoping to get to Winnipeg next week and managed to get all the days off, I can't decide if I can justify leaving my classes for that long. I'm still stuck between yes or no.

Seanna spake at 7:00 AM

Friday, October 07, 2005

Yes, oranges. I know. What the heck. Well, live with it. Now I'm going to try to get ahold of the stupid school again. What... 6 times today and no one's in?

Seanna spake at 2:51 PM


What I'm doing for Thankgsgiving. Also known as, I feel like doing a blog post but have nothing worth saying.
Friday: Working. Elly comes home.
Saturday: Some relatives are coming over for supper. We plan to eat them.
Sunday: Travelling to dine with more relatives. I've not decided if cannibalism will rule the day or not. Probably not. I do love my granny.
Monday: Working. All day. Think of the overtime/holiday pay.
And I'll probably have to fit a doctor's appointment in there somewhere, as the crazy bacteria came back overnight.

Gee, I really gotta find time to do a new layout. This sucks.

Seanna spake at 7:55 AM

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Ah yes. So ell came for a short visit on Saturday night, and so I went with her to the praise and worship night at the church down the street and thus met a bunch of her classmates, to whom I am known as "essy, the sister who sends good cookies." The night was ok. It takes me a while to get into such things. I not being one to be labelled either Baptists or Mainline, so I don't really get into either. But it wasn't bad.

Speaking of Baptists... since there was nothing better to do after the service on Sunday, I was reading some of the "missionary prayer letters" at the back. One had at the top, in big, bold letters, "King James only, Independant, Fundamentalist, Separated Baptist." Whoo boy. It then went on in it about how it was so cute when their 4 year old pointed to people with lots of earrings and called them "pirates." Oh spare me. Ok, not I do not have my ears pierced. And heck, I really don't plan to any time soon. One of the main reasons for this is because it seems infection could be a big worry for me. But all the girls are always bugging me about how I should and all that crap. So girls should definately have 2 holes in their ears. Two is good. Two is proper. Two, or even one, for guys is of the devil. And if a girl gets 3 she's backslidden and is living in sin. But 2 is oh so feminine. So in such a case, moderation is encouraged. So I'm wondering, why doesn't that continue over into other areas for them? Say for example, drinking. Even one, let alone 2, 3, or 4 beers is a SIN! Even though wine is actually mentioned in the Scrpitures, it's a bad word for Baptists. So yeah. maybe I have no point, maybe I do. Decide for yourself.

Other than that, I'm just working, working, working, and studying, studying, studying. And right now I'm really not enjoying either too much. Physics is not really the definition of fun, and I'm finding it increasingly more difficult at work trying to find the right balance of being helpful and cheerful, telling who to do what, and trying to keep everyone happy so they don't complain to me about others and thus being caught in the middle, etc. And, trying not to appear "stuck up" after hitting another record this week without trying to.

Seanna spake at 5:16 PM