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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Haw, haw, that's great. Even greater, I'll get to vote in this election, since it's after Internation Intellectual's Day.

And, the computer self destructed yesterday. So it'll be a while until I have all my normal favourite stuff and messengers back.

Seanna spake at 3:09 PM

Saturday, November 26, 2005

I bought this today, except, mine came with a bonus 128MB memory card and a case. So far I'm quite happy with it, though I've yet to figure out all the different setting combinations and am not that good at the focus yet.

Also, today being my little sister's b-day, I found it hard to believe she's that old. 13, already? I then realized I must be getting old too.

Seanna spake at 10:57 PM

Monday, November 21, 2005

You know you're too much of a family of geeks when your brother IMs you from less than 10 feet away to tell you that he put perogies on for supper, and what he's listening to. Both of which you already knew.

Oh, and at the dentist I found out I dislocated my jaw. We're hoping it goes back to normal on its own. Otherwise, surgery (having your jaw wired shut for 6 weeks anyone?) and special braces are in order.

Seanna spake at 9:28 PM

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I guess I get to eat mush untill I can get into the dentist. I've somehow moved my jaw around and I can't bite. My teeth won't meet, and it's rather painful. However, the SoBe Dragon juice I bought after work is pretty good. How's that for weird...

Seanna spake at 4:56 PM

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Faith doesn't get you around trouble; it gets you through it.

I like that.

Seanna spake at 10:31 PM

Saturday, November 12, 2005

A coffee break in the workplace, minus the coffee.
A time to relax and get off your feet. So I head up to the staff room with my CD player and find a seat at the picnic table. I'm joined shortly by guy S., guy B., guy J., and guy T., who picks up a plastic cup.
"This is 'so and so.'"
*bashes in cup.*
"This is 'so and so' after he's slept with 'Betty' (Guy J's mom)."
*Crinkles the cup some more*
"This is 'so and so's' head after he drinks with 'Betty'."
"Man, you're being way too graphic for me."
"Whoah, is he native?"
"No way. You are."
"No, I'm Mexican."
"I thought you were East Indian."
"Yup, first time I saw you I thought you were Native."
"No, I'm Spanish. That's why I speak espaniol eh man, and think the spanish teacher is hott. Ole!"
"Was your mom drunk the other night?"
"No, she wasn't."
"She's always like that."
"She's hott."
"Who was she drunk with?"
"Guy T., you really need to get rid of that car. You should buy a truck."
"I can't afford it."
"You can afford that car and not a truck?"
*Beep, beep, beep*
"Hey, give me back my cellphone."

I'm joined at my end of the table by another cloned bright green shirted one- one of the middle aged Bakery ladies with chipped, bright red nail polish, (I'm hoping the polish didn't go into the bakery cookies) who sits there, sighs, crosses her legs, sighs some more, crosses he legs the other way, sighs again, and crosses her legs a new way. I get annoyed at Guy J for tipping my end of the bench. This table is way too crowded. So I turn up the Coldplay to high volume and flip a couple more pages in the newspaper all about a new outdoor skating ring.

With that and girl K going on about how some customer told girl G that she looked pissed off the other night, and I mean, she always looks pissed off, or, I mean, she was just having a bad night, like usual, ok?, I tell you, working there is sure a gas. Hah.

Seanna spake at 10:18 PM

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

You feel weighted down. You can't move. You want to try, but you can't try any harder than you already are. The frustration frustrates you. You know it will get worse before it ever gets better. You want to give up, but you won't let yourself. That would be the end.

I don't know if I'm ready for another winter of this. I'm not complaining, but I do stop and wonder. Too much. How much harder would I be able to push myself if I didn't have the nasty 9 letter "a" word? How much more would I be able to handle? How much more would I be able to excel? How would life be different?

Seanna spake at 8:44 PM

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Links to some recent pics. I happen to put a whole wack more on my flickr.

Seanna spake at 10:34 PM