Sunday, December 25, 2005
Have yourself a very little Christmasless Christmas season.
Empty. That's how December 25th is without recognizing it as any more than just another day. We had turkey to celebrate without, you know, actually celebrating anything. I refrained from studying although there's always more to study, and so just played Chinese checkers with myself. My brother has the flu and so is acting ill. And though I work with the public, I'm not that concerned because I haven't had the flu for 13 years.
An air of tolerating the day hangs over. Just get it over with: another year of celebrating not celebrating or mentioning any mention of anything, lest it be pagan in origin. I feel pagan not doing anything.
So there's a certain sadness for me tonight. Remembering Christmasful Christmases when I was young, and though not wishing to go back, wishing some things hadn't changed so.
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called
Mighty God,
The Everlasting Father,
The Prince of
Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His Kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgement and with justice from henceforth even for ever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Isaiah 9: 6-7
Merry Christmas everyone. Cherish it.
Seanna spake at
11:47 PM
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
As I probably do every year after a birthday, but don't realize it, I realize, sure, I'm a year older. But who cares. Now I could go buy cigs, if I wanted. The only thing for sure about being older is you'll just get that much more decrepit.
The day in reflection was ok. I ended up going to two services. The usual at the usual BLBC where we always do more of the usual, and then to an afternoon service at a small mission church where some of my friends go. If was a very different experience I would do again. At it, after the service, I helped my friend count the offering, since you need two to count, and I count money every day. And the thought occurred to me; every day I see people spend that amount and more on just plain old junk, without giving it second thought. We then went over to my friends' house for the rest of the day and supper, and I helped decorate my own birthday cake without realizing that was it's purpose, and then we went downstairs and sang along to whatever song came on while our bros crashed their cars around on xbox...
And yesterday was the dreaded trip to the guy who straightens your teeth. And sure, I knew I'd need braces because of this. But heck, I don't feel like planning my next two years of schooling around trying to keep insurance to get them paid for.
Seanna spake at
10:20 PM
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Cor, you are such an inspiration. After reading your post, I went and cleaned my room. For the first in a very long time, I can see the top of my dresser. I even organized my paper work so that I'm a neat-organized, not a messy-organized. Then ell came home and promptly dumped her stuff all over the place.
However, I did put her to something useful. I said if I bought the Christmas ornaments, she could put them up. So it's not really much, but this is what I came up with, along the edge of my bookshelf.
Seanna spake at
4:35 PM
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Yesterday morning, this was brown. Now, there's over a foot of wet, heavy stuff. First trip of the morning, I did fine in the big blue beast. An hour later, when I went out, I got the big blue buggy stuck- twice. I finally got mom to drop me off at work. Welcome to winter, ess.
I'll see if I actually make it an hour north tomorrow to go Christmas shopping with some friends. Because, so far, I only have one present. It's not that I'm unorganized. Because I'm not. I'm way too organized. I'm just not really in the mood. I even bought 200 Christmas lights, brought them home, decided I didn't want that many, and took them back. Yup, maybe if I'm in a super-festive I'll buy some white garlands tomorrow. Maybe...
Seanna spake at
8:32 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
This is pretty cool. More details about it at
Power99 FM, which, I rarely ever listen to anyway.
Anyhow, I had another exam tonight. Which went fine, except I had a headache. It's a relief to have them done with. Oh, and I got a haircut.
Seanna spake at
9:19 PM
Friday, December 09, 2005
Tomorrow morning is, in fact, my music theory test, which in fact, I am not looking forward too. So in fact, I should be studying more right now. But also, in fact, I do not feel like it. So I sent mom and Pete to the store to get me some Red Bull.
Seanna spake at
8:31 PM
Saturday, December 03, 2005
A haiku I just wrote:
The sound of the snow,
crunching under my skateshoes,
sends shivers up my spine.
I've just come through what would definately be my worst week in a long time. But I look forward to next week. It's a clean sheet, and I'll do the best I can. So in that case, I won't even go on about what went wrong in the past. I have to keep moving on...
Seanna spake at
9:18 PM