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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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since 03/09/06 installation

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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
It's not good when you get into a four-way fight with your assistant manager, your supervisor and your photo lab manager. It's also not so good when your supervisor tells you she's never had someone talk back like that before, and don't be impatient, she's never done what I was asking before. So I said I'm sorry and she forgave me, and I think all swell, I'm pretty sure, but I'm doing some homework to remedy the situation. It surprised me though. We've never argued about anything before. It does make for an interesting day though. I'd rather have bland. I'm guessing I'll learn to shut up the day before I die in a car crash, with my luck.

Seanna spake at 11:30 PM

Sunday, January 29, 2006

It's 2:31 a.m., and I finally finished my last assignment for the week. The problem is, I drank too much Mountain Dew Energy, which usually does zilch, to get me here. But this time I feel like A. running around the block, B. going to bed to sleep, or C. listening to Jars. But there's three problems. A. It's minus 25 outside, or close to, so that would be cold, if not stupid, B. even if I were to go to bed, I'd stare at my tacky glow in the dark stars for an hour, and C. doing C is no way to have success with B. What a dilemma.

On another topic, I hate, and I do mean really hate, photobucket ads. They're annoying, to put it kindly. Take this one for example. I don't want an Ipod nano, and especially not from them. Even if I could play Jars on it while I run around the block in my pj's or while I stare at my tacky stars, I still don't. Bah... I'm going to go brush all that Energy off my teeth now.

Seanna spake at 2:36 AM

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Watching Harper's speech almost brought tears to my eyes. Maybe it was because I'm tired. Maybe it's because it so stood out from other victory speeches I've watched. It won't be a pretty parliament, but it's his for atleast a year.
God bless Canada.
God bless Stephen Harper.

Seanna spake at 1:40 AM

Monday, January 23, 2006

It's dangerous to have a nap around here, when my camera is around. (No, it's really not posed.)

Seanna spake at 4:11 PM

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Maybe I'm weird. Maybe if there were more people like me, the sponsorship scandal and the like, wouldn't happen. I sat down and balanced out all three accounts, right down to the penny. Listed ever purchase and numbered every bill and transfer. And got a headache, reminding me I needed to finish that assignment on nuclear fission. I also came to the conclusion, I'm, nuts.

Seanna spake at 11:56 PM

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Since my next class started on Monday, my usual day includes working 5 hours in the morning, 9-2, and then rushing across town from work, to the college, to be in time for the 2:15 class. The first day I was late. But since it was preliminary introductions, no one cared.

The second day, trying to be a good student so I can learn lots!, I hurried even more and was a couple minutes early. You'll imagine how disgusted I was when I heard that the day's assignment was to draw, yes draw with pencil crayons, a poster. (Because 4 students were absent.) On anything! That has atleast a little bit to do with Biology.

So I draw one poster of a bug in 20 mintues. Only 1 hour and 10 minutes to go! I go and buy an over-priced Coke. And then draw another picture of the Nitrogen Cycle. I'm sitting there thinking, "I'm making my boss schedule around class times, and rushing over here so I can draw pictures? I'm not even slightly in a drawing mood after that wonderful work shift I just got through!"

Today, I had to be absent because of a jaw-related appointment. I hope they didn't go on and draw without me. I might not be able to catch up!

Seanna spake at 10:41 PM

Monday, January 16, 2006

I decided to go visit my sister at Bible school this past weekend. I figured I should atleast once, and preferably before I get so busy that it would not be wise.

NBI is an interesting place. How many other dorm washrooms have "pray while you pee" prayer request sheets in the batheroom stalls?

Since the car was broke, as was the truck (all in the same week, gee), dad stayed up late late late on Friday and fixed it for me so I could get up there by Saturday. So I went up, and we went skating and I played Dutch Blitz with my friend Hannah. And then the whole school got on the local hockey team transit bus, and we went to another city to see the Narnia movie. Frankly, I never was, and doubt I'll ever be into Narnia stuff, but it was ok. Just, ok. I'm sitting there with a splitting headache looking at all this icy stuff on the screen, and got so cold thinking about ice, I had to put my mittens back on. But apparently it wasn't just me. So I didn't feel quite so stupide.

Also that night, somewhere around 10 o clock, this friend, Kevin, I think, decided we (my sis and about 4 other of her friends) should Go! For! A! Hike! To! The! Point!. Well sure, that sounds good as long as it's not too long. So I put on as many pairs of socks as will fit in the only shoes I took- my 10 pound, black, polishable dressyish shoes that I wear to work at Extra Foods. They are very nice shoes, and most possibly, my favourites; But they're not hiking shoes. For when they get cold, they remind me of plastic. So I skiied doen the hills on my shoes and basically slipped and slided all over the place. And alas. We didn't go to the point. We went farther. And farther, and farther. Then we went in circles. And finally found the right trail back so that we arrived back exactly at curfew: Also about the time I had ice in my soles. It was great, in fact.

Lets see, on Sunday morning I also woke up with the guy's dorm number printed down the side of my face because I had slept on my hand. I had written it on my hand because I had to call over there to ask my friend James if I could borrow something, and after that deed was done, it would not wash off. This also meant it would not wash off my face. Bic pens are indeed very good quality.

And now it's the time where I'll be so busy that such excursions would not be wise. At least, not yet. I worked this morning and then went directly to my first class- and was late. But that's ok- It was a bore. While I don't have class tomorrow, I work all day. Then the next day will be like today. And the next day and the next day and the next day for weeks. I'm still trying to remember why I wanted to do this in the first place. But haven't been able to come up with anything. Ah well, welcome to ess's life- where free time, sleep, and unrushed lunches are a thing of the past.

Take care all, and don't forget your boots.

Seanna spake at 4:04 PM

Friday, January 13, 2006

I have the hottest underpants on the continent, courtesy of Kris and Cor. The attire from one, the markers from the other. I decided to put the two together. And think! The markers are washable. It's like never-ending fun!

*cough cough*

Seanna spake at 9:56 PM

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I'm worried. Worried I'll fail or fall. There's a fine line between the two. And I've a week and two days to prepare for it.

Seanna spake at 10:41 PM

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I spent New Year's Eve and New Year's in Regina, and that was all fine and good. I saw most of my relatives on both sides.

And if I ever find some time, I may yet put some more from the next day too, on my flickr.

Anyhow, 2 1/2 days was not a long enough break, since that was the only break I've taken, and yesterday I really wasn't hot on going back to work. Today I'm also over to the college to take tests to see if I'm smart enough for the classes I'm trying to get into. And tomorrow, interviewed. To improve my mood, I found out yesterday the course I want to move out and take next year, is not taking new applicants until further notice, as there is already a 5 year waiting list. And I ask myself, what the heck am I doing?

Seanna spake at 12:08 AM