Wednesday, February 22, 2006
I'm pretty pumped. I got 48.5/50 on my Bio essay. The "class brains" got 36.5. I happened to be sitting in between two of them today, so when they saw that, the joke was "we should sit beside her more often so we'll get good marks." *cough, cough*
Not that this high will last; I've a big test on Friday and still have to write some speech for Saturday yet. I'm thinking that'll get done at about 11 o clock, p.m. Friday night. I guess that means I don't have time to strum on that guitar ell forgot to take...
Did I ever mention I hate writing papers?
Seanna spake at
4:19 PM
Greetings esteemed blog readers,
I went downhill skiing on Monday. It was quite cool (no pun intended). I ended up skiing with ell's classmate's girlfriend.
I also jammed my neck pretty nicely. How long it will take to be back to normal (Whatever that was, I don't know, but some of you are certain that I am "normal"!), I haven't the foggiest.
Seanna spake at
7:52 AM
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Angela waving at Timmy.

elly: "Yeah, we're having fun."

Me: You're not taking another minute and 5 seconds.
Suffice it to say, elly and Ang were here for winter break for a couple days. As I also did not have class, I sat around alot and listened to them giggle about their guys, because I felt like being lazy.
Then they went off to Saskatoon to spare me more boy giggle toture, (Although I don't think that was really their motivation, but I digress.) and apparently they made it ok. I was worried though, when ell was going to leave, on a 2 hour journey, on a 40 below day, without a touque, in a 23 year old car, and then half backed into a snowbank on her way out of the driveway. You go, ell.
Seanna spake at
11:59 PM
Saturday, February 11, 2006
The good and bad about being on your own.
The good:
You can eat whatever you want.
The bad:
You have to cook it. And do the dishes.
The good:
You can watch whatever T.V. you want (or don't want) whenever you want (or don't want.)
The bad:
You have no one to blame but yourself for watching useless stuff and then kicking yourself for it. You also can't rope anyone else into paying for it.
The good:
You can go wherever you want.
The bad:
You have to figure out how to get there.
The good:
You can go to bed at anytime you want.
The bad:
You can't blame anyone else for keeping you up.
Well frankly, I do all that anyway. But it's to a greater degree whe you're by yourself.
Today dawned dark actually. Because it's still dark when I get up. So I go out to start the car this morning, to get me over to do my paper route and get to work by 8.
The battery was dead.
This is not encouraging. Not at all.
Then you look at the time.
This is also not encouraging.
You think about your past record of how long it takes you to do certain activities, i.e. walking instead of driving.
This is also very not encouraging.
As a rule it takes 45 minutes ro walk the route in question, and 30 to walk to work.
For those who are bad at math, this equals 1 hour and 15 minutes.
I did not have 1 hour and 11 minutes left, let alone 15. Those extra 4 count.
So I called my place of employment. "I've run into a bit of an issue here with my car not starting, so I'll try to get there as fast as I can, but I'll be somewhat late."
I left the house at 7:09. I walked in the front doors of work, with my paper bag still on at 7:52. They looked at me weird. Where I made up the time, I haven't the foggiest. I'm glad that no matter how much it hurts, I've kept up my endurance.
And to boot, I really felt like buying some flowers after work. This is not a usual occurance for ess. Ess does not buy flowers. But we had some nice ones, and I thought they'd look, you know, nice, on the table. Because sometimes they just do.
And I got them home without them freezing a bit. This is encouraging. I think. It shows I know how to wrap flowers well. Not that wrapping flowers well, or being able to walk fast for that matter, will ever get you a high-paying job, of course. If I buy flowers too much though, you can start to worry.
And for those wondering, no, it is not a sign of not having a life to post on your blog every day for 3 days in row. For I have way to much of a life. But when you feel like posting, you feel like posting. And when you don't, well, most of you know the feeling; you don't.
Seanna spake at
11:28 PM
Friday, February 10, 2006
I just spent the last 10 minutes answering questions on some phone survey all about your annual yearly income, and what you've heard about Wayne Gretzky and Janet Jones and how that affects your opinion of them, what type of tobacco you use most regularily, what the first language you learned was, and a bunch of other pointless stuff, from a guy who tried to speak English, but sorry, I have a hard time understanding accents, and it helps none when you're dead tired. And that was all one sentence.
And so was another oh so unexciting day in the life of ess. Except for getting the Olds back and getting to skip out of class early. What luck. To add to the unexcitment, I ate burritos for lunch and fish and chips for supper for the second day in a row because I didn't feel like cooking anything from scratch. I promise myself, I will tomorrow. There's always tomorrow.
I'm off to bed early. I get the early early Saturday shift tomorrow.
Seanna spake at
10:49 PM
Thursday, February 09, 2006
I'm holding down the fort and looking after the 1 [one] dog and 2 [two] cats for 4 [four] days while the fam is away. As any normal day starts, I go to work in the morning and then head over to class. This I did, except that they changed the class times and I did not know this. So I did the quiz that they did in class this morning, and then got to come home early and so cleaned. If I had known that I didn't have class, I could have picked up an extra shift at work. And extra shifts are always good because extra shifts mean extra money. But that's how the cookie crumbled.
So after work I picked up some food (necessary for survival) and picked up some DVDs (not necessarily necessary, but still good) to watch. I was thrilled silly to find that we had the Babe the pig movies bonus pack. I've not seen those for years. I also found this old 50's movie in the cheap bin. It's called "Penny Serenade", starring Cary Grant and Irene Dunne. This is what it says on the back.
"A marriage is put to the test when an earthquake leads to a miscarriage, leaving the woman barren- but this is only the beginning. When the couple is barely able to scrape by financially due to a new job, and their adopted daughter suddenly becomes fatally ill, their despair drives them to the brink of a breakdown."
This, coupled with the fact that I don't like the names Cary and Irene, ensure that I will get a kick out of this DVD. I wonder if they'll start singing songs at random in it, like they do in all good 50's movies.
Also tonight, I had to make a (supposed to be) quick trip back to work to give my boss a note about some days that I need off. I did this then because tomorrow is my last day off until next Friday, and I refuse to go in to the store on my days off if at all possible. I just do. It's not that it's a bad store, because it is. Er, it isn't. Right! We all know it isn't! But I'd rather not spend more time (or money) than is necessary there.
So I do this and buy some tomato juice (very necessary for survival). There were a couple complications with another guy running off with my juice, but nothing too exciting. Although I heard that several select coworkers were gossiping about my accident that was back in October. Must be nothing else current that is exciting...
However, I go back out to the Olds, and voila. It would not start for me. I sat there for 1/2 [half] an hour, and it would not start. I sat there for another 1/2 [half] an hour. And still it would not go. I finally walked back across town, by which time my fingers looked like blueberry popcicles. So one of my pa's coworkers is supposed to pick me up tomorrow and we'll get it started. But for now... I'm going to go bake some nachos and watch this movie that so pathetically intrigues me.
Seanna spake at
10:21 PM
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Our family likes to claim that we barbecue every month in the year. Unfortunately, we missed January this year. But not February. We're firing 'er up tonight. But it's taking a while to heat up...
Seanna spake at
5:43 PM