Sunday, March 26, 2006
Saturday morning.

Tire exploded on the way to S'toon. It wasn't pretty. So we changed that by the side of the road, on a very windy hill, and then made our way back on a spare that hadn't been touched since it was put in its place.

So we sat in the tire shop for an hour while they put on a whole new set.

And then went on with our trip.
And since no one knows, as of Wednesday, I'm off on another road trip to Manitoba. I like Manitoba, and I'll try to have fun. I do feel slightly guilty though taking that much time off of work and classes.
And you can't beat working Sundays. I was on cleanup, which means you also put through all the stragglers that you'd like to strangle. I wasn't the only one. My assistant manager, supervisor, and three other assorted workers:
"Did you see those F---ing a--holes? They stole 'this', 'this', and 'this' and then asked us where the bathroom was. I bet they stole the toilet paper from the bathroom! (My note: You mean someone put toilet paper in the bathroom.?) 'Guy T.', You shoulda beat the *** outta those f---ing kids" and,
"Are you just standing there? Why don't you help her with cleanup already?" and,
"Why did you let on you even knew where the bathroom was?",
and I said "Why did you let on you know what a bathroom is?"
p.s. Kris, I documented us
making the flan, for anyone who would want to see such a thing.
Seanna spake at
10:10 PM
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Gave myself a haircut.

Not a bad job, says I to myself. Could be worse. Anyhow, off I go. Apparently, I'm supposed to go to a curling banquet even tbough I didn't curl, and you just can't beat that for excitement.
Seanna spake at
5:36 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
This past weekend found me on a bus on my way to, at, and on a bus back from three60five- the retreat at NBI. The bus was because the roads were so gross, it was declared, ess was not going out on the highways in such weather. And after I saw what the roads were like, I totally agreed. While youth retreats often annoy me because of that, being, there's "youth" at them, it was pretty cool. And see, I didn't have to hang out with highschool "youth" because there was always elly, or Hannah, or James, or Karina, or Tim, or someone that I knew or that someone I know, knows, to hang with. So Hannah and I pushed each other around in the sumo suits, having not much success at sumoing the other over, and I got to race toilets, as I said I would, and I went on the climbing wall, even though ell was certain I would hurt myself, and I went on the bungee run with Tim, even though ell was again certain I would hurt myself! Oh, and I didn't hurt myself. How 'bout that. And, I put some
pics up on the flickr.
Seanna spake at
9:05 PM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
You failed once,
You'll fail again.
Don't give up,
It's not the end.
You've worked hard.
Just work harder.
Success will be around the corner.
The physics test didn't go so great. Bad move, staying up 'til 3:00 studying. But I didn't have much choice, being at work from 9-6. So unless I'm mistaken, I'll take it again to get the mark I want.
Seanna spake at
1:24 PM
Monday, March 06, 2006
I've come to the conculsion, I hate money. Money makes you rich, and the lack thereof makes you poor. After you get rid of it, it's hard to get back. And costs are overrated. When you're in such a position as I; stuck between knowing you'll soon be on your own, and knowing, then again, you may not be, you bounce between pinching the pennies and splurging. For example, did I really have to blow 20 bucks on eye products? Not likely. Saving now is more later, and spending now is less later.
It's the root of all insanity and I despise it.
Seanna spake at
4:33 PM
Friday, March 03, 2006
Proof Class Was Boring.

I kept track of the chips in my Ruffles Sour Cream and Onion bag. I couldn't believe they put in over 30!
Seanna spake at
7:21 PM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Adventures with Chicks in Big Vans Beginning of story.
Our fair community got liberally dumped on. I got stuck twice, coming home from class. Some guy stopped and pushed me out, twice. Hope he didn't get a hernia from shoving 7,000 lb. of metal on ice. Why there was no shovel in the back of the big blue beast is an appropriate question to ask at this point; and has a simple answer. It got taken out.
Ess's woolen mittens don't work so well.
End of story.
There will be no sequal.
Seanna spake at
4:50 PM