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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
Ha. I figured it out.

Seanna spake at 5:55 PM

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I feel like telling a cashier story here, so bear with me.

Once upon a time, this 60'sish old lady came through my checkout, and I gave her my usual "Hello, how are you?" thing (Which I've since shortened to, Hello. *smile*) to which she responded grumpily about how she was not doing well, and her arthritis was acting up, blah blah blah, all the details, throughout which I was just silent, and did my scanning thing, as she ended with, "But you wouldn't know about that because you're young and healthy and don't have arthritis and can stand on your feet for a day..." I actually stopped my scanning, and said "Well, actually, I do have arthritis." She gasps, "Well I never! You have my sympathy, standing there doing that!" To which I think, "I don't need sympathy about that. Only for having to put up with complainers like you."

Then there was the lady who came up to Customer [non]Service, who wanted her pictures at a discount because she felt the quality was bad. She didn't like it when I pointed out, that was because she forgot to turn on her flash. Well it didn't matter! It was bad quality!

On another topic, I finally got my own keys for the office at work. This was cool. Now my special old SIMM RAM keychain Pete made me for the job, would no longer be empty, and I wouldn't have to keep borrowing keys from others. So, I'm piled up with several trays, and I'm trying to open the stupid door, and I find, my key is defective. It does not work. Not at all. I compared it to Laurie's later, and it's not even the same size, width, anything. What a useless piece of crap that I had to sign a piece of paper for. It'll probably take another 5 weeks to get a right one...

That's enough for tonight.

Seanna spake at 11:26 PM

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Back around election time, when the brother and I had the habit of watching both late newscasts that we get on our 2 and a half channel menu (Communist Broadcasting Company and the Communist Television Venue being the main ones. The French format station being the half, for it couldn't possibly count for a whole.) and all the surrounding commercials, we, in our, this sofa is uncomfortable and Peter Mansbridge's tie is crooked, but atleast it matches, unlike Lloyd Robertson's; the man really needs a better fashion consultant. Say, teeshirt and jeans? Or no, maybe not. But don't mix more than two kinds of stripes, state of thought, got what we thought of at the time as a brilliant idea.

We would start the Lakota party. We would be the founding fathers, and the younger sis, the first member, for which she would get special honours. All arthritis sufferers in Canada would get free Lakota. And special rights. And for the rest of our relevant, 1/2 page long platform, I'd have to go consult with Petey...

But the point was, I'd forgotten about the Lakota party and all out great ambitions until today, when I did a return for a lady who was charged double on her Lakota, making it $61.94 instead of $30.97, tax not inc. And that was when I remembered, the Lakota party still lives. Even though it never really did. It has somewhat of a ghost. But it lives in the experiences of those with overactive imaginations watching horribly dressed news anchors for so many nights in a row.

Seanna spake at 11:11 PM

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

If no one else, elly will know what I mean.

I forgot to batch my cheques.
I didn't know Josh had done more loans and forgot to put them into the system, which was why I was out $50 bucks, so then I had to reprint all those reports...
Oh, and I threw the deposit book into the drop safe.
Basically anything else stupid, I did.

So when "whatsherface" yelled, "Are you guys ready yet?" I wanted to chew her head off. For gosh sakes, you ought to know that by now, when training, you don't necessarily finish right at 10:30, and telling me to do so, or else! does not help me speed up, it instead rushes one, which is why one makes dumb mistakes. Which, because I was going at my own pace, wasn't happening so far.

So what if you don't get paid the extra half hour? Neither do I. Take it up with the boss. But isn't locking up after me part of the job description? Trust me, with my track record, I wouldn't worry about my not speeding up with time, says I, the fastest cashier in the store.

Sorry, she really pissed me off. And work is really the last place I want to be tomorrow morning.

Seanna spake at 9:56 PM

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Once upon a time, I thought of something ever so deliciously clever. Now I can't remember it. Bah.

Seanna spake at 11:46 AM

Monday, July 10, 2006

Not so newsworthy.
A haircut and news of my former home town (for 9 years) going crazy.

Whut next.

Seanna spake at 10:56 AM

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Once a year, and only once a year, something called an anniversary comes around. This year was my parent's 28th, and for once, they took off for the weekend.

This is not my point.

Friday night I was training some more. It went pretty well, for I remembered to take my pain killers. However, still starting out at this, you do not end your shift at 10:30 as the schedule says because it takes you longer. You stay until you are done.

This is also not my point.

My mother has this thing. Every morning between 3 a. m. and 4 a. m., she drops all the newspapers off around town to the various sellers and carriers. Oh, and she gets paid for it. However, since she's gone right now, I got volunteered to sub. Which is ok. She deserves one off. But when one is working late one night, and then early the next morning, it's not the best timing really.

So we wired a phone into my room and set the ringer on high volume. And tested it out. Yup, it's working. I was hoping I wouldn't sleep through the call from the guy bringing the stuff into town. Or worse yet, answer it in my sleep and not even wake up. (I've been known to eat in my sleep and not know it.)

But my sleeping habits are also not my point.

Luckily, I did wake up when the phone rang, and even though I dropped the receiver in a pile of clothes, also, thankfully, my bro happened to pick up an extension and so the guy on the other end was not left talking to my dirty laundry.

So the bro, the sis and I (still with my Crest Night Effects funny coating on my teeth) all hop into the big blue buggy, blaring Jars songs, and drive off to pick up the goods. This is all fine and swell. In fact, the whole route went fine and swell, and we made good time, until we got almost done and we realized, they shorted us! Dude, we don't have enough left. Now to double check, for one might suspect subs of making stupid errors, we drive around the whole route again, double checking everyone got the right amount.

So what to do. Pete doesn't have enough for his regular customers. So we figure, as soon as "my store" opens, we'll go buy them out (almost), so he can get his done by 9. So we do. I dole out 20some bucks on newspapers, that I shouldn't have had to do, if they hadn't shorted us.

So in there, I did get a couple hours of sleep. I think. Though I'm not sure. They told me I looked dead, when I got to work. And of course, Saturdays are a gas.

So what my real, actual point was, I'm tired. I want some sleep.

And I'm getting sick of newspapers.

Seanna spake at 6:12 PM

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Some days I think I'd like to become a doctor. Now maybe this sounds really kindergartenish-childish-whatIwanttodowhenIgrowupish. But there's a reason for this. So buckle up for an essy is pissed off ranting post.

I've lost track of how many doctors I've been to. All my life, if it hasn't been one thing, it's been another. Always something, and I'm used to it. I'm not complaining about that area. However, there's some trends I've seen among all physicians. GP's and specialists alike.

Number one: They're all clueless. They see you for 15 minutes, give or take a couple minutes. They don't listen to what you have to say or what a professional who observes you on a regular basis and might have some suggestions says. And then they don't have a clue what they're observing. And then they recommend a good old all-purpose somethingorother that may or may not help, if they knew what the problem was. But grabbing a book off the shelf for reference would be too demeaning. (I've only seen them stoop to such a level once. But frankly, I appreciated it.)

Number two: Their time is worth way more than yours, because they're educated, and you're not. For example, I was scheduled for 2:30 with a specialist yesterday. (On a side note, this doctor wouldn't believe what I had to say last year, but did the tests anyway, which came back positive, so I got a letter in the mail saying, "voila, it was positive! Come see me in 364 days!" No helpful information, nothing. That's classified. Now of course at the time, I didn't have a 2006 calendar yet, and probably would have forgotten about the important date had not my therapist made a note of it on her notes and reminded me a while ago that "hey isn't that coming up soon? Ah well, the office will probably give you a heads-up reminder." Which they did not, of course. But don't forget about their policy that if you don't show up for an appointment or cancel less than 48 hours ahead, you'll find yourself with a bill for 50 bucks.) But as I was saying, I was scheduled for 2:30. I like to be on time for things, and was freaking out. I'm 1 minute late! To make a long, long, very ever so long story short, I finally got in at precisely 4:05. This is not at all the worst I've waited. Just, recent. I made good use of my time reading MCLEANS articles about the Harper government and how Calgary is finally getting some class with all those rich oil guys... It would be greatly appreciated when you walk in, if the nice (gag) receptionist could cordially tell you "We're running an hour late. Did you bring your own reading material and a comfy chair?"

And Number three: If you've got enough cash to buy fancy wireless computer systems for your office, for goodness sakes, buy some gowns that have atleast one tie down the back.

Not that I'm saying I would be a wonderful, stupendous, brainy doctor. But even an improvement in one department would be good. Or, maybe I'm just a picky weirdo.

In closing, I'll mention my great prescriptions. One: Sugar coated pain killers. Two: Fudgy Chocolate Calcium Squares with the equivalent of 2 glasses of milk in each. As if I couldn't handle real stuff... While the doctors might not be, the prescriptions sure are user-friendly.

Seanna spake at 11:03 PM

Saturday, July 01, 2006

How I spent my Canada Day.

Tanning with my cat.

Watching the festivities on Parl Hill, via television. I thought their lineup this year was somewhat lacking. I mean, there were no Ukranian dancers! But I did think
Jesse Cook and Ariane Moffatt were pretty good.

Watching the Blue Bombers pulverize the Eskimos, via television. 46 to 10. Woop!

And alas, all I got for firworks this year was again courtesy of Parl Hill, via web cam.

Seanna spake at 7:29 PM