Thursday, August 31, 2006

It's not mine. But I get to drive it. In the past two weeks I have improved quite a big at driving stick.
Notice the nice front CASEih license plate...
Seanna spake at
10:07 AM
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
So I'm minding my own business at work the other day when Dallas comes in. So we figured we should hang out some night before he moves off to Speedy Creek. So we went to see Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. And believe it or not, I didn't do my usual stoned face, doesn't laugh at anything on-screen thing that Pete always bugs me about. I actually thought it was so funny I laughed and he thought I lied. And folks, I didn't make even a one itty bitty snide remark about that bright John Deer shirt he was wearing. Maybe I should have. So shoot me. He's a different one, that one.
Seanna spake at
2:13 PM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Of Toilets and Coworkers: Work was more than an experince yesterday.
We weren't real strong in our front end as Laurie would put it. Half of our cashiers were new, I was training a new one, and our supposed-to-be-in-charge-for-the-afternoon guy was scarce. So it turned out, I not only was trying to supervise this girl as it's only her second shift and we always supervise for the second, I'm also running customer service. And then, instead of going for coffee with the new girl to make her feel welcome and show her around and stuff, our head grocery lady sent me to unplug a toilet. Yes, you read right. Unplug a toilet.
I've never unplugged a toilet before. I don't plug them.
So I head back there with a bucket and rubber gloves, ladle the crap into the other toilet and flush it there (idea courtesy of
The Visitation), try my hand at plunging a bit, not having a clue what I'm doing, and then try flushing it. So it overflows. So I go find a mop to cleanup. Meanwhile, another girl is coming on shift, so I tell her to supervise the new girl as she's probably back from coffee by now, while I clean up the flood. The toilet overflows twice more before it occurs to me, I'm a cashier with a front end to look after, not a plumber. I handle food and money. Not poop. And besides, this toilet is too plugged for a novice like me.
So I go up to the front to find it's lined up everywhere, our in-charge-guy is nowhere to be seen, and no one is supervising the new girl. To heck with supervising. I open up to try to get the lineups through while the other girl goes to try to curb the flood in the back.
It is this that our cashing up for the night girl walks in on, and asks such bright questions as, "why are you open?". There are lineups. "Where is she?" Plunging toilets. It really made my night to hear that that toilet was supposed to be plunged last week by one of the guys, who couldn't be bothered to do it.
So she tells me once again I've got to get some gut. Don't worry about stepping on toes. You don't have to plunge toilets no matter what. And I know she's right. I've got to improve. No one was really in charge, for our lack of leadership yesterday was showing, be it my position for the day or not. Training or otherwise, I've got to step in and not be a push-over when others are lacking. I promise, I will do better.
Oh, and I finally put some
"two-day vacation" pics up on the flickr.
Seanna spake at
1:44 AM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Photo of the day, for no apparent reason. Darn thing.
Seanna spake at
9:21 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
Courtesy of my coworker who's kids think she's lost it for downloading it, I'm listening to Walking on the Sun. It's the Smashmouth song that was playing the other night while I was cashing, so we were line-dancing to it in the office. It's what you call a good summer song.
Anyway, 16 hours later than originally planned, dad and I did end up getting off to meet the rest at camp.
Now most will realize that after you reach my ripe old age, it just isn't cool anymore to go places with the fam. Thus, I was the oldest in the not-parents category. So I spilt the time among hanging with my brother and his friends, who went around singing stupid songs about constipation, the younger sister and company who giggled, and the parents. Who are, parents. But it was a pretty good change of pace.
In the unexpected category, I met a guy on the staff who is the son of one of my sort-of coworkers. (One of our pharmacists that I talk to.) I'd seen him around before and remembered talking to him a couple times at ef. Dallas was the youth pastor at a church here for a year, but now works for John Deer. Turns out, he's 21. Not 28, like I figured. So he thought it would be great if we hung out and I got in with the town's ever so small, random, and sporadic college and career group. Apparently, there's under 10. No wonder I knew less than 0 Christians here under 25.
So that's the plan. And we figure we can maybe maybe get along even though he's a John Deer guy and I'm a Case girl.
Seanna spake at
9:19 PM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Today was my coworker/friend Amanda's last day of work. We wrote this cute little note for our supervisor asking if she would schedule us together for that. And what ho. She did. The whole thing.
I'm going to miss working with her crazily. It was crazy how similar, yet different we were. We got along with the same people, and the same people drove us nuts. I can count on one hand the number of times we got ticked off at the other for some stupid thing. No, make that one half a hand of fingers. On the other hand, even though she worked there longer than me, I was always the one who knew how to do everything. The one who was in charge, even though I'm really not the in charge type. Something I'll have to get better at with my position though. But that was ok. Because she was better at other things.
So she's moving out to go to school. I hope she does well at it. And I hope she learns how to cook. I promised I'd come visit. Heh, we've got plans. Do we.
But for now, I really want to get out of town. Away from work. Away from anything familiar. It's gotten too routine. Not routine, as in routine- everything is always the same. Because every day it's different problems at work. But it's routine in that, it's problems. I'm loving what I'm doing in a weird way. I like playing with money. I like trying to understand things and take on new challenges. That's just the way I am. But I just want a break. A short one. So as you can imagine, it really made my day to find out, I'm not leaving for Cypress Hills tonight. Pa's boss decreed he needed him to work this weekend. Even though he already had it booked off. And I'm much too tired to drive the whole way to meet up with the rest myself. So my iriver'll have to keep me company. And maybe a cheesy book or two...
Seanna spake at
8:12 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Is it possible to be more braindead?
I'm very hard on myself for even very little mistakes. I expect a high standard from myself. And why not. I know what I'm capable of.
So the blow is that much worse, when you do stupid things, like leave stuff sitting out on top of the filing cabinet for your manager to find first thing the next morning. Mind you, I didn't get totally blamed.
And just think! Next week I'm on my own. No longer, "just training". Gee, girl. Get a brain. Get a brain... Yes, I'm upset. Just a day and a half until I'm off for a change of scenery...
Seanna spake at
11:11 AM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
I'll not be joining the ipod cult.

My new iriver H10. It's got a whole 5 GB of space. Regular $299.99, I bought it clearance $101.11 off for $198.88. Pretty sweet eh.
Seanna spake at
9:12 PM
Friday, August 04, 2006
It seems that once again, my former hometown, Kipling has made it national. Having been on the national news, etc., I'm sure most have heard about the Pete Whitmore kidnapping the two boys saga, and eventually being found in a farmhouse near Kipling. (Actually closer to Langbank, but that's just a bit too obscure.)
To make long, short, on my thoughts on the case, when more details came out, if was rather unnerving to realize that the abandoned farmyard was under 4 miles away from our fomer, now abandoned farmyard. It was even more unnerving to think, he might have just as easily chosen our farmyard to hide out in. It's more hidden. Not very pleasant to think about.
However, I feel it is disgustingly sensational of the news media to be plastering pictures of
the inside of the abandoned farmhouse all over. The country doesn't really need to see that. It's not a public place. It is private property, crime scene or otherwise. My blood would be over the boiling point if it were my former home being broadcasted like that. It's really very revolting.
Seanna spake at
10:56 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
When I was a cute, frizzy-haired little kid (and though I may still be frizzy-haired on occasion, I'm not cute, and no longer a little kid. So we can tell by this that I'm talking quite afew years back), it always confused me when we'd go to someone's house and I'd go to the kitchen garbage under the sink to throw out some sort of garbage, and it was on the opposite side that I was accustomed to. At our house, it was on the left side. Always. This is because we are all right-handed. And right-handed people pick up garbage with their right hand, open the cupboard door to the garbage with their left, and then throw the refuse in with the right. So it can be deducted that lefties put their garbage on the right side underneath the sink. For they would pick up the fuzz with their left hand, open it with the right, and then deposit the left's contents in with the left, obviously. Well, this is probably true, 98% of the time, 19 times out of 20. But there are always exceptions. But at that age, I didn't know this.
Anyway, what reminded me of this was, we had this leak from a water filter under the sink. And so someone was messing around under there. And I went to throw out some junk. And I opened the left cupboard and there was no garbage bucket! And I knew, that we don't have lefties around here (in hand usage or politically, btw.) so what was going on. So I opened the right cupboard and noticed, there was no garbage bucket there either. In fact, we must not use either our right or left hands currently, for there was no garbage bucket under there. It was, for aforementioned reason of leaky sink, moved elsewhere.
But yeah, that's my nonsensical thoughts on garbages under kitchen sinks. Besides the fact that they stink and often overflow. But I think I'll go to bed early now...
Seanna spake at
10:19 PM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Content, if you can call it that.
Full photo coverage of the spider burning on the
flickr Mom playing the piano in the background adds a nice effect to an otherwise morbid-to-the-PETAs scene.
Seanna spake at
12:15 AM