Friday, September 29, 2006
My coworkers are gay. I'm sure of it. Maybe not really, but that word does get thrown around there alot, and I use it here because how else do you refer to all your crazy coworkers all in close succession trying to convince you that, did you know? You look beautiful tonight? Please, spare me the details. I do not. And if I do, I'll go disfigure myself.
Another incident of note: I got called by the number 2 yesterday asking if I could train a new girl that night because the number 3 got sick, and I'm number 4. I hadn't trained from scratch before, but I figure I can do a good job of it, so I say sure. I go to work and am greeted by the number 1 who informs me, she would rather they had asked someone else. She doesn't think I'm qualified. So she gives me the checksheet and says have at her. The girl I'm training is barely 15, and has her pants half down, but she listened and was doing quite well. So much so at the end of the night, number 1 asks me if I want to train another one next week. Well sure, if you think I'm qualified by now.
And you know, this is stupid, but I think I've been getting a whole lot more respect around there the last couple weeks since I'm doing well at keeping the girls in line, and especially since I managed to do a good job even on the night when all my computers and the printer went whack. I get random comments like, "I'm glad your here," and "You do good", and retarded stuff like that. But I guess, even if it is sappy, it feels nice once in a while.
So good night. It's "my weekend", so I should get some sleep so I'm not sleep-walking at work tomorrow.
Seanna spake at
11:44 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Longing for the days,
I could lift my hands in praise,
Sleep away the emptiness,
Sit and stare aloft.
Wishing for the days,
I could smile in the pain,
Laugh away and smile,
Carry on.
Maybe there'll be a day,
When I'll,
Do it all again.
I don't know.
But I'll hope and try.
Yeah, I went for a long walk. A really long walk. With my iriver. As far as I could go. Singing out loud, if you can believe it. I wasn't worried about anyone hearing me. Who else would be stupid enough to walk in the dark, in the rain?
Seanna spake at
11:59 PM

I was awoken by my sis calling Sunday afternoon. So I ended up at NBI for tomato soup supper. And then a hike, DQ, and listening to girls talk about missing their boyfriends... Hikes at NBI are awesome. I can't believe how spectacular it is. The scenery. It's just amazing. It really does make me miss going for hikes on the farm.
On a side note, this is my 300th post, and 3 years since I started this blog. Don't go back and read the beginning. I cringe. Yeah, that's where I came from. And thank goodness I'm not anymore. I've since grown, changed and matured a bit, I hope. But then, I guess we're all like that.
Seanna spake at
12:00 AM
Saturday, September 23, 2006
More in the guess what I'm driving right now series.

Also known as a courtesy car while the buggy is getting fixed from, remember
this incident? I'd rather not... But we finally decided to get it fixed. It's not that bad, but I'm certainly not used to being so small, insignificant and run of the millish.
Seanna spake at
12:27 AM
Friday, September 22, 2006
You know, it's been a long, long time since I took time to scribble anything resembling something in poetic form. But I was talking to someone tonight, who will remain nameless. She reminds me of me at that age. And it's hard to see. I'm not much more than a couple years through it myself. Be this lousy, I mean it.
I can't decide for you,
I can't make it better.
I can't make you choose right,
But I can and will be there.
I can take your hand at night,
And help you make it through.
Don't forget you're God's child.
You're precious in His sight.
Don't give up, keep going.
It will end up alright.
Seanna spake at
12:39 AM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Why do I speak of work and learning? I suppose it's because what I do most of, and that's what man was created to do. Learn and work. Sometimes even intertwined.
And then there's the pleasure aspect we do take part in once in a while, when not preoccupied with the former two. Though I do find pleasure in learning and working, to a certain extent.
And the point of all that was, an excuse for me to do another lousy post about work. I know you're on the edge of your seats.
I just got home from cashing up. In most people's terms, it would be the lousiest one I've ever attempted. First thing, we got this fancy pants new printer that no one knows how it's networked, and at 5:47, I bombed it. They blame it on me anyways. Laurie tries fixing it. Can't. She assures me the manager will fix it before he leaves. He tries to fix it. Can't. He calls the 1-800 number. They don't know. They'll send it to the next level up and call us back. He tells me this and leaves. So I'm waiting around for this important call not knowing how I could possibly fix it. I don't know how the network works around there. And I finally realize around 8 o clock, they're not calling me back. So I start writing all my reports possible out by hand.
I don't finish up my preliminary counting I usually have done by 9:30, until after 10. But it'll be ok. I'm being calm. Going slow. It'll be ok.
Then FIPAY doesn't balance, as I suspected it wouldn't, because we'd been having problems with our debits and credit cards all day. I'm out by 11,000 and some bucks. I don't know which thing to go by. Which is right? Laurie gives me her best advice: call GLOBAL. So I call the 1-800 number to get my ticket number for Laurie to call in the morning, and get stuck on hold for 20 minutes... I hang up. Me and Kerri need to get home.
But you know. It was ok. I wasn't upset. I did my best. I was even laughing the whole way through. I had been getting bored with counting money. Everything always worked out perfect. Where was the excitement?
Everything that happened was out of my control, and I did the best I could. It was a working-learning experience. Not a pleasantly pleasurable one, mind you. Even when I was exhausted from the darn
AS, God gave me the presence of mind to keep going. I don't think I could have done things any differently or better. So I'm going to go to bed, and we'll see what happens at work in the morning.
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:
Isaiah 26:3-4 KJV
Seanna spake at
11:59 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I spent the weekend in Calgary. I hung out with a girl from Quebec. I met some other crazy people. A reservation error was in our favour, and we got to stay in a sweet suite. It rained. And it snowed. And we lost a tire on the way back. There's a whack of pics on the flickr. ->
I'm struggling getting back into it. The main reason being, the back. It's hard to concentrate let alone do a good job of anything when your brain is instead sending one hundred pain impulses a minute. I quit going to physio because my therapist moved a month ago, and I'm determined not to be dependant on one.
So anyway, this means the classes are going very very slowly. And work is well, barely going. Take last night for example. I'm dead tired and can hardly walk, and I'm trying to count, when our annoying assistant manager comes in to turn off my tunes and plug in his noisy, metallic and flushable tunes, if you can call them that, really, really obscenely loud. He and a grocery guy come back in later, after banging on the door and yelling on the intercom, trying to "scare me" (Sorry. My mother says I was born without my share of fear.) to chit chat and make sure it's not too loud. I have to be able to think after all. For sure, if I wanted to chit chat, you wouldn't be who I'd call. Come to think of it, if I can still do a fine job with all that going on, I probably could chit chat with someone too. I might have to try that sometime...
As you know, I like random pictures. Here's today's picks.


A random nail job.
Seanna spake at
4:48 PM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
It's one of those days where you have feelings, but for the life of you, it's impossible to express them. The closest you can come is, you're close to being in a bad pissed-off-at-everything mood, but yet you're still in a semi-okey mood. Nothing in particular caused it, that you can think of. But it's all those darn little things that pile themselves up and drive you nuts until you're positive you're mental. It's the headache, the jaw-ache, the slow-internet, that nasty wallpaper you'd like to replace, the trauma of growing too fast leg hair and the fact that you ran out of chocolate. Yes, I am nearly mental. My iriver and I need some fresh air and exercise...
Seanna spake at
3:57 PM