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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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Saturday, November 25, 2006
There's something enjoyable about crocheting on a cold winter day. Pondering all the little chains and stitches you're mindlessly doing, or not, among other gibbled thoughts about life, love, disappoinments, dreams and destinys. And then you think to heck with thinking about it, because it's just that. And you concentrate on your little chains and stitches. Not because you have to, but you'd rather, rather than something else.

Anyway, this is a rather rediculous thing to say about work, but I'm having an awesome time. It's going swell. Classes are going somewhat better than before. I'm excited that my back might get a chance to improve, since my mother finally managed to get me a physio appointment for next week, the first, since Aug 10th, though I don't know who my new therapist'll be yet; hope the person is good. I also haven't drunk any pop this week. Wow. And I polished up my personal sink, mirror and throne today. And that makes that all the more fun. And somehow, somehow, my younger sis beat me at arm wrestling. There goes my title.

Seanna spake at 10:02 PM

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I just thought I'd point out that once again, essy is right, because essy is always right.

I predicted it would go back to finger lickin' good, and it is.

Now back to my cheezies, gummie worms, Corner Gas episodes, oh, and my assignment...

Seanna spake at 9:52 PM

Saturday, November 11, 2006

So, Nov 11th falls on a Saturday. So, all the gov't offices, and any other place that thinks highly of themselves, realize that, they would normally get this day off anyway. And so, to honour the veterans, they must take an extra day off to make up for the day that they won't be working because it's Nov 11th on a Saturday, that they wouldn't be working anyway. Heck, why not make it an extra 2 days? Maybe even three while we're at it? Take a vacation too, since we have time to this year. It's so convenient how it works out.

Westfair, in another way, thinks even more highly of itself. All the places that think highly of themselves, won't be open. Thus, if we stay open, everyone will have to buy their party junk food from us, which means we'll make the money that the high places won't. What an idea! Of course, since we have to pay our employees extra, it's the law from the high places, we won't schedule as many people, even though, as one of the few places open, we will have the crowds.

And, it would be too much of a hassel to shut down for even 60 seconds of silence, besides which, we might get complaints because an ornery bull-headed idiot might be in a hurry with their party food. So we won't do that either.

Commercialism indeed.

And, I can't even wear a poppy to work tomorrow because I wore it today, and it fell off and got packed in with my fourth customer's groceries, I'm pretty sure.

Seanna spake at 1:24 AM

Friday, November 10, 2006

Drown your sorrows in Dr. Pepper.

Oblivion takes its toll: I went shopping after my lousy test today, not knowing what else to do, and bought a black sequinized spaghetti strap top.

This is insanity incarnate;
I don't like sequins. I don't like spaghetti tops. The only thing in it's favour is that it's black.

And I like black.

Maybe I'll go get a Dr. Pepper from 7-11, as I often do.

Seanna spake at 12:18 AM

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

For elly:


Bah I don't have time to be interesting.

Seanna spake at 3:59 PM

Monday, November 06, 2006

So this is my first post from my cell. Possible and weird but not necessarily speedy. It kills time more than anything. Anyhow, I'm currently pretty pumped. So much so I'm going to bed early to celebrate. Why? My back is currently feeling better than it has since May. Woop. I attribute this to helping with stock at work. I can toss dog food and kitty litter around like the best of them: decrepit or not, and it seems to be good for me. Woop again. Sorry about all this crazy enthusiasm. Anyway, this style of typing is getting old. Night all.

Seanna spake at 11:08 PM

Thursday, November 02, 2006

We are so beautiful when we sleep
Hearts of gold and eyes so deep, deep, deep
But love won't cure the chaos
And hope won't hide the loss
And peace is not the heroine that shouts above the cause
And love is wild for reasons
And hope though short in sight
Might be the only thing that wakes you by surprise
Surprise, surprise

Dream little one
See the world just begun

Love is wild for reasons
And hope feels short in sight
Might be the only thing that wakes you by surprise
For a moment I thought I saw your eyelids rise

Surprise, surprise, surprise...

-"Surprise", Jars of Clay

Seanna spake at 12:38 AM