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Name: essy
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Occupation: Student/ God lover/ people lover

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
It just seems to me, my world albeit my life is spinning. Downwards. Crazy hallucinations, crazy ideas, crazy desires. Wrong ideas, wrong priorities, wrong pretty much anything you can fancy. Its taken me this long to actually acknowledge it. I don't like it. Yet I seem helpless to curb it. I want to. I really do. I know somehow, I should. And I remind myself, quit shutting God out, you fool.

And for some reason I don't think I know yet, I keep coming back to this passage.
5>Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
6>Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
7>Two things have I required of thee; deny me them not before I die:
8>Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:
9>Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain. >Proverbs30:5-9<

Seanna spake at 10:46 PM

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Because I don't feel like typing backwards to do this, alas, I shall even do a whole (almost) separate post.

1. Tell you why I friended you: Because you were a Canuck on the RI with a crazy sn like marshwigglecor, and you're pretty crazy.
2. Associate you with a song/movie: Classic Newsboys because, as I recall, that's what elly and I were listening to when we picked you up.
3. Tell a random fact about you: You're tougher than me.
4. Tell a first memory about you: Not recognizing you at the bus stop? Probably because I had no clue what you looked like anyways, and that makes things more interesting.
5. Associate you with an animal or fruit. A Sasquach. Because, I dunno... they sound like they would live in the mountains.
6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you: Do you pick your nose?

1. Tell you why I friended you: You were some non-ditzy chick on the RI.
2. Associate you with a song/movie: Sound of Music, because like, I'll bet everyone on planet earth has seen it.
3. Tell a random fact about you: You can sew. (Right?)
4. Tell a first memory about you: Your avvie.
5. Associate you with an animal or fruit: Grapes, because they're purple.
6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you: Do you like Icebreaker gum?

1. Tell you why I friended you: You also were a crazy Canuck on the RI and we must stick together!
2. Associate you with a song/movie: The Houseplant Song.
3. Tell a random fact about you: You're very independent.
4. Tell a first memory about you: Heh, before I even remember talking to you, I remember when Rachel was here and she showed us a pic and was like "this is Kris, and this is Cor." Thus was the introduction, I think.
5. Associate you with an animal or fruit: Oranges. Because your super duper Ho, What? shirt is orange.
6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you: How many times have you gone skinny dipping?

1. Tell you why I friended you: You seemed to have some of the same characteristics
as myself; sarcastic, non-ditzyish, all that good stuff.
2. Associate you with a song/movie: If you like to talk to tomatoes, if a squash can make you smile...
3. Tell a random fact about you: I think your name is Abby. And I never got the mafia part.
4. Tell a first memory about you: Er, I dunno... I think you showed up during one of my absences on the RI...
5. Associate you with an animal or fruit: Panther. I think panthers are cool because they're dark and mysterious.
6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you: Ok, what is the mafia part about?

- - - - -

elly will remember coworker C.'s stories at work about "Kevin", the "guy that had this major crush on elly, and he used to stare at her", etc, etc... I saw Kevin tonight with his girlfriend, and I remembered that and almost started giggling.

Today we were again [literally] full of the giggles at work. There's a new grocery guy. He's like, 20 or something. Quite the character, and so friendly, that once again, coworker C. is convinced that he only wanted a job there to get a girlfriend. She is also convinced of this with another coworker who, in fact has a steady girlfriend and who really is just a great, friendly guy. But then, she is convinced most guys are just out to get a girlfriend and delights in teasing me about acquaintances. But from past experience, I'd say she's right 50% of the time. She reminded me of past coworker O. Who could forget creepy past coworker O.? He asked out a friend of mine atleast 4 times and after she said no each time, he finally moved on.... to yours truly. I remedied the problem by being really nerdy. "Wow, yesterday's disection in Bio class was so great..." Eventually, he buzzed off.

But I digress. The new guy will be a great source of amusement for coworker C. Already, he insisted on carrying some boxes for coworker C. because "ladies shouldn't have to carry such weight," and thanked us for helping out with stock. But, he'll soon find out, some of us ladies around there are not pushovers whatsoever.

Anyway, on Tuesday I went snowboarding again. My friend Candice, who was going to come with me, got sick the night before and thus couldn't come, and the other girls I knew in the group were all skiing. So I started off the day skiing, but after lunch, I said to heck with it. I came to snowboard. It'll cost me more, but I'll regret it if I don't. So I paid for my private lesson and they gave me a break and said I didn't have to pay extra for the board rental, and it was great. The teacher I got showed me quite a bit and that helped alot. Which was the point. Not, "oh boy, I'm going on the hill with some hot snowboarding dude", as some chicks do. No siree, not ess. And, I only landed on my neck once. And then we took ell and Jen back to school, which I guess I never mentioned, they were here for reading break, which was cool. And now, I'm going to vamoose. The sun has gone to bed and so must I. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye!

Seanna spake at 10:44 PM

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I've always been the fearless one. Fear? What's that? But I see that fading when life moves on. On without me. I'm almost afraid of failing, for there's no way out. No matter which way you go, I'll disappoint someone probably even myself. And heck, I don't even know what way I want to go anymore. I know I have somewhat of a brain. Maybe not a full, fully functioning one, but atleast a partial one. But I don't even know how I can or how I should use it. Why do I let myself get talked into doing things, to keep the peace, only to hate it and fight against being mad that I gave in? I want out. I want to give up. But I can't... I know I never will... I may or may not always be fearless but I will probably always be a fighter...

Seanna spake at 11:52 PM


Salutations for the non-interesting "holiday?" of Valentines Day. It held no surprises here as I didn't get any Valentines or flowers, and didn't expect any or want any, come to think of it. Well, the flowers I would have taken... but alas. While true that for the single, it's a thank God I'm single-rather-than-with-a-loser day, it's also been one where I've been reminded too much of what a silly decrepit dinglehead I can be and how hopeless I can be.

I guess my only [very pleasant] surprises, were I found out at work that our supposed to be new assistant manager never showed up for work the first 2 days and so, is history (woop, woop!), and somehow, we didn't get a shipment of flowers. I liked this because then I didn't have to wrap them, but I suppose there are some unhappy ladies in town tonight who didn't get any flowers. And that is sad. And anything else I was going to say, I can't remember.

And, I decided to spread the illness from my ol' buddies' blog. Partake.

Comment on this entry and I will:
1. Tell you why I friended you
2. Associate you with a song/movie
3. Tell a random fact about you
4. Tell a first memory about you
5. Associate you with an animal or fruit.
6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you
7. In response, you MUST spread this disease in your blog.

Seanna spake at 12:28 AM

Thursday, February 08, 2007

DSCF6359 2
Alas, time goes on. I spent last weekend at school with elly, watching soccer, and this weekend, I'm working as well as pet-sitting the [1] dog, [2] cats, and [9] sickly fish while the fam is away. As a bunch of my coworkers are either sick or on holidays, I'm putting in full-time this week which is fine, but I still need another PT job.

Oddly enough I'm enjoying these last couple of days actually working with the assistant manager. Today we met the new one, who'll be starting on Wednesday. We are less than impressed. His wife is rude and does everything for him because he can hardly walk. So the coworkers and I are going, "uh, how do you expect to keep up in a fast-paced environment like this when you can't walk and your wife does everything?" Just a gut feeling: he'll boss everyone around really bad. Two of my coworkers, on first meeting, are already talking of quitting. Oh boy...

Anyway, I've watched enough movies now (you don't want to know what selection I've come up with, heh.) so back to studying...

Seanna spake at 9:24 PM