Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Me and the truck are going to MB! Pardon the bad grammar, but I don't really care right now. Gone 'til April 1st. No fool's joke, btw...
Seanna spake at
5:21 PM
Friday, March 23, 2007
Got my package from HL Technology in BC today. It's pretty spiffy. I got my DVD drive/CD burner, 25 ft. network cable, 1 GB USB thumb drive and my super duper Altec Lansing speakers today. And that makes my little PC corner just that much better. All for under 100 bucks. Pays
not to buy local.
And I'm still debating; to go to Manitoba, or not to go to Manitoba, that is the question, except I didn't use a question mark, so it sort of isn't a question. I'm only sort of wanting to go to the retreat, but some of the other stuff I wanted to do out there (checking out the U of M and such) may not work out. But if I go, I want to take my own wheels so I can do some other stuff, and also sitting in a van for 16 hours with 50/50 people I get along with, people I kind of get along with, doesn't sound too appealing for an oh so un-social butterfly like me: I like my space. I've got all 5 days booked off work, but alas, we'll see what I end up doing.
Seanna spake at
10:22 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I have a bet on at work you see. Well, in a way. While we've always gotten along great, Sam is now driving me (as well as the other cash office girls) nuts with his escapades when he's "supposed to be", "in charge." They've ranged from running off to KFC without telling anyone, running home to grab his CD wallet 10 minutes before we close, blabbing on his cell when he's supposed to be working, bugging me for the whole hour and a half when I'm counting, and blasting my head off with his heavy metal. I unhook his tunes, turn mine on... he unhooks mine, turns his back on. Etc, etc. I have been patient, since he is... oh, a year or two younger than me and you know, just your average immature kid, but enough is enough.

You see, he thinks that whoever wins at arm wrestling should have control of the stereo. I'm almost ready to agree. I tell him, "you do know that I've beat people almost twice my weight, do pushups all the time, lift weights and drink protein drinks, eh?" His jaw drops. Oh, really. He says, "well then you have a good chance since I only weigh 120lb." I'm not so sure about that because I know he is strong. Mind you, when I'm out helping the guys, if they lift one 20kg bag of kitty litter, I lift 2. If they do two 16kg bags of dog food, I do 3. I do all of it just like the best of them. But I don't really care to, or think I should have to have a showdown of brute strength just for the heck of it. Like what the hey...
Me and the sis in the back of dad's work truck, on the way to P.A. FYI, the back window says "AUTOBOOM" across it. What fun...
Seanna spake at
4:36 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
And another weekend of work bites the dust. I know you'll find this boring, and I wouldn't mention it, but a certain equation blew me away. I never miss a night figuring out the "Cashier Productivity Report" for Laurie for the next day.
Cashier Productivity = A (Front End Items Sold) divided by C (Front End Cashier Hours). I.e. number of items sold per cashier-hour. Kind of no-duh, if you think about it. But apparently the numbers don't mean anything to some people. Average is probably high 300's, and on a busy day, up to the high 400's. I've never seen it above 500. Saturday was a zoo, and worked out to be 489, as I recall. Tonight, I figured it out once. Blinked, and did it again. 697.84. No lie.
Cashier K.1 called in sick (too hung over from the night before) and absolutely no one would fill in, except Cashier K.2 agreed to stay an hour later (A girl alot complain about, but I wasn't complaining today. She was more like an angel.). So I knew we'd be one person short all afternoon. On top of this, the manager decided he was going to go home early today. He was going to leave at 2 p.m., and Sam would come in at 1:30 p.m. and then lock up after me. This is all fine and good, but Sam is not a full-fledged key-holder yet. I won't bore you with the particulars, but most things, he can't do yet. Up until 5 minutes before the manager left, he didn't know how to run the alarms.
Once again I felt a bit hung out to dry. Here I was, with a madhouse full of impatient customers, too few cashiers and the guy "running the place" was't really trying and most concerned with taking too long of coffee breaks. The oldest employee in the place was a month older than me, and the most responsible, yours truly. After no time for any breaks all weekend except 1/2 hour lunch breaks, I felt like jumping ship. I realized, I was the only one left who actually took their job seriously. I stood for a brief minute in the photolab with Fraser, us, unbelieving. What the hey? I felt horrible leaving so much work undone, knowing I'll probably be bad-mouthed for it. But what can one do?
But that's what you put up with when you agree to be in charge in a place like that. Enough said... I'm going to bed...
Seanna spake at
10:44 PM
An interesting song I downloaded... it's actually pretty good.
Seanna spake at
10:06 PM
Thursday, March 08, 2007
I am made in
His image. I am not stupide, I just need to try harder. And that I am.
Oh, and my kind sister elly finally sent me these pics. Woop. :D

Me in my Tim's shirt just after snowboarding.

Jen and I in our competition shirts we got at Value Village.
Sorry elly, I'm busy busy. (Though maybe not enough to warrant a third busy) Nothing dang exciting right now...
Seanna spake at
4:51 PM
Sunday, March 04, 2007
I call it the "Humbolt Don't Pay a Cent Event", rather than the "Leon's Don't Pay a Cent Event", which I have, by the way, never bothered to go to.
Pete and Dad and I hopped into Dad's honking big work truck early Saturday morning to go to a computer sale in Humbolt. Everything they were selling for 40 bucks as "working" was crap that I couldn't be bothered to pay for. But on the pallets of free stuff we found some decent things, each missing parts. But when you put them together, voila. So I got myself a 15 inch flat-screen CRT with very nice, crisp colour (I didn't really want a 17 inch though they had them, since I'm short on room.), and a PC: Pentium3, 933Mhz (to be upgraded to 1Ghz), 256 of RAM (to be upgraded possibly to 512) and a 13 gig hard drive (possibly upgraded by another 9 gigs.) Not spectacularily spiffy, but just fine for now.
The only money I spent: $1.00 at A&W on a "Teen Burger" guy antenna ball. Whee...
(No internet in my room as of yet. Don't know if I will...)
Seanna spake at
11:34 PM
Thursday, March 01, 2007

I'm an aunt 29 times over.

Just a couple hours old. It creeps me out to think that there were that many crammed into that mama fish. Yeesh.
Seanna spake at
11:30 PM