Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Facebook and real life have taken over. I guess that's why I hardly update this. No, I'm not a seriously hopeless facebook addict. But that may depend on your definition of hopeless and serious. I digress.
Plans are underway for fall. But I'm not going to comment on them for now, until it's a bit more etched in stone.
Starting next week hours are changing at job 1. Instead of being open 9-9 Mon-Fri, 8-6, Sat and 10-6 Sun, we will now be open 8-10 Mon-Fri, 8-10 Sat, and 10-6 Sunday. I'm not overly impressed because this means I'll be working til 11:30 instead of 10:30 most nights, and until midnight on Saturday instead of 8. And when you have to be at work at 7 a.m. at job 2, it makes a difference. I would be having a count-down to my next day off, except I don't know when it'll be yet. I think this stretch 'll be 22 days straight, bah.
It's hot and muggy, I got bright pink legs from spending a rare afternoon (half-day shift, yay!) in the sun, I'm addicted to excel Winterfresh gum, and that's about all that's new and possibly even half newsworthy. Adieu.
Seanna spake at
6:03 PM
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Once a year I'm supposed to have an appointment with my rheumatologist. To check up on whether or not my arthritis is progressing naturally or not. Really, I don't know how else to put it I suppose. Frankly, how is the doctor supposed to remember what I was like last year? At last year's appointment, she was sure I was doing a lot better than the year before. Maybe that's because it was a nice warm, sunny day, not a cold, rainy one like the year before? If you multiply 209 days (a maximum number of days I would suppose they'd work) times 16 patients a day (1/2 hr appointments on average, for I'm being generous), that's 3344 patients a year. I admit, that's probably high.. let's suppose 60% of the people have more than one appointment a year... that leaves 1338 that are only once a year. Maybe I was memorable. I know, I'm just so charming, I stand out in the crowd, for sure. Whatever, I digress. That's not the point. Not at all.
So that you don't have to get a referral every year, as you leave, they make a new appointment for you for a year minus a day or 2 away. Then that's it. No appointment card for you to put on your calendar (if you are indeed organized enough to already have a calendar for the next year, and remember to put it on it), no letter or phone call a few days in advance to remind you that you're yearly arthritis checkup is almost upon you, and that you'll be once again doomed to sit in the boring cubicle wearing a thin cotton robe that doesn't do up properly at the back, making you feel nude, (but I guess that would be a logical feeling seeing that you are, in fact, almost nude) waiting and waiting for the few precious moments when the doctor will come in to inspect the specimen...
Last year, as I recall, my physiotherapist for some reason, had been flipping through my folder and saw that, hey, don't you have an appointment in a couple of weeks? And I think I had to drop a shift at work to get there. However, I believe my old folder at physio got garbaged when that therapist left... and in the busyness of working and working, and working some more, and maybe even sleeping, some things, like an appointment scheduled a year ago, doesn't exactly pop into your head. I would appreciate a phone call or such, even if it were the day before, as a reminder.
Some of this is still not my point. I can take all that crap. I don't diss all doctor's offices. I've been to some pretty good ones, though I've often thought about becoming a doctor, and changing the things that as a patient I've often, I repeat, often (for I've never had much luck with being super healthy) experienced, for the better in my clinic. But I guess I just don't really feel led that way after all.
What gets me is the fact that, after apparently missing my yearly appointment on Tuesday, I promptly get a letter today, no, pardon me, an invoice, billing me for $50 bucks for not showing up. Apparently that's their policy. No shows get dinged fifty dollars, for what? Forgetting one day in a year scheduled a year ago? If the place it too cheap to spend 50 cents and mail me a reminder , I'm certainly too cheap to hand over 100 times that much. I don't have any intention of paying it, to be sure.
Seanna spake at
12:02 AM